...Theories of Myths Paper Myths are so important when it comes to understanding people; Myth comes from the Greek word ‘mythos’ that simply means story or word. Before histories and books on fiction, fact or fantasy were ever written, man from the earliest days told stories to each other and for each other to communicate, reassure, share, and make sense of his or her realities. Myths enact and present a narrative of how a character lives out or goes through an event or a set of events. Myths have come to symbolize a particular genre of fiction along the lines of legends and folktales - important aspects of meaning-making and identity-creation in cultures all over the world. Mary Magoulick (2009) defines myths as such, "Myths are symbolic tales of the distant past (often primordial times) that concern cosmogony and cosmology (the origin and nature of the universe), may be connected to belief systems or rituals, and may serve to direct social action and values." In this paper I will discuss three theories, compare two creation myths, and finish with a summary and conclusion of my reflection towards the theories. Myths are important areas and source of sociological, psychological, and even historiographical discourse in our attempt at understanding and learning of the world of our ancestors and the people and civilizations that came before us. From these myths we learn their world views, how they made sense of their realities and how they reacted to and processed natural and social...
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...culture has their own perception of creation, that perception is told through the cultures myths. The two myths that will be discussed in this paper are Egyptian creation and Zulu creation. The paper will discuss how the different creations are characterized along with the legends and the components of those myths. Egyptian Creation Egyptian creation signifies earth, sky, dark and waters. They believed that in the beginning the only thing that existed was dark watery abyss of chaos that was called nun or nu. As the waters of the great Nile gave birth to life through the muddy Earth, Bebben came out of the num. Benben is a mound that is shaped like a pyramid. Once the pyramid emerged it was the first place where the sun rose for the first time and produced light. It was also said that the pyramid was the place where the first god, Atum stood. Atum was not male or female but he created life by using the female part in him to create Shu, which is the god of air and his sister Tefnut, which is the goddess of moisture and fertility. Some people believe that they were created by sneezing and spitting. Shu is the sound of sneezing and Tef is the sound of spitting. Tef and Shu had two children the Sky Goddess Nut and Earth God Geb. While Geb layed down to form the Earth Nut the Sky Goddess was forming the sky. Zulu Creation The Zulu culture myth is from South Africa, which is considered to be the biggest group in Africa. The Zulu creation myth signifies Earth, sun, moon as gods...
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...language as cosmogony, the diverse myth of creation varies drastically among many areas of the earth and during numerous periods throughout history (Leonard & McClure, 2004). The telling of such myths and stories gives insight to the culture and behavior of many societies. This information becomes religion for some and yet a way to pass down the history, heritage, and tradition of a civilization to another. The most common way to dissect and question a myth uses tools that would identify the nature of the story and outline the origin. The many distinct views in use to theorize and question mythoi are commonly the social, the psychological, the literary, the structural, and the political form of the myth. The areas in which to question commonly reference back to a toolkit that when brought into use in examination of a myth, the analysis is simple and questions cover many concerns. The debate of whether a myth is a story of imagination or holds any fact depends on if it comes from “a tale told by idiots,” or rather “sages, religious fundamentalists and agnostic theologians, idealists and cynics, racists and fascists,” or “philosophers and scholars” (Leonard & McClure, 2004, p. 5). Choosing to use social, psychological, and structural for the theoretical methods of inspection to breakdown and question the narrations of various myths of creation will show the function in their respective societies and cultures. The social aspect questions how the myth affects a group of people and...
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...Every culture has a myth that has been told about the development of that particular culture. For example how beings first got on earth, how they were created, how the earth and sky were created and even how the animals were created. The Navajo culture resides over the areas of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The Egyptian culture resides in Egypt which is located in northeastern Africa. The Navajo and Egyptian creation myths share some similarities and also some differences. Both of these creation myths go into to extensive detail about the cycle of creation. The creator for the Egyptian Atum was neither male nor female. The significance of his gender was that he could join himself to produce his own children. Atum joined with his shadow to give birth to his son Shu whom he had spit up and made the god of air. Atum also gave birth to a daughter Tefnut whom he had vomited up and made god of mist and moisture. While the Egyptian creation myth goes into detail about how the creator Atum created his children the Navajo creation myth does not. It is told that when the Navajos came out of the first world they consisted of six beings. Begochiddy child of the sun was the creator of all things and his beings were first man, first woman, salt woman, fire god, and coyote. The development of these two cultures differs because they Navajo went through many different underworlds before finding stability while the Egyptian did not. Atums children Shu and Tefnut produced Geb the earth and nut...
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...Discuss a creation myth of either China or Tibet, pointing out similarities with those you have studied earlier in the course. The Chinese creation myth starts off with a huge primordial egg containing Pan Gu, the offspring of Yin and Yang. This egg is also seen in both the Vedic Hymns of India as well as the old myths of Tibet and Mongolia. From there Pan Gu grows for eighteen thousand years until the egg splits into the earth and the sky. This splitting and separation of earth and sky is seen in practically every myth studied so far. After another eighteen thousand years has passed the earth and sky solidify in their current positions and Pan Gu wearily lays down and dies. The story goes on to describe the division of his body parts to form the earth, wind thunder, moon, sun, etc., which is also seen in Babylonian myth where Marduk defeats Tiamat and uses one half of her body to form the sky and the other half to form the earth. The final element linking all of these creation myths is chaos. Whether its in the form of a chaotic sea (as seen in Indian Vedic hymns) or a great serpent (like Egyptian mythology portrays) the creation of the world is always linked to creating order out of chaos. Chinese mythology describes this portion of its story with the death of Hun Dun who was the emperor of the center of both the northern and southern seas. Describe the state of Nirvana and explain the difference between the early and later paths needed to reach it. What conclusions do...
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...The One that Launched A Thousand Religions “خالق واحد صحيح” (For purposes of understanding I refer to the creators in each religion as a he. This research is not intended to argue the gender of a higher being.) Native Americans, Christians, Deists, Muslims, and many other cultures have similarities in the ways they view the dawn of man. Creation stories have dated back anywhere from thousands of years to millions, yet it cannot be decided which version tells the true beginning. Religions and tales of the supreme beings who created Earth and life, come down in manuscripts and drawings that depict each individual purpose of life. With the advancement of technology, war, and government, the reason for man’s existence has changed and therefor his purpose needs to be redefined. خالق واحد صحيح in Arabic means “the one true creator” who holds and gives all power and life. The God, Allah, or Sky-Holder’s power is taken away in order for man to make what he has created right and so begins the beginning of a thousand religions. When man first thought about how to expand his power he did so while looking at his kingdom. From ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and even men like Christopher Columbus, power has stemmed from the ownership of land masses and the conquering of unexplored terrain. The world is in the state it is now because it shows who has gained the most power, yet man has neglected to protect the one thing that gave him that power, land. According to Ralph Waldo Emerson, man has a...
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...Christians and Stewardship of Their Environment 1. Introduction Our earthly habitat is not an unexpected occurrence of little worth, but rather, it is one to be highly valued and preserved. The biblical doctrine of creation helps the Christian to understand the true significance of the world in order to deal with the environmental crisis. The Bible says, “For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited…” (King James Version, Isaiah 45:18). In Christian teaching, God not only created Heavens and Earth, but expressed His delight in His creation. This creation meant, everything encompassing the trees, the rivers and all kinds of elements that go into preserving the environment (Genesis 1:31). Therefore, the destruction of the environment is against God’s will. The main problem in the stewardship model is the fall of mankind into a state of sin and depravity (Genesis 3). As a result of the fall, we are in rebellion against God. We no longer act as the stewards we ought to be regarding the earth and its resources. Therefore, we tend towards exploitation and abuse. In addition, the earth has been cursed as a result of the fall (Romans 8:20; Genesis 3:17-18). Action Institute expressed it this way; “Nature now produces floods, fires, earthquakes, weeds, and crop destroying insects (“A Biblical Perspective on Environmental Stewardship”). This...
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...Dr. Mortenson touched basis on how the geology was debated by different groups, Christian and non Christian scientists and what their beliefs are concerning how the universe was created. Summary This article basically informs the readers of the contents of the old earth geology theory. The debate that Dr. Mortenson discusses in this article has been around for some time, but many people do not know that it exist. The repercussions of this article is shown throughout this whole debate, basically because the theories does not consider God as the creator of the universe. From the "new Theories about the History of Creation", during the 18th century, the French scientists concluded that the earth evolution was the result of a collision between the sun and a comet. During the 19 century, the Scriptural Geologist believed in the biblical account of the "six day creation". These four Scottish men were of strong Christian faith and Journal Article Review 3 respected character. Because Christianity played a strong role in how and why people believed. This is probably why the old earth theory was in such a great debate. Strengths of the Article Dr. Terry Mortenson explained each of the theories to give a basic understanding of each and how it was created. When describing each one, he gave important...
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...Importance of Speech Popol Vuh, written anonymously by Mayans and later translated by Father Ximenez, is a myth on the creation of humans through a process of trial and error. By examining the role of speaking and its relationship to humans in Popul Vuh, we can see that the ability to speak and reason defines humanity. Speech is first introduced as just existing when the world had just begun. Any form of life had not existed except for the sea. Then the myth illustrates the power of speech when the Gods create the earth from just their words after talking and pondering together. The ability to speak has great power and is something that the Mayans felt important in their culture. The story then goes on as the Gods create animals as the first living beings. . However, these living beings were incapable of human thought and the gods expressed their dissatisfaction by saying to the animals, “You shall be replaced because you were not successful.” This begins many experiments by the Gods for the perfect human being. After being disappointed in the creations of animals, mud people, and wood people, the Gods finally create human that are capable of human thought. These humans were created by maize and water which are the necessary nutrition to sustain life for the Mayans. However these humans become another “mistake” for the Gods when they are asked to speak. The relationship between speech and reasoning is distinguished when they rename the Gods as “grandmother” and “grandfather...
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...several verses in the Bible that are used in support of creation ex nihilo: Creation Ex Nihilo in the Old Testament Genesis 1:1 reads, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Those who subscribe to creation ex nihilo emphasize that the Genesis 1 creation account stands out among Ancient Near East creation accounts as explicilty monotheistic and teaching that the Creator and the creation are distinct. The description of God as "the first and the last" (e.g. Isaiah 44:6) and "the Alpha and the Omega" (e.g. Revelation 1:8) are believed to relfect the uniqueness of the Creator as an eternal being. It is further understood that eternality is an atttribute of the Creator, which nothing else in the universe shares. Psalm 104:5-8 is said to support creation ex nihilo. It reads: "5 Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should not be removed for ever. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains. 7 At thy rebuke they fled; at the voice of thy thunder they hasted away. 8 They go up by the mountains; they go down by the valleys unto the place which thou hast founded for them." Psalm 24:1-2 is said to support creation ex nihilo. It reads: "1 The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 2 For he hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods." Psalm 102:25-27 is said to support creation ex nihilo. It reads: "25 Of old hast thou laid the foundation...
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...Cosmic Creation Myths Across Cultures Kelly Holliday University of Phoenix HUM/105 Cecelia Weber November 5, 2013 Cosmic Creation Myths Across Cultures The Inca and Navajo myths represent a world on earth. On earth the elements of sun, moon, water, fire, trees, and animals are all represented within the Inca and Navajo worlds. The creator for the Navajo world is the sun as were the Incan world creator is a derivative of the sun. Each creator provides a world for its people. This is the main concept for each creator, but this process is done in very different ways. The creators are perceived to be male in both worlds. It does not appear women play an important role unless given leadership from the creator. The Incan creator, named Pachacamac, created humans as to where the Navajo creation myth already had the first beings in the world. The Navajo world consisted of the first beings, which they named the first men, first women, salt women, fire god, coyote, and Begochiddy. Navajo’s Begochiddy, who is also the Child of the Sun, is the creator of all elements and other worlds for the first beings. Pachacamac, the creator for the Incas, was lonely at night so he created stars, planets, and the moon. Pachacamac created such a beautiful moon, he then falls in love and marries his moon. The significance of gender is the ability to the produce life to other beings and elements. He goes on to create mankind out of stone. The mankind he creates is pitiful and unable to care for...
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...says no he won’t help. Theo crosses the field of adventure when he asks his cousin for the transport papers and agrees to escort Kee. The belly of the whale, the series of tasks, and the meeting of the goddess all revolve around Julian. The ultimate boon is when Kee is delivered to the Human Project Boat, completing the quest. 4. Some cultural truths that we see in this movie include: Fears of war, illegal immigrants, death/the end of the human race that our lifestyles will effect our bodies (chemicals, over-processed food, pollution, prescription and recreational drugs), terrorism, that the government is either not working for us, hurting people, or will violate our freedoms, that we’re not prepared for the future. 5. A similar creation myth to this movie is Out of the Blue. Kee doesn’t know who the father of her child is and doesn’t even know how she became pregnant in the first place. Sky Woman has a husband but is miraculously impregnated after lying under the Tree of Life alone. We also see Sky Woman creating the heavens and the earth out of darkness/nothing, where Kee creates hope and life out of nothing with her...
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...The creation account -day 1-3:functions: time, weather, food -day -6: functionaries: human as pinnacle -day 7: god seeking a place to “rest” -1: lightday Darkness night -2: firmament in the midst of the water: water under and above the firmament Firmamentheaven -3: water under firmament be together unto one place, and the dry land appear The gathering together of water sea Dry land earth Earth bring forth grass, herb yielding seed, tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself -4:lights in the firmament of the heaven to be sign for seasons, days, and years and to divide light from darkness The greater lightrule the day The lesser lightrule the night He also made the star -5:every living creaturebe fruitful and multiply, fill the waters brought forth abundantly ,after their kind and winged fowl after his kind In the seafish Above the heavenwinged fowl Creep in the earthreptile -6: HUMAN: Gen 1:26:” And god said: let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth God blessed them, and said: be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it 2. The fall and it consequences Gen 2:4-3:24– focuses in on the end of the first creation account Characters: God, Adam, Eve, Serpent Structure: creation, prohibition...
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...Creation Myths Kimberly L. Moore HUM/105 World Mythology Diana Bernstein February 1, 2016 Creation Myths * I have chosen the “Greek Creation Myth,” and the “Mayan Creation Myth.” * In the “Mayan Creation Myth,” the heavens and the earth are both represented. The elements of earth are: day, moon and stars, mountains and hills, streams and rivers, animals, and human beings. The heavens are represented by Veracocha’s retreat to Lake Titcaca, from which he emerges in the beginning of the myth. It also describes a sea world as the god and his companions retreat to the coast of the sea, in the end of the myth, never to be seen again (Rosenberg p. 599) In the “Greek Creation myth,” earth, the sky world, and underworld are all represented. The earth is made from the earth Goddess, Gaia. The sky, and its starry mantle are Uranus, Gaia’s husband. The underworld is a place that contains the deepest, darkest depths of the earth, but also the “Blessed Isles,” a beautiful place where the heroes go when they die (University of Phoenix, 2015). * The creator in the Mayan creation myth is Lord Con Ticci Viracocha, “prince of the heavens and the earth” (Rosenburg p.599). Viracocha created the heavens and the earth first. Then, he created the animals and a race of “gigantic human beings” (Rosenburg p.571). He was displeased with the behaviors of the animals and humans, turned them into stone, and flooded the earth killing all of its inhabitants. He began again by creating day...
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...art. Myths and mythological characters have enthused masterpieces of composition, literature, sculpture and architecture. By studying myths, you can study how diverse societies have answered primary questions about the world and the individuals place in it. As individuals, the study of myths shows us how urbanized a meticulous communal system is with the conduct of life. By investigative myths, people can understand the feelings and principles that combine members of society into one group. Comparing the myths of a variety of cultures to determine how they are diverse and how they remind you of one another can also, show understanding on how people behave. For at least 2,000 years, scholars have speculated about how myths began. Some consider myths began as historical events that became unclear with the line of time. Others think myths resulted from an effort to explain natural occurrences that people could not value. Scholars have also urbanized others theories of how myths began. These theories answers all the questions about myths, but each contributes to an understanding of the subject. Today, people have methodical answers theories for many such questions about the world around them, also the usual events in terms of stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes. In the early days each society urbanized its own myths, which played a significant part in the society’s religious life. Most myths are alienated into two groups’ creation myths and explanatory myths. In this...
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