...is a useful motivation for university students to concentrate in class. However, sometimes thing happens by the opposite way. Difficulty concentrating is a normal and periodic occurrence for most students. Concentration problems, when present to an excessive degree, are also characteristic of certain physical and psychological conditions. Rare condition that affect the brain and some emotional problem as well as conflicts can also influence a student’s cognitive functions and thus impair concentration. The factors that influence the university students on low concentration in class are fatigue, cellphone, personal circumstances, and lack of motivation. BODY PARAGRAPH Firstly, the factor that affects students’ concentration is fatigue. Fatigue is a common, almost universal feature of modern life (Dawson, Noy, McKnight, & Nolan, 2013). Fatigue exists because of bad daily routines. As a student, it is typically to have busy lives and develop habits that make it difficult to stay energized. For example, bad eating habit can cause the students to feel sleepy during the class and it also may harm their health. The students should take healthy foods and do not skip their meals. This is important to keep them stay fit and energized. At the same time, some of the university students work part-time job to earn money. Having a part-time job may be exhausting for the students because they need to balance the time between study and work. Students will lose their concentration when they...
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...adept. However, some technological advances cause people to be distracted, overly stressed, and increasingly isolated. Many people are involved in an abundant number of relationships through technology, but sometimes the quantity of these associations leaves people feeling qualitatively empty. Obviously, technology has had a profound impact on what it means to be social. Today, the concept of an educated person includes an element of technological literacy. Technology offers broad tools that extend human capabilities. In contemporary society, the bond between human and technology goes to very extent level, and this is must be carefully examined in order for us to keep in perspective the scope of technological variation, the scope of its effects globally, the complexity and interdependence of advanced technological sub systems, and technology’s value and place in society. We can’t deny the fact...
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...been absent in her life since then and this badly affected her. The girl who, once, was cheerful became dull and pessimistic; but thanks to a change of fortune there’s finally light at the end now. The new initiative taken and implemented by the Government of Mahima’s country led to the increase of the internet speed. The upgrade of the telecommunication infrastructure also led to improved network. This has made many people like Mahima to easily video-call their friends and families living far away from them without any interruption. Mahima now video conferences with her best friend everyday. The girl whose academic performance deteriorated before has suddenly started doing better and her mood has improved too! She is now a happier person and thus technology and its improvement has made people like Mahima rejuvenate their lost contacts. Though technology has positive effects in our lives, it also has its negative side. Dilshad Fayeza Haque in her article, “Of Technologies and Lost Conversations” talks about how technology is negatively affecting our lives. She starts with the statement that technology has made us more distracted and careless. According to her, today, we do not use our intellect when doing something because we are too much distracted by technology. Additionally, Dilshad states that technology has demoted our privacy in social media networks while making us desperate for attention. She further fortifies this by saying that we are too blind to realize that technology...
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...Irregular College Students Background of the Study Academic performance really means three things: this means the ability to study and remember facts, it also means being able to think in relation to facts and thirdly, it further means being able to communicate one’s knowledge verbally or practically (www.google.com). A marching band is a company of instrumental musicians performing outdoors for the purpose of entertainment and sometimes in competition. Instrumentations typically include brass, woodwinds and percussion instruments (en.wikipedia.com). The marching band at Partido State University was one of the competing units among the marching bands. They joined military parades, concerts, street parades and many more. It means that joining in marching bands had a lot of trainings and practices to be done. In this regards the academic performance of the band members maybe sacrifice because of double priorities. In addition, the society may have different expectations of the performance of the band members according to their own perspectives. It was observed that there are band members who had incomplete or failing grades. It all depends on how they personally addressed problems as a student and as a band members who got failing grades and incomplete grades faced a consequence of termination as a band scholar. http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-on/Problems-Encountered-By-Irregular-College-Students/134394 Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the Third Year...
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...reaching, teaching and practicing the suggestions outlined in this strategic plan for a higher quality of living, while ensuring a healthier environment today with greater possibilities for the next generation. Promote the use of alternative forms of transportation for students and faculty: • Ride sharing/carpooling • Taking the bus • Bicycling • Walking Impact: Through the student services department, the Associated Students at Wide River City College (ASWRCC) make it possible for full time students to ride the bus for free with a “Go Pass”. Using alternative methods of transportation supports reduction of greenhouse emissions, which are mostly a mix of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases. Reducing these emissions will be contributing to better air quality, helping to make our neighborhoods a healthier place to live, work, and play; with less traffic congestion, recovering air quality, and less financial stress for both students and faculty. Promote and establish efficient ways of energy saving control methods for use on the college campuses: • When natural sunlight can be used instead of artificial lighting, open the shades and/or windows. • Instruct students, faculty, and staff to turn off lights when not in use. • Keep a maintenance log for servicing and changing the air filters of heating and...
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...all our family members who not only allow us to conduct this research but put our self one step ahead by giving their precious knowledge. We are truly indebted to Miss Nadia Ayub for giving us this incredible opportunity to gain tremendous understanding of “Peer Pressure”. She showed commendable gesture of believing in our potentials and guided us throughout the completion of this report. Last but not the least; we are deeply thankful to all the participants that have shared their valuable experiences by filling out our questionnaires as truly as they could and helped us in completion of our project. TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 INTRODUCTION 5 Negative and Positive Effects of Peer Pressure 5 Negative Effects of Peer Pressure: 5 Positive Effects of Peer Pressure: 6 Tips to Combat Peer Pressure 6 Be Confident Of Yourself 6 Be Comfortable With Your Choices 6 Be Your Leader 6 Build the Mental Toughness to Resist 7 AIMS OF STUDY 7 METHODS 8 SAMPLE 8 MEASURE 8 PROCEDURE 8 RESULTS 9 CONCLUSION 13 REFERENCES 13 APPENDIX-A 14 APPENDIX –B (QUESTIONNAIRE) 22 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Although people assume that peer pressure is an influential component of adolescent development, few empirical studies have investigated the nature and extent of its influence. The present study assessed how much pressure peers exerted in numerous areas of life and how this pressure influenced especially teenager’s attitudes and behaviors. The...
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...Apple Inc and its Effectiveness ukessays.com /essays/marketing/marketing-strategy-of-apple-inc-and-its-effectiveness-marketingessay.php Carrying out this research on a strong brand image like Apple Inc. contributes to further and wider understandings about marketing strategies, even for other organizations, such as: To study the needs, wants and expectations of the various customers from different market segments. To find out reactions of customers to products of the company. To evaluate company's sales promotion measures for suitable adjustment and improvements. To study current marketing problems and opportunities for suitable follow up. To suggest introduction of new products, modification of existing products. To study marketing competition, channel of distribution and pricing for suitable changes if necessary. To find methods for making the product popular and raising its goodwill and marketing reputation. Furthermore, from a student’s viewpoint, it helps to improve research, analytical and presentation skills, rather than just studying from the assigned text books and preparing for CAT and ACCA exams for the past three years. Research Question How effective was the marketing mix strategies used by Apple Inc. to maximise their overall performance and gaining market share comparing the financial performance for year 2009 and year 2010? 2.0) Company Background Apple Inc. is a California corporation founded in 1977, selling a range of personal computers, mobile communication...
Words: 6965 - Pages: 28
...Meeting the Needs of Millennial Freshman Students. College student Journal, 48(1), 94-104. Patrick Turner is adjunct instructor-first year experience/Freshman Learning Community at Georgia State University and Elizabeth Thompson is Clinical Psychologist at Thompson and Associates. In the article, “College Retention Initiative Meeting the needs Of Millennial Freshman Students” Dr. Patrick Turner and Dr. Elizabeth Thompson (2014) has done a subjective research on the conduct routine of millennial college understudies. They states that, “Americans colleges and universities is encountering problems in educating the new generation born in 1982-2002 called as Millennials. Millennials need to learn about the new technological uses and communicative strategies”. Specialists arranged diverse poll for distinctive understudies to investigate the needs and exercises to enhance the school environment. A few confinement were connected with the study as it was done in single group and society and few dint reacted well. Out of 30 member who are millennial understudy with distinctive field of study and examiner was arranged and given to understudies. Later results were ascertained on the age and answer gave few issues were raised by millennial, as first year of school is extremely discriminating and difficult to hold. And I think that the researches is very useful in differentiating the attention which is required to the students according to their knowledge and skills. Annotated...
Words: 2644 - Pages: 11
...changing times. The SMU way to Management degree or diploma is to mould the learning towards this objective. With this perspective it has introduced several programs which are geared to meet the industry requirement. These areas are Banking, Information System, Retail Operations and Healthcare. It is planning to offer more programs in the field of environment, disaster management, and media. The master of business administration (MBA) is an integrated program designed to provide an advanced program in management for those seeking managerial positions in industry, commerce and services. The core subjects are aimed at developing knowledge and skills in fundamental management disciplines. The program also involves participation in group work with students from diverse backgrounds and is aimed at improving the decision making abilities of the participants in management related areas. 2. Objectives of the Program The program aims at realizing the following objectives: To provide a strong theoretical and practical foundation for a managerial position To imbibe an updated perspective on the changes taking place in the corporate sector...
Words: 7200 - Pages: 29
...Student-ID: H00172723 Course Title: Critical Writing and analysis Course Code: C07CP Assignment Title: ‘Final Essay’ Word Count: 2,561 Social media at small businesses Introduction Social media is defined ‘as the way in which people interact to create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks’ (Katona & Sarvary, 2014). Few of the most common social media platforms are differentiated into social networks (such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, instant messaging), collaboration networks (examples: slideshare, Wikipedia, Prezi, Google docs, Zoho docs, survey monkey), image sharing (Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest and Picasa), blogging (Tumblr, Blogger and Word-press), micro-blogging (Twitter) and video-sharing platform (YouTube, Blip and Vimeo). Apple does not use Facebook or Twitter for social media marketing because it is a multinational corporation, but not every business is as large scale and successful as Apple. Social media now represents a new horizon of marketing opportunities to businesses. Marketing is a practice, which establishes what products or services the customers might be interested in. Social media supports the development of marketing of businesses, to have a different perception about the brand; this allows creative methods to implement basic marketing. Social media marketing provides the tools that the businesses needs to be able to observe discussions through the internet efficiently (Assaad and Gómez, 2011)...
Words: 3551 - Pages: 15
...digital electronics. Gateway Inc. has a broad target market. It consists of small to large business, government and educational institutions, and home and home office. It sells its products nationally through a number distribution channels, including its Website, telephone call centers, and retail stores. The company’s mission is “to be the leading integrator of personalized technology solutions,” by “improving the quality of life through technology,” via “leadership, Innovation, Caring, Honesty, Discipline and Focus.” Why Gateway? Since I was a child I have been attracted to the mechanics behind every toy I was given to play with. This curiosity developed into a hobby as electronic components, computers, and other gadgets have become my toys. As a college student I would like for this hobby to evolve into a career by one day working for a...
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...EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Information technology is an amalgam of some wonderful inventions of the 20th century in electronics and communication. During a very short span of time it has acquired an important place in almost all aspects of human life and is found everywhere these days. For most of us, it is hard to image daily life without the influence of technological devices, be it handheld video games, personal digital assistants, cell phones or any number of computers. Through this paper the study on “IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY” on students and at work place and also the satisfaction level of using IT by these two groups of people have been shown, the advantages and disadvantages of IT. This paper also reflects the problems faced by the students and the employees working in the organization. The objectives of this paper are: • To study the impact of information technology on Students, at work place and on general public. • To study the satisfaction level of using information technology. • To study the problems faced by them. In the research methodology I have taken both primary data as well as secondary data. In the primary data I have made a questionnaire to find out the impact of information technology. In the secondary data I have collected the information from different age groups respondents, from various reports and journals published by different authors and from reports of various study group or working groups appointed by Government from time to time...
Words: 7224 - Pages: 29
...I. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM How should STI Dipolog be more competitive with the existing schools in Dipolog City? II. THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS PROFILE Organization Name: Systems Technology Institute (STI) - Dipolog Motto: “Education For Real Life.” Location: Gillamac Building, Malvar St., Dipolog City Systems Technology Institute (STI) is the largest network of for-profit information technology based colleges in the Philippines. This private college system offers a curriculum including business studies, computer science, education, engineering and health care. STI has branches all over the Philippines and claims to be the second largest IT-based educational institution in Asia. STI Educational Network System STI network is composed of the following structures, each with its own specific functions and objectives: The Colleges The STI Colleges provides associate, baccalaureate, and Masteral Programs in the fields of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Engineering, Business and Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Arts and Sciences, and Healthcare. These programs are duly accredited by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). TESDA Programs under the Colleges can also be ladderized with exit points that equip graduates with TESDA Certifications and the option to continue further studies in programs accredited by CHED. The Education Centers The STI Education...
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...Entertainment in 2020 The world as we know it today is not the same as it was ten years ago, let alone five years ago. Technology is advancing at a drastic speed therefore causing everything attached to it to change; economy, demography, etc. The industry that we have chosen to focus on is the entertainment industry, with regards to the evolution of technology. We will be analyzing the different changes in the past decade and try to predict what the workforce will look like in 2020. The Generations X, Y and Z are the population born after the World War II era. By the year 2020, most of the population in these three categories will still be in the workforce, with only the ones born at the very beginning of “Generation X” entering retirement. Born between the early years of the 1960’s to early 80’s, Generation X witnessed the expansion of technology, with such things as the personal computer, video games, cable TV, Internet etc.. They are generally considered as very independent and self-sufficient because many of them were born in an era where their families earned two incomes and where divorce rates were rising. This generation was born into a faltering economy therefore witnessed the struggle their parents went through to maintain their jobs, they tend to ignore their leaders and are less committed to one employer because of that. According to the US Census Bureau in their 2009 statistical abstract and also the 2001 Canadian census on education statistics, Generation...
Words: 3103 - Pages: 13
...“Making it Easier to Do it Right” A Full Business Plan presenting to you the latest fitness wearable technology, the Hercules, and accompanying mobile application, the Hercules Trainer Presented by & Company CEO Adeel Safdar “Hercules” CFO CPO CMO COO CTO CCO Making it Easier to Do it right Full Business Plan Company & Product Hercules & Co., led by CEO Adeel Safdar, presents the fitness wearable product, Hercules, and accompanying app Hercules Trainer. Confidentiality Agreement This agreement is to acknowledge that the information provided by Hercules & Co. in this business plan is unique to this business and strictly confidential. No information in this business plan can be disclosed without the express written permission of the CEO Adeel Safdar. Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to Hercules & Co. Disclaimer Some of the statements contained in this Full Business Plan, including information incorporated by reference, discuss future expectations, or state other forward looking information. Those statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, several of which are beyond the control of Hercules & Co., which could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contemplated by the statements. The forward looking information is based on various factors and was derived using numerous assumptions. In light of the risks, assumptions, and uncertainties involved, there can...
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