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Effective Communitions


Submitted By fostermom1
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There are many potential challenges involved in the creation of a virtual team established to complete a project in which all members are not located in a central location, but are spread across different time zones. Following are specific issues identified which could be problematic in establishing effective communications among the team members of a virtual project: 1. Time Zones (coordination of members and resources and associated issues) 2. Communication (means, styles, uses and associated issues) 3. Personal Team Building and Interaction 4. Managing a geographically dispersed team 5. Distribution of tasks and responsibilities
The first challenge is Time Zones. When different departments are located in decentralized areas, two time zones away from the central location, potential problems encountered may include: A. Difficulties in establishing working / personal relationships / trust B. Easier for items / tasks to “fall through the cracks” due to overlapping of time zones C. Lack of face to face, personal interaction in the locality D. Difficulties in scheduling meeting times where everyone is available
Solutions for managing differences in time zones in an efficient and effective manner.
First, establish the actual times for each member’s time zone and attempt to coordinate team member schedules to maximize team member input and interaction. Establish a rotation of meeting times to be spread equally among team members. Determine the specific time differences and establish meeting schedules accordingly. Ensure that the same team members are not always waking up early or staying late for meetings due to the difference in time zones.
Consider other means of conducting meetings or sharing information, such as You Tube, Skype or other technologies used for face to face interactions. Short videos may be created, using these technologies to create meetings, discuss topics and pose questions at the convenience of the persons in the other time zones, which can be viewed at a convenient time for other team members and addressed accordingly by one of the established means of communications.
Working in this manner could be beneficial in some instances because there potentially could be a continuation of work when one time zone ends and the other begins, therefore creating a potential continuation of work between the members. Successful orchestration of this handoff between members in different time zones can allow team members to work traditional or non-traditional work hours of their time zone. In fact, a non-traditional work schedule could be common on a virtual team. When working in this manner, it is important that at the end of the day in each time zone, that any questions, issues or problems be addressed in order to avoid lost productivity and unnecessary delays due to unanswered questions or information needed to move forward. There could be a team member from each time zone assigned to double check that there are no issues or questions left unresolved or unanswered due to time zone differences on a daily basis.
The second challenge is Communication. It is a key issue that must be addressed and agreed upon in order to have a successful project. This is a broad issue which encompasses several areas which tie into communication issues. There are many elements of communication for a project of this nature. Potential problems encountered include: A. Harder to establish clear lines of communication B. Conflicting communication styles C. Addressing sensitive issues, performance issues, conflicts D. Expectations may be unclear or not met E. Time wasting communications, ie. Long, rambling emails which don’t identify what is needed or what the problem is, etc. F. Emailing instead of phone / conference calls where something could be quickly addressed
Solutions for managing communication between team members, styles and means of communication are varied. Means of communication must be established. Examples include Email, conference calls, video chats, chat programs such as Skype or Google Chat, video presentations using You Tube or Jing, which is a screen capture tool. There are many options using technologies to create face to face interactions to make up for the lack of an actual physical presence that involves all members of the team.
Decide what types of communication should be used for particular instances. For example, email could be used for quick interactions. Chat programs could be used for instant messaging for important messages that need to be communicated quickly where back and forth dialogue can occur. These programs can also be used to assist in creating a team chat environment. Telephone calls or conference calls can be used to communicate sensitive issues such as performance issues or team member conflicts, for example. Video chats can be used in order to get visual cues and an immediate reaction to the issues being discussed. They also allow for dialogue between team members. I believe this is likely the most effective manner in which the team should communicate. However, this does not mean that the other modes of communication are not effective tools as well.
Consider establishing a communication charter. Communication is a very important aspect which contributes to the success of the project. Personal interactions provide more contextual cues and information on emotional states of the team members, which may or may not play a part in the completion of tasks. However, the lack of a common physical space can be overcome by utilizing some of the previously mentioned methods and means of communication.
It must also be decided and established norms of behavior when participating in virtual meetings, chats or any other means of communication that have been adapted. For example, limiting background notice and sidebars, talking clearly and at a reasonable pace, listening without interrupting, not dominating the conversation, not becoming defensive and so on. Make sure that emails are specific and get to the point instead of being long and rambling, or with an unclear message or request. Allow for conflicting communication styles and deal with any resulting issues quickly and fairly. However, there must be an understanding by all members of what the communication protocols are and everyone must be willing to adhere to them.
The third challenge is Personal Team Building and Interaction. This challenge is due to a previously identified factor of team members not being centrally located and personal interaction is at a minimum. Potential problems encountered include: A. More difficult to build camaraderie, sense of commitment B. Harder to come together as a team for the common shared goal C. Difficult to get to know and learn characteristics of team members, strengths and weaknesses D. May tend to work or feel as if they are working as a separate entity and not part of a team with a larger goal E. More difficult to establish boundaries and guidelines
Solutions for managing Personal Team Building and Interaction could focus on establishing working relationships, trust and commitment, which is sometimes difficult even when the parties are all in the same location. Various ways to deal with this challenge would first be to get the team together face to face early on in the process if possible. This is important in terms of building trust between all parties. However, this may not be possible. If it is not possible, explore other options of communication such as Skype, Google Chat, Video Chat, Webcams or other technological means of face to face contact. This will be the time when team members get a chance to know each other better, place a name with a face as well as to create a shared vision and set of guiding principles for how the team will work together. The group should connect for with each other for regular updates, preferably on a weekly basis in the beginning.
Attempt to build a team that flows together. When some or all members are working separately, it is easy for them to feel disconnected from the group and may lose focus on the goal at hand as a part of the larger picture. Examples of how to deal with these types of issues include being disciplined in adhering to various mechanisms such as having regularly scheduled meetings, establishing and sharing meeting agendas in advance. Each team member should prepare an agenda pertaining to their specific assigned area of the project. There must also be clear agreements on communication protocols and adhering to start and finish times, if so established.
The fourth challenge is Managing a Geographically Dispersed Team / Distribution of Responsibilities. This challenge is very similar to issues addressed with time zone differences. Actually, several of the challenges overlap each other so multiple issues can be addressed under more than one section. The effective distribution of work across team members can be a difficult task. That is why communication is such an invaluable and important factor in the development of a virtual team. Potential problems encountered include: A. Building trust between team members B. Clear expectations not communicated or understood C. Lack of regular communication pertaining to the status of each aspect of the project D. Create quality standards and the guidelines to follow to make sure standards are met and maintained E. Lack of follow up, accountability F. No set boundaries G. Positive vs. Negative feedback
Solutions for managing challenges for this area must begin with effective communication between all parties. It is easy for members to feel out of the loop when there are members dispersed in different areas. Make sure that everyone is made aware of important issues, problems, requests and so on, so there is no misunderstanding which could have a negative effect on the outcome of the project. Be aware of the feelings of the members and do not neglect the input of individuals that may or may not be in agreement with the team. Accept constructive criticism when offered, if it is communicated in a positive vs. a negative manner. Do not exclude members when they should be a part of a task or process. Give frequent and fair feedback to everyone, and choose members whose skills most match the tasks that are needed to be completed. Boundaries must be set for all members and everyone must be aware and comply with the boundaries, rules and guidelines that have been established.
In order to assist with morale building and team building, it is important to stay in contact with all members of the team and allow an opportunity for members to address any conflicts or issues within the team. These communications should not be initially communicated to the team as a whole, but should be dealt with on an individual basis and managed accordingly. Try to reward everyone’s efforts. No one should be made to feel that their efforts or contributions are any less significant than anyone else’s. It is easy for remote members to feel like they are outsiders since they do not have that face to face personal interaction, so an effort must be made for everyone to feel inclusive.
Another solution would be to build a website pertaining to the project. This could be an invaluable tool in having another means of communication between team members. Information can be shared, feedback given, requests can be made, progress can be measured and numerous other communication tools can be established with this mode of communication. Webcams can be used with this feature and is a way for the team to feel more connected to each other. This can also be a site where there can be a personal touch, as a way to further bring the team together as a cohesive unit.

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