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Yes I Can


Submitted By YTLew
Words 1565
Pages 7

2.1 分别指出变量(A,B,C,D)在何种取值组合时,下列函数值为 1。
( 1 ) F = BD + AB C 如下真值表中共有 6 种 ( 2 ) F = ( A + B + AB )( A + B ) AB + D = D 如下真值表中共有 8 种

( 3 ) F = ( A + A ⋅ C )D + ( A + B )CD = AB + C + D 如下真值表中除 0011、1011、1111 外共有 13


⑵ AB + A B + AB + A ⋅ B = 1


∴原等式成立. 证明:左边= ∴原等式成立.

证明:左边= ( AB + A B ) + ( AB + A ⋅ B ) = A( B + B ) + A( B + B ) = A + A = 1 =右边

⑶ A ABC = A B ⋅ C + A BC + AB C
A( A + B + C ) = AB + AC = AB( C + C ) + AC ( B + B ) = ABC + AB ⋅ C + ABC + AB ⋅ C

⑷ ABC + A ⋅ B ⋅ C = A B + BC + AC 证明:右边= ( A + B )( B + C )( A + C ) = ABC + A ⋅ B ⋅ C =左边
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证明:左边= ( A + B )( A + C ) = A A + A ⋅ C + A B + B ⋅ C = A B + A ⋅ C =右边

AB + AC = A B + A ⋅ C

= A B ⋅ C + A BC + AB C =右边

2.2 用逻辑代数公理、定理和规则证明下列表达式:

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∴原等式成立. ⑸ ABC + A ⋅ B + BC = A ⋅ B + A ⋅ C 证明:左边= ( ABC + A ⋅ B )( B + C ) = A ⋅ B + A ⋅ C =右边 ∴原等式成立. 2.3 用真值表检验下列表达式: ⑴ A ⋅ B + AB = ( A + B )( A + B ) ⑵ AB + AC = A B + A ⋅ C

⑴ F = AC + BC
F = ( A + C )( B + C ) F ' = ( A + C )( B + C )

F ' = ( A + B )( B + C )( A + C D )

⑶ F = A [ B + ( C D + E F )G ]


2.5 回答下列问题: ⑴ 已知 X+Y=X+Z,那么,Y=Z。正确吗?为什么?

答:正确。 故 Y=Z。

F = A + B [( C + D )( E + F ) + G ]

F ' = A + B [( C + D )( E + F ) + G ]

因为 X+Y=X+Z,故有对偶等式 XY=XZ。所以 Y= Y + XY=Y+XZ=(X+Y)(Y+Z) =(X+Y)(Y+Z) Z= Z + XZ=Z+XY=(X+Z)(Y+Z) =(X+Y)(Y+Z)

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F = ( A + B )( B + C )( A + C D )

⑵ F = AB + BC + A( C + D )

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2.4 求下列函数的反函数和对偶函数:



⑵ 已知 XY=XZ,那么,Y=Z。正确吗?为什么? 答:正确。 因为 XY=XZ 的对偶等式是 X+Y=X+Z,又因为 Y= Y + XY=Y+XZ=(X+Y)(Y+Z) =(X+Y)(Y+Z) Z= Z + XZ=Z+XY=(X+Z)(Y+Z) =(X+Y)(Y+Z) 故 Y=Z。 ⑶已知 X+Y=X+Z,且 XY=XZ,那么,Y=Z。正确吗?为什么? 答:正确。 因为 X+Y=X+Z,且 XY=XZ,所以


Y= Y + XY= Y +(X + Z)=X+Y+Z Z = Z +XZ =Z + ( X + Y ) =X+Y+Z 故 Y=Z。

⑴ F = A B + B + BCD = A B + B = A + B ⑵ F = A + AB + AB + A ⋅ B = A( 1 + A ) + A( B + B ) = A + A = 1


2.7 将下列函数表示成“最小项之和”形式和“最大项之积”形式: ⑴ F ( A , B , C ) = AB + AC =∑m(0,4,5,6,7)= ∏M(1,2,3)(如下卡诺图 1)


⑶ F = AB + AD + B ⋅ D + AC ⋅ D = A( B + D + C ⋅ D ) + B ⋅ D = A( B + D + C ) + B ⋅ D
= A( B + D ) + AC + B ⋅ D = A B ⋅ D + AC + B ⋅ D = A + AC + B ⋅ D = A + B ⋅ D

⑵ F ( A , B , C , D ) = AB + AB C D + BC + B C ⋅ D =∑m(4,5,6,7,12,13,14,15) = ∏M(0,1,2,3,8,9,10,11) (如下卡诺图 2) ⑶ F ( A , B , C , D ) = ( A + BC )( B + C ⋅ D ) =∑m(0,1,2,3,4) = ∏M(5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) (如下卡诺图 3)


2.6 用代数化简法化简下列函数:

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因为 X+Y=XZ,所以有相等的对偶式 XY=X+Z。

⑷已知 X+Y=XZ,那么,Y=Z。正确吗?为什么?


Y= Y + XY= Y + XZ=(X+Y)(Y+Z)=(X+Z)(Y+Z)=Z+XY=Z+XZ=Z



2.8 用卡诺图化简下列函数,并写出最简“与-或”表达式和最简“或-与”表达式: ⑴ F ( A , B , C ) = ( A + B )( AB + C ) = AC + BC = C ( A + B )

⑵ F ( A , B , C , D ) = A ⋅ B + A ⋅ C D + AC + BC = A ⋅ B + B C + AC 或= AB + A ⋅ C + BC = ( A + B + C )( A + B + C )

⑶ F ( A , B , C , D ) = BC + D + D( B + C )( AD + B ) = B+ D = ( B + D)

2.9 用卡诺图判断函数 F ( A , B , C , D ) 和 G ( A , B , C , D ) 有何关系。


卡诺图如 下 图 所 示,回答

F ( A, B , C , D ) = G( A, B , C , D ) =

= B ⋅ D + A ⋅ D + C ⋅ D + AC D

= B D + CD + A ⋅ C D + ABD 可见, F = G



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下面两个问题: ⑴ 若 b = a ,当 a 取何值时能得到取简的“与-或”表达式。 从以上两个卡诺图可以看出,当 a =1 时, 能得到取简的“与-或”表达式。 ⑵ a 和 b 各取何值时能得到取简的“与-或”表达式。


⎧ ⎪ F1 ( A , B , C , D ) = B ⋅ D + ABD + ABC ⋅ D + ABCD ⎪ ∴ ⎨ F2 ( A , B , C , D ) = B ⋅ D + A ⋅ C D + AC D + ABCD ⎪ ⎪ F3 ( A , B , C , D ) = A ⋅ BC + ABC ⋅ D + ABCD ⎩
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⎧ F ( A, B , C , D ) = ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⑵ ⎨ F2 ( A , B , C , D ) = ⎪ ⎪ F3 ( A , B , C , D ) = ⎩

∴ F ( A , B , C , D ) = A + BD

∑ m( 0 ,2 ,4 ,7 ,8 ,10 ,13 ,15 ) ∑ m( 0 ,1,2 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,10 ) ∑ m( 2 ,3 ,4 ,7 )

⑴ F ( A , B , C , D ) = ∑m(0,2,7,13,15)+ ∑d(1,3,4,5,6,8,10)

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2.11 用卡诺图化简包含无关取小项的函数和多输出函数。



从以上两个卡诺图可以看出,当 a =1 和 b =1 时,



3.1 将下列函数简化,并用“与非”门和“或非”门画出逻辑电路。 ⑴ F ( A , B , C ) = ∑m(0,2,3,7)= A ⋅ C + BC = A ⋅ C ⋅ BC
Q F = AC + BC ∴F = A+ C + B + C


⑶ F ( A , B , C , D ) = A B + AC D + AC + B C = A B + AC + BC = AB ⋅ BC ⋅ AC

= A+ B +C + A+ B +C
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= A+ B +C + A+ B +C

⑵ F ( A , B , C ) = ∏M(3,6)= ∑m(0,1,2,4,5,7)= B + A ⋅ C + AC = B ⋅ A ⋅ C ⋅ AC

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= B + C + A+C + A+ D

3.2 将下列函数简化,并用“与或非”门画出逻辑电路。



⑴ F ( A , B , C ) = AB + ( A B + AB )C = A ⋅ B + A ⋅ C + B ⋅ C

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⑷ F ( A , B , C , D ) = A ⋅ B + AC + BCD = A ⋅ B + AC + CD = A ⋅ B ⋅ AC ⋅ CD


⑵ F ( A , B , C , D ) = ∑m(1,2,6,7,8,9,10,13,14,15)= ABC + BCD + A ⋅ C ⋅ D + BC ⋅ D

3.3 分析下图 3.48 所示逻辑电路图,并求出简化逻辑电路。

Z1 = B + C ,

Z 4 = AC , Z 5 = Z 3 = BC + BC , Z 6 = A + Z 5 = A + BC + BC , Z 7 = Z 3 + Z 4 = BC + B ⋅ C + AC , F = Z 6 ⋅ Z 7 = ( A + BC + BC )( BC + B ⋅ C + AC ) = ABC + A B ⋅ C + A ⋅ BC


=A(B⊙C)+C(A⊙B) 真值表和简化逻辑电路图如下,逻辑功能为:依照输入变量 ABC 的顺序,若 A 或 C 为 1,其余两个信号相同,则电路输出为 1,否则输出为 0。

3.4 当输入变量取何值时,图 3.49 中各逻辑电路图等效。


Z2 = B + C,

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Z 3 = Z 1 Z 2 = ( B + C )( B + C ) = BC + B ⋅ C ,
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解:∵ F1 = AB ,

F2 = AB ,

F3 = AB + AB .

∴当 A 和 B 的取值相同(即都取 0 或 1)时,这三个逻辑电路图等效。 3.5 假定 X = AB 代表一个两位二进制正整数,用“与非”门设计满足如下要求的逻辑电路:
2 ⑴ Y = X ; 也用二进制数表示) (Y

因为一个两位二进制正整数的平方的二进制数最多有四位,故输入端用A、B两个变量, 输出端用Y3、Y2、Y1、Y0四个变量。 ⑴真值表: ⑵真值表:

因为一个两位二进制正整数的立方的二进制数最多有五位,故输入端用A、B两个变量, 输出端用Y4、Y3、Y2、Y1、Y0五个变量。可列出真值表⑵


3.6 设计一个一位十进制数(8421BCD 码)乘以 5 的组合逻辑电路,电路的输出为十进制 数(8421BCD 码) 。实现该逻辑功能的逻辑电路图是否不需要任何逻辑门? 解:因为一个一位十进制数(8421BCD码)乘以 5 所得的的十进制数(8421BCD码)最 多有八位,故输入端用A、B、C、D四个变量,输出端用Y7、Y6、Y5、Y4、Y3、Y2、Y1、Y0八 个变量。 真值表:


∴Y4=AB,Y3= AB + AB = A ,Y2=0,Y1= AB ,Y0= AB + AB =B,逻辑电路如上图。


3 ⑵ Y = X , 也用二进制数表示) (Y

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∴Y3=AB,Y2= AB ,Y1=0,Y0= AB + AB =B,逻辑电路为:




用卡诺图化简:Y7=0,Y6=A,Y5=B,Y4=C,Y3=0,Y2=D ,Y1=0,Y0=D 。



用卡诺图化简:z1= y 0 x 0 + y 1 x 0 + y 1 y 0 + y 1 ⋅ y 0 ⋅ x 1 ⋅ x 0 + y 1 y 0 x 1 x 0 z2= x 0 y 0 + x 1 y 0 + x 1 x 0 + y 1 ⋅ y 0 ⋅ x 1 ⋅ x 0 + y 1 y 0 x 1 x 0

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3.7 设计一个能接收两位二进制Y=y1y0,X=x1x0,并有输出Z=z1z2的逻辑电路,当Y=X时,Z=11,当 Y>X时,Z=10,当Y

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Premium Essay

Smart Goals Essay

...Part B: Evaluate your SMART goals according to the SMART criteria. Provide support for your evaluation. | |S |M |A |R |T | |Goal |Is the goal specific? |Is the goal measurable? |Is the goal attainable? |Is the goal realistic? |Is the goal timely? | |Goal 1: Eliminate procrastination|Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | |on completing assignments this | | | | | | |week |I will eliminate anything extra|I will measure my goal on |Making my priority a habit so |Making my priority...

Words: 579 - Pages: 3