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Effects on Information Systems


Submitted By khenitag
Words 260
Pages 2
In the organization that I work with, we use an information system called FOCUS. I work for the public school district. This information system is helpful to the staff in various ways. Focus takes attendance, keeps record of the students grades, birthdays, and keeps it stored for the entire school year for the teachers to have access to it. Focus also helps the other staff members and administration by helping to keep track of all the students enrolled in the system, the students schedule to be able to help the staff locate the students immediately, medical information, emergency information, grades, etc. This information system makes our jobs as employees easier because all we have to do is access the database and it gives us all the information that we could possibly need when dealing with the students. FOCUS does improve performance for all the staff members that has access to it. It enables the staff to get quick and easy access to all the information pertaining to the students. Focus allows the staff to eliminate certain steps that they would have to take in order to reach their goal faster. I don’t see of any other way that FOCUS can be improved except for one way. It literally does everything and stores everything for the staff. I think the only thing that could be changed in order to make the information system any better would be to make the system organize all the personal information on the students electronically instead of the staff having to input the information manually.

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