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Effective Leadership In Health Care

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“Good leaders are known for standing by their principles” Kouzes and Posner (2012). For three decades, these two researchers have traveled around the world to discover the “truths” about leadership and have written about the development of skills needed to become authentic and effective leaders (Kouzes and Posner (2011). The first truth is individuals can make a difference which is in contrast the accepted belief where change is the purview of higher levels of the organization. The five practices to becoming an exemplary leader according to Kouzes and Posner (2011) include: “1. Model the way, 2. Inspire a shared vision, 3. Challenge the process, 4. Enable others to act, 5. Encourage the heart” (p.2). Furthermore, another truth is credibility …show more content…
Spinalli (2006) examined the effectiveness of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership models in the hospital environment. Winchester (describes a form of leadership in which there is motivation and enthusiasm from the leader that, in effect, transforms both the organization and the people within in (Homrig, 2001, Winchester 2013). Being a role model as well as a coach helps the team work towards the leader’s vision. The transformational leader focuses on motivation, coaching, inspiring and transforming instead of dictating, ordering or correcting (p.4). Breevaat, Bakker, Hetlans, Demerouti, Olsen and Espevik (2014) characterize the transformational leader as providing: “Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individual consideration, and intellectual stimulation” …show more content…
Working through the exercises in King and Altman’s (2012) book “Discovering the leader in you”, my core values centered around community, collaboration and creation of a shared vision. Winchester (2013) admits the definition of transformational leadership is hard to define in a phrase, it is often described in characteristics (p.4). To have a well-developed list of leadership characteristics, I asked friends about their observations of my leadership style. They describe me as: diligent, detail oriented person, and collaborative with a desire to work well with others. Furthermore, I collect data to adapt to the needs of the group and collaborate with the team. Moreover, I avoid direct orders but work to align the required tasks with individuals with time and inclination to assist. Myers-Briggs personality type provided insight into natural inclinations manifest in perceptions and judgments (16 personalities, n.d.). My Myers-Briggs personality preferences include: Introversion, intuition, feeling and judging according to an online test provided by 16 personalities (n.d.). My results aligned with the advocate personality type characterized by diplomacy and striving for constant

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