...The financial crisis which began in July 1997 in the East Asian countries, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Korea, has had devastating effects on their economies. Growth rates in these countries which were in excess of five percent before 1997, turned sharply negative in 1998 and, at the time of this writing it is not yet clear when these economies will turn the corner and resume positive rates of growth. This paper examines why these countries, which were part of what has been termed "the Asian miracle" and were able to eradicate so much poverty, are now undergoing severe economic contractions, with such harmful effects on their populations. A breakdown of information in financial markets is the key factor that has driven this crisis. After laying out an asymmetric information view of the Asian financial crisis, this paper goes on to use this framework to explore lessons from this crisis. 1. An Asymmetric Information View of the Asian Crisis The financial system plays a critical role in the economy because, when it operates properly, it channels funds from those who have saved surplus funds to those who need these funds to engage in productive investment opportunities. The major barrier to the financial system performing this job properly is asymmetric information, the fact that one party to a financial contract does not have the same information as the other party, which results in moral hazard and adverse selection problems. An asymmetric information view of financial...
Words: 7371 - Pages: 30
...The financial crisis which began in July 1997 in the East Asian countries, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Korea, has had devastating effects on their economies. Growth rates in these countries which were in excess of five percent before 1997, turned sharply negative in 1998 and, at the time of this writing it is not yet clear when these economies will turn the corner and resume positive rates of growth. This paper examines why these countries, which were part of what has been termed "the Asian miracle" and were able to eradicate so much poverty, are now undergoing severe economic contractions, with such harmful effects on their populations. A breakdown of information in financial markets is the key factor that has driven this crisis. After laying out an asymmetric information view of the Asian financial crisis, this paper goes on to use this framework to explore lessons from this crisis. 1. An Asymmetric Information View of the Asian Crisis The financial system plays a critical role in the economy because, when it operates properly, it channels funds from those who have saved surplus funds to those who need these funds to engage in productive investment opportunities. The major barrier to the financial system performing this job properly is asymmetric information, the fact that one party to a financial contract does not have the same information as the other party, which results in moral hazard and adverse selection problems. An asymmetric information view of financial...
Words: 7371 - Pages: 30
...Financial Crisis By Hisham Al Rawashdeh Under supervision of PhD Muna Al Muallah Financial Management Petra University Jan 2016 Table of contents:- • Definition • Types of Financial crisis • Financial Crisis Causes • Theories • Financial Crisis of 2008 • Implications of Financial Crisis of 2008 on the emerging market. • Next Financial Crisis. • References Definition The term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in which some financial assets suddenly lose a large part of their nominal value. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, many financial crises were associated with banking panics, and many recessions coincided with these panics. Other situations that are often called financial crises include stock market crashes and the bursting of other financial bubbles, currency crises, and sovereign defaults. Financial crises directly result in a loss of paper wealth but do not necessarily result in changes in the real economy. Financial crisis and Economic Crisis • Financial Crisis usually occurs in specific sectors, unlike the economic crisis which affect the entire economy. • If left unchecked, the financial crisis implications can lead to an economic crisis. In early 2008, many felt that this financial crisis would be limited to the banking sector and the housing market. However, the shortage of credit has had a very powerful impact on the real economy. Because banks are not lending, investment...
Words: 5327 - Pages: 22
...first part, this essay will demonstrate how the strategy of HSBC changed, and compare the strategies before and after the accession to the WTO. The second part will discuss advantages and disadvantages of concentrating on rural areas and emerging markets. The influence of financial crisis, future opportunities as well as threats will be analyzed at last. 1. HSBC’ strategy and China accession to the WTO 1.1. The reason for changing strategy Down the decades, HSBC’s has grown and adapted their strategy from localization to globalization for China in order to react to the changes of economic reform and financial liberalization. HSBC differentiates its strategy from those competitors by describing the unique characteristics which is ‘The world’s local bank.’ Due to this position and strategy, HSBC is involved directly and indirectly in China's modern economic development and reform. HSBC’s strategy in China changed for several reasons. First, HSBC had an insight that emerging market will be the center of their development strategy. It always has an insight of the trend of global economic and focuses on the long term return including the increasing role in the global economy and increasing profitability. Second, China had a huge undeveloped market with the largest amount of potential customers. HSBC found...
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...International Financial Markets: What Can History Teach Us?* Michael D. Bordo Rutgers University and NBER Paper prepared for the conference “International Financial Markets: The Challenge of Globalization.” March 31, 2000. Texas A and M University, College Station Texas. * For valuable research assistance, I thank Antu Murshid. 1. Introduction Globalization has become the buzz word of the new millennium. It is viewed as the cause of many of the world’s problems as well as a panacea. The debate over globalization is manifest both in public demonstrations against the WTO in Seattle in the Fall of 1999 and the IMF and World Bank earlier. It also has led to a spate of scholarly and not so scholarly books on the subject.1 Until three years ago the consensus view among economists on the issue of the international integration of financial markets was very positive. The benefits of open capital markets stressed include: optimal international resource allocation; intertemporal optimization; international portfolio diversification and discipline on policy makers.2. However, the recent spate of crises in Latin America and Asia has led some to argue that the costs of complete liberalization of financial markets for emerging countries may outweigh the benefits.3 The paper focuses on the globalization of financial markets from the historical perspective of the past 120 years. In Section 2, I summarize the empirical evidence on the international integration of financial markets from 1880...
Words: 17835 - Pages: 72
...WP/13/266 Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff WP/13/266 © 2013 International Monetary Fund IMF Working Paper Research Department Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten1 Prepared by Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff Authorized for distribution by Stijn Claessens December 2013 This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate. Abstract Even after one of the most severe multi-year crises on record in the advanced economies, the received wisdom in policy circles clings to the notion that high-income countries are completely different from their emerging market counterparts. The current phase of the official policy approach is predicated on the assumption that debt sustainability can be achieved through a mix of austerity, forbearance and growth. The claim is that advanced countries do not need to resort to the standard toolkit of emerging markets, including debt restructurings and conversions, higher inflation, capital controls and other forms of financial repression. As we document, this claim is at odds with the historical track record of...
Words: 6787 - Pages: 28
...their portfolios and expanding their businesses across countries and currencies, to ensure a safe position in the international market. The biasness towards the home market has been declining over the years and moving forward to an internationalized economy and a global flow of capital. Hence, more multinational companies are arising because capital is more mobile and liquid than labor. Of course, cheap labor and easy extracted raw material are among the main attractive forces behind external investment and cross border capital flow. Consequently, global financial activities are growing rapidly due to many factors, among which: - Growth of the investor portfolios, international hedge funds and bonds, private accounts and monetary source diversification; - Financial market liberalization and highly improved free flow of information; - Technological developments and advances in international communication across borders for easier and faster access in databases and markets; - Increased spending from and in the emerging countries. The bank activities and capital flows are various and include processes and tools that compose the major investment instruments, debt and loan portfolio, cash flow, FOREX fluctuations, cross border loans and deposits, and international transfers. Foreign assets of emerging economies Foreign capital injection into the emerging economies has triggered an international mindset in the developing economics and a growth oriented business environment even...
Words: 1158 - Pages: 5
...Stock Market Analysis: MANG 6221 Professor Dr. Marta Degl'Innocenti Assignment Length: 3,155 words (Excluding Endnote, Graph, Appendix and Reference) By Group Niagara Waterfall Thanat Pojkasemsin 25390422 Kanchana Leeratsatien 25088866 Leena Phaerakkakit 25712756 Synthia Manik 25665286 Jingwen Liu 25402323 Part A Introduction With the development of financial market, the technical analysis tools play an important role for the security evaluation. According to Penman (2010), investors estimate the stock future prices and trends by collecting and estimate the past prices and information. However, there are some conflict points on the momentum strategies performance, and it is a technical tool with multiple economy factors needs to be considered into. Why do momentum strategies exist? Refer to both behavioural and market-based argumentations. Momentum strategies are the stock analysis stool exists in the financial evaluation process, also in funds and currency investment. According to Chan, Jegadeesh, and Lakonishok J (1996) said, "it is a strategy that buying stocks in a high returns over the past three to twelve months, and selling those that had the poor returns over the same period." In the other words, the outperform stock will remain well...
Words: 4656 - Pages: 19
...globally, but from a financial market perspective, the ease in which capital flows is also encompassed in the “world is flat” concept. Due to technological advances, the global financial market has been refined with electronic exchanges, networks, institutions, and communications. Each country may have its own financial market, but the world is so closely tied together, causing global affects when one market is prospering or suffering. Currently all eyes are on Europe and the “Euro Crisis” stemming from their uncontrollable debt. There are discussions of a $1 trillion dollar bailout for the 16 “Eurozone” countries, which could ultimately cost and estimated $3 trillion or bankruptcy. Greece and Ireland are in the forefront of the countries in financial ruin. With the media making the entire world aware of these countries financial crisis and their insolvent state, investors are reluctant to continue to buy bonds that may not payoff. These investors are expected to bring in cash flow buy buying bonds so the European country can pay back the bank loans with extremely high interest. European Central Bank, responsible for monetary policy, bought euro-zone bonds with the promise to sell assets to offset the purchase of these bonds. The problem lies in the wide spread knowledge that this is a very high risk investment which may not bring a return. With both the United States and Europe in economic crisis, investors are looking toward other markets to invest. For example...
Words: 604 - Pages: 3
...SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201, USA a b s t r a c t JEL classification: F31 F36 F41 O24 Keywords: Impossible trinity International reserves Financial liberalization Financial crisis Exchange rate regime This paper investigates the potential impacts of the degree of divergence in open macroeconomic policies in the context of the trilemma hypothesis. Using an index that measures the relative policy divergence among the three trilemma policy choices, namely monetary independence, exchange rate stability, and financial openness, we find that emerging market countries have adopted trilemma policy combinations with the least degree of relative policy divergence in the last 15 years. We find that a developing or emerging market country with a higher degree of relative policy divergence is more likely to experience a currency or debt crisis. However, a developing or emerging market country with a higher degree of relative policy divergence tends to experience smaller output losses when it experiences a currency or banking crisis. Latin American crisis countries tended to reduce their financial integration in the aftermath of a crisis, while this is not the case for the Asian crisis countries. The Asian crisis countries tended to reduce the degree of relative policy divergence in the aftermath of the crisis, probably aiming at...
Words: 14567 - Pages: 59
...GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS: A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN STOCK MARKET RESEARCH BRIEF The history of stock trading and trading associations can be traced as far back as the 11th century when Jewish and Muslim merchants set up trade associations. After centuries of evolution, stock markets have become the symbol of commerce in the modern world. It operates in various countries and trades a range of securities. The world stock market capitalisation is estimated to be about $ 36.6 Trillion. The stock market has various functions such as capital mobilisation, investing opportunities, risk distribution etc. The major stock exchanges in the world today include New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Italian Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange. There have been various stock market crashes in the past such as the Wall Street crash of 1929, the crash of 1973/74, the 1987 crash; called black Monday, the dotcom bubble of 2000 and the more recent crash in 2008 caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in America. The economic crisis of 2008 which originated in America spread to various economies in the world and their stock markets were affected. It reduced the value of stocks around the world by as much as 41% and affected both major and emerging stock markets. The Nigerian stock market is an emerging market in Africa. After attaining the position of one of the most profitable, efficient and fastest growing equity market in the world...
Words: 3951 - Pages: 16
...GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS: A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN STOCK MARKET RESEARCH BRIEF The history of stock trading and trading associations can be traced as far back as the 11th century when Jewish and Muslim merchants set up trade associations. After centuries of evolution, stock markets have become the symbol of commerce in the modern world. It operates in various countries and trades a range of securities. The world stock market capitalisation is estimated to be about $ 36.6 Trillion. The stock market has various functions such as capital mobilisation, investing opportunities, risk distribution etc. The major stock exchanges in the world today include New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Italian Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange. There have been various stock market crashes in the past such as the Wall Street crash of 1929, the crash of 1973/74, the 1987 crash; called black Monday, the dotcom bubble of 2000 and the more recent crash in 2008 caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in America. The economic crisis of 2008 which originated in America spread to various economies in the world and their stock markets were affected. It reduced the value of stocks around the world by as much as 41% and affected both major and emerging stock markets. The Nigerian stock market is an emerging market in Africa. After attaining the position of one of the most profitable, efficient and fastest growing equity market in the world...
Words: 3953 - Pages: 16
...GLOBAL STOCK MARKETS: A CASE STUDY OF THE NIGERIAN STOCK MARKET RESEARCH BRIEF The history of stock trading and trading associations can be traced as far back as the 11th century when Jewish and Muslim merchants set up trade associations. After centuries of evolution, stock markets have become the symbol of commerce in the modern world. It operates in various countries and trades a range of securities. The world stock market capitalisation is estimated to be about $ 36.6 Trillion. The stock market has various functions such as capital mobilisation, investing opportunities, risk distribution etc. The major stock exchanges in the world today include New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Frankfurt Stock Exchange, Italian Stock Exchange, Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Tokyo Stock Exchange. There have been various stock market crashes in the past such as the Wall Street crash of 1929, the crash of 1973/74, the 1987 crash; called black Monday, the dotcom bubble of 2000 and the more recent crash in 2008 caused by the subprime mortgage crisis in America. The economic crisis of 2008 which originated in America spread to various economies in the world and their stock markets were affected. It reduced the value of stocks around the world by as much as 41% and affected both major and emerging stock markets. The Nigerian stock market is an emerging market in Africa. After attaining the position of one of the most profitable, efficient and fastest growing equity market in the world...
Words: 3951 - Pages: 16
...How did the Global Financial Crisis impact Central Banks in terms of gold purchasers? Introduction What had started in the US transmitted itself around the globe causing major uncertainly and panic, the Financial Crisis, which began in mid-2007, was the first major recession of its kind since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Most of the developed and developing economies of the world felt the full force of it, causing major declines in financial assets, both traditional ones such as equities and newly-developed ones such as mortgage-backed securities. For two decades prior to the Global Financial Crisis, central banks around the world were net sellers of gold, however, since then, the central banks have begun to buy gold. In a video entitled Gold and silver game changer, Michael Maloney uses the 2008 and 2009 CPM Gold yearbooks to illustrate the “the biggest shift in the bull market since the 70’s”, where in 2009, central banks were expected to sell some 4 million ounces of gold; instead, when the 2009 real numbers came in, they had purchased 15 million ounces. This shift in purchasers has come about due to the distrust central banks place on the US dollar, the major currency in the world and the metal’s ability to act as a ‘safe haven’ in times of economic volatility. Golds distinctive properties and its distinction to fiat currencies make it an attractive investment for anyone’s reserve portfolio, especially during times of economic downturn. Table 1 CPM 2010 Gold yearbook ...
Words: 1677 - Pages: 7
...Ibrahim Masmoum Business Development in Emerging Economies 11 April 2014 A) In your opinion – What is the future of Emerging Economies? It seems almost impossible to deny that the emerging economies have a big future. In the last two decades, many developing countries have experienced economic growth and have come over many challenges such as social, political and technological. The economic growth is changing the outlook of those emerging markets. The future of developing countries is very promising and likely to bring large-scale developments and improvements for those emerging economies. Emerging economies are growing at a high rate, which is giving them an economic importance as their share of the world total GDP is still growing (IMF, 2014). However, many factors are challenging the rapid growth of emerging markets. In fact, in some countries such as Turkey and Brazil, it’s proving difficult to achieve a sustainable growth due to political risks. In terms of opportunities, emerging markets are the most promising because they are very rich in human resources (China and India) and natural resources (oil in Middle east and energy in Russia). The financial crisis in 2008-2009 has given the emerging markets more confidence to take the lead on the international level. In my opinion, the opportunities for emerging economies are big because they are experiencing a lot of social and political developments and on the long-term nations like China, India, Russia and Brazil...
Words: 2685 - Pages: 11