...Project Report on US Recession and its Impact on Indian Economy Submitted to Prof. V.P.Singh Submitted By Sona Nair 38 Shrenik Shah 54 MansiKinjawdekar 32 ParleTilakVidyalaya’s Institute of Management Dixit Road, VileParle East,Mumbai-400057 Index Sr.no Table of Contents Page no 1. Introduction 2. Factors affecting Recession 3. Impact on Indian Economy 4. Corrective Steps taken to check Recession 5. Case Study- 6. Conclusion 7. Executive Summary 8. Bibliography INTRODUCTION What is Recession? A recession is a contraction phase of the business cycle. The official agency in charge of declaring that the economy is in a state of recession is the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). They define recession as a “A period of falling economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.” This is normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales. For this reason, the official designation of recession may not come until after we are in a recession for six months or even longer. Some economists also suggest that a recession occurs when the natural growth rate in GDP is less than the average of 2%. Typically, a normal economic recession lasts for approximately 1 year. The newspapers in America often quote theThumbRulethat...
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...before us recession India had been growing robustly at an annual average rate of 8.8 per cent for the past five years (2003-04 to 2007-08). This was higher than the potential growth rate of output as estimated by the IMF. The strong Indian growth story, based on its structural strengths of a young population, skilled manpower, rising savings and investment rates, large unfulfilled domestic demand and globally competitive firms attracted significant investor attention in recent years. Recent high rates of economic growth have been the result of high levels of investment, rise in productivity supported by technological up-gradation and greater integration with global flows of trade, finance and technology. The challenge is to sustain these high growth rates while also preventing an unacceptable rise in income and spatial inequities and also eliminating absolute poverty in a given time frame. The answer to this challenge is in raising India’s potential rate of output growth by removing the binding constraints. We have also estimated the potential growth rate for India during the last decade based on HP filter technique (Hodrick and Prescott, 1997) and found that in the last three years, India had been growing above its potential growth rate. Figure 6: Potential GDP Growth and Output Gap (1997-08 to 2007-08) Note: Based on HP filter technique as proposed by Hodrick and Prescott (1997). Fears of over-heating of the economy prompted the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)...
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...Project Report On Impact of Recession in India Submitted to: Submitted by: Mrs. Kawaljeet Kaur Harsimranjeet Kaur Regd: 625241502 In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the BBA degree course of the Swami Satyanand College of Management & Technology. INDEX Introduction to recession Definition of recession Attributes of recession Causes & Effects of recession Stock Market & Recession Recession & Politics History of Recession Current crisis in the US Impact of recession in India Consequences of US Recession Conclusion Bibliography Acknowledgement If words are considered to be sign of gratitude then let these words convey the very same. I am highly indebted to lecturer Miss. Shveta, who has provide me with the necessary information and also for the support and her valuable suggestions and comments on bringing out this report in the best way possible. I feel great pleasure to cordial thanks to all faculty members of management department of SSCMT who sincerely supported me with the valuable insights into the completion of this project and I am thankful to that power that always inspire me to take right step in the journey of success...
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...under new management. The fact that Tata Motors is a company from India which is an emerging market was the main reason why many people were skeptical. Ford Motors were struggling to make their business thrive in a competitive...
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...By Prof. Dipika Lecturer in P.G. Dept. of Commerce K.L.S.D. College Ludhiana Global Recession and Impact on Various Sectors of Indian Economy ABSTRACT The word 'Recession' denotes a temporary period of economic decline during which trade and Individual activities are reduced. Till date, the world has witnessed a number of economic recessions that brought the trade market to a standstill and left the economists and analysts with valuable lessons to be learnt for future. Globalization and liberalization have contributed a lot in making the entire world a close knit economic unit. In an interconnected global economy recession and economic turbulence in one part of the world has the potential to disrupt the economies of other countries in a major way. The economic slowdown in US economy in 2008 caused by the burst of housing bubble engulfed the entire world in its grip. This research paper aims to give a detailed account of US Recession-2008 and its impact on Indian Economy. The financial crisis has not only affected United States of America, but also European Union, U.K and Asia. The Indian Economy too has felt the impact of the crisis to some extent. Though it is difficult to quantify the impact of the crisis on India, it is felt that certain sectors of the economy would be affected by the spill over effects of the financial crisis. INTRODUCTION The current global financial crisis is rooted in the subprime crisis which surfaced over a year ago in the United...
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...INDIAN ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT The Economy of India , ninth largest in the world by nominal GDP and third largest by purchasing power parity (PPP), is going to touch new heights in coming years. The history of Indian economy can be broadly divided into three phases: Pre- Colonial, Colonial and Post Colonial. Pre Colonial: The economic history of India since Indus Valley Civilization to 1700 AD can be categorized under this phase. During Indus Valley Civilization Indian economy was very well developed. It had very good trade relations with other parts of world, which is evident from the coins of various civilizations found at the site of Indus valley. Before the advent of East India Company, each village in India was a self sufficient entity. Each village was economically independent as all the economic needs were fulfilled with in the village. Colonial: The arrival of East India Company in India ruined the Indian economy. There was a two-way depletion of resources. British used to buy raw materials from India at cheaper rates and finished goods were sold at higher than normal price in Indian markets. During this phase India's share of world income declined from 22.3% in 1700 AD to 3.8% in 1952. Post Colonial: After India got independence from this colonial rule in 1947, the process of rebuilding the economy started. For this various policies and schemes were formulated. First five year plan for the development of Indian economy came into implementation in 1952...
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...IMPACT OF GLOBAL RECESSION ON READY MADE GARMENTS INDUSTRY OF BANGLADESH IMPACT OF GLOBAL RECESSION ON READY MADE GARMENTS INDUSTRY OF BANGLADESH Prepared for: Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun Course Instructor Research Method (K301) Prepared by: Nabeel Khan (ZR-29) Farwah Tasnim (ZR-40) Rasheeq Rayhan (ZR-45) Sayan Muhammad Rafi (ZR-48) Rafat Shamim (ZR-51) Ishmam Rahman Abedin (ZR-53) Bushra Barkat (ZR-54) Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka June 30, 2012 30 June 2012 Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun Professor Institute Of Business Administration University Of Dhaka Dear Sir, Here we present the report “Impact of Global Recession on Ready Made Garments Industry of Bangladesh”. In this report we tried to analyze the current RMG industry scenario and the various factors associated with it which have been influenced by the global financial crisis. We believe our report will facilitate strategic planning for both the decision makers in the market and identify possible counter measures and new possibilities. We hope the report meets your expectations. We will be glad to answer any query about the report. Sincerely yours, Nabeel Khan (ZR-29) Farwah Tasnim (ZR-40) Rasheeq...
Words: 14568 - Pages: 59
...SARABJEET KAUR ID- s0264574 COURSE- ECONOMICS FOR TODAY RESEARCH ESSAY - ON REALATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFALATION AND UNEMPLOYMENT, MONETARY POLICY INFLUENCE OVER ECONOMIC GROWTH. The connection among unemployment inflation grabs the attention of many economist. According to okuris law, there is a visible clear connection among country’s outcome that is declined in unemployment lead to higher nation output. However, other popular economist William Philips said that there is inverse relation between unemployment inflation because Philips argued that when high reaction of workers causes increase in nations output which abo lead to high wage, customers to carry enough money to utilize, so which customers demanding more good services price would include, so that is situation of inflation increase lead to downfall in unemployment inflation full down result to increase the ratio of unemployment. For better understanding it is important to know what is reason behind the increase relationship between both that is when there is increase in aggregate demand (AD to AD2) lead to increase in real GDP (Y1 toY2) hence companies need more labor and unemployment falls. Monetarists were criticize the Philips increase relationship, because they believes that there is no trade of in long run (As is inelastic) they said that when demand aggregate is increase than employees want higher nominal salary. Furthermore when employees get it, and work more as they think it is actual wages is increased. Thus...
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...REVIEW OF LITERATURE Ghosh, Levin, Macmillan and Wright (2000) attempted to reconcile an apparent contradiction between short-run and long-run movements in the price of gold. They used monthly gold price data January 1976 to December 1999 and applied Error Correction Model. If set of conditions have satisfied, the price of gold will rise over time at the general rate of inflation. Ranson (2005) tried to find out role of gold and oil as predictor of inflation. He found that gold price is more reliable barometer of the inflation than oil price because the effect on official inflation statistics, is reliably indicated by how far policy actions have allowed the price of gold to rise. Worthington and Pahlavani (2006) tested for the presence of a stable long-run relationship between the monthly price of gold and inflation in the United states from 1945 to 2006 and from 1973 to 2006. By applying unit root and modified cointegration test, they provided strong evidence of a cointegrating relationship between inflation and gold. This is in line with the view that gold can serve as an effective inflationary hedge. Levin and Wright (2006) tried to find out short-run and long-run determinants of the price of gold for the period January 1976 to August 2005. By using cointegration techniques they confirmed that the long-run price of gold moves only to the US price level, while short-run movements in the gold price were related to exchange rate, gold lease rate , gold’s beta, US...
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...Impact of recession In this article we assume recession as significant decline in economic activity of a nation for considerable amount of time based on parameters such as production, demand, employment, real income and real GDP. In this part we try to argue position of Indian four wheeler auto sector in effect of global recession around 2008 and current recession (2012-13) caused by local macroeconomic issues. Global recession (2008 onwards) Though global recession took roots in 2007 itself, Indian auto industry could see its real impact only in 2008 quarters. Global auto industry was in tatters due to loss of credit and reduced liquidity. US sales were fallen by 32%. In India, though the situation wasn’t as grim as US, passage care sales dropped from 1,15,481 in 2007 to 1,13,822 in 2008. Some of the reasons of these impacts were high finance cost and fuel prices. Looking on the lines of industry growth in previous years, Indian auto players were investing in increasing production facilities. Where sudden recessionary situation forced SIAM (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturer) to reduce growth forecast from 12.5% to 9.5%. The result was to run the auto manufacturing plants on low production capacity than installed, increasing overheads and reducing margin. Impact in India was not as severe as it was in US and European markets. Mainly because local Indian macroeconomic indexes were still in good shape plus government act quickly to lower the interest rates and infused...
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...Today, a global recession has become a biggest threat to world. Due to this global recession, it is a macroeconomics crisis. In last few years, unemployment has become a serious and top most problem in many part of the world. Also increased globalizations have put more employee job into risk. The under developing countries like India, china are facing their bad time. Emerging economies like China and India are affected by the negative influence of the US Subprime Market Crisis. By reducing the demand for labor we can bring economic downturn, but it tends to increase the unemployment level in the formal sector and bring the wages charge down. It means the poverty rate is increasing and as well as the unemployment is also increases at the same rate. Such both effects try to tend the unemployment and poverty in formal economics. Thus recession works into two ways, directly or indirectly. Directly, in this scenario it decreases the wages of employees and it creates more jobless Is this essay helpful? Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 600,000 just like it! get better grades employees it means more number of poor in formal economy. In directly in this scenario it brings wages down those already employed in formal economy. In other word when the economy is passing through in a recession scenario the GDP rate will be high. The goods, service and product demand would be low. When demand of the product would be low the consumer expenditure also will be low. When demand...
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...profile and throughout this chapter, impacted jobs outsourcing in the BPO industry? Starting out as a mortgage crises in the United States the economic crisis spread globally and lead to a worldwide recession. In such a difficult time, companies need to reduce costs and improve their performance in order to remain competitive on the market. Obviously, Outsourcing provides many benefits, such as improvement of process performance, reduction of fixed costs, increased flexibility, greater focus on core competencies and strategic business operations. The BPO service market presents growth estimated in 10 to 20% in the period 2008-2009, particularly in the last two quarters of 2008 and first quarters of 2009. However, in the short term, companies might not consider outsourcing as a solution in a financial crisis due to upfront investment and lack of managerial capabilities. In the first place, companies’ primary goal is to survive. They won’t start new projects. Thus, in times of crisis, company prefer cost reduction and investment delays rather than BPO and Offshoring. Nevertheless, in the long term, the economic crisis would result in an increase in demand for BPO services once the economy starts recovering. Furthermore, delay of other projects in times of crisis and recession also contributes to the expansion in the BPO industry. Companies will want to achieve more flexible organization structures in order to be better prepared to deal with future economic crises. This trend...
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...…………………………………………………………………….....1 Analysis of the Financial Crisis and Emerging Markets………………………….1 Conclusions………………………………………………………………………..8 List of Tables and Figures…………………………………………………….......9 References……………………………………………………………………......10 Introduction In the last years we all heard about financial crisis, economic crisis or even strong words like recession or depression. The goal of this paper is to define these terms and to analyze the effects that they produce in the economy. Another objective is to understand the emerging markets and compare then with developed economies. The effects of the crisis are different from country to country but also have some similarities at a global level. I. Analysis of the Financial Crisis and Emerging Markets The term financial crisis is used when financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. This can result in a loss of paper wealth and not as a change in the real economy, unless a recession or depression follows which is the case here. So we can say that the recession is the result of the financial crisis that started in U.S in 2008 from the burst of housing bubble and the subprime lending. There are more types of financial crises: banking crises (bank runs – when depositors withdraw their money suddenly. This type of behavior can result in bankruptcy), speculative bubbles and crashes (when a financial asset price exceeds the present value of future income...
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...1. ISSUES FOR DISCUSSION In recession economies, companies react to these changes in the marketplace by reducing costs, cutting production, reducing investment, entering foreign markets, working more with equity capital, improving efficiency, re-structuring debt (Beaver and Ross, 1999; Laitinen, 2000; Pearce and Michael; 1997; Zehir, 2005). An economic crisis requires some changes to be made in companies´ strategies. The fast food retailers even avoided increasing prices during this economic crisis. While consumers feel insecure in their job and negotiate more about financial matters (Shama, 1978). Despite many companies cutting theirs operational costs or reducing employees, McDonald’s in India planned to increase its headcount and strategically do not cut its cost. Taking advantage from the reducing prices of real estates, McDonalds start to gain more market share. McDonald’s management team believed that the economic crisis gives more opportunities to conduct business aggressively. Exploring the case study for McDonalds – Business Strategy in India, a study approach is to explore the whole picture of a successful this fast good chain’s action and strategy to cope with down turn economy. In other words, this case was about to discusses how McDonald’s managed to buck the trend, its early years and business strategy to get more out of its stores in India. On the same time, how McDonald’s can maintain and improve their performance by adjusting their competitive strategy...
Words: 3763 - Pages: 16
...The Project for the Period 2011 : 1] China 2] India 3] USA Team Members and Students IDS : Nikita Bhivate A2604 ( U.S.A.) Li Jianwei A2394 ( China ) Tingting Hao A2319 ( India ) MBA 531 International Financial Management. Prof. Jayant Kanitkar. INTRODUCTION : Introduction Of China : During the period from 2007 to 2011, the whole world has been suffering from global economic recession and financial crisis. From US subprime to EU sovereign debt crisis, China, as the second largest economy in the world, experienced internal and external economic impacts. In the year of 2007, China’s economic development reached its pick. With the expectation of CNY appreciation, hot money flooded into China. As a result of this, the price of investment asset surged up sharply. The housing price tripled, and the Shanghai stock index reached to a historical level of 6300 from less than 3000 with in one year. The wealth effect from the high investment asset price stimulated consumption. Moreover, China was keeping its high net exports trading volume and fixed asset investment. The GDP growth rate exceeded 10%. However, the financial bubble broke in the US, and a chain reaction directly affected China. In 2008, all economic indictors shown that China’s development slowed down. Stock market can be regarded as the forecaster of economic. The Shanghai stock index dropped to 1900 from 6300. Affected by recession in international trading partners, the export also...
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