...Populačný a potravinový problém soc. – ekon. rozvoja. Populačný problém: za posledných 250 r. sa počet obyvateľov sveta zvýšil 10 násobne, dnešný stav sa zdvojnásobí, než sa stabilizuje. Demografické trendy súčasného sveta – dva protichodné vývojové trendy v dvoch častiach sveta: a/Európa a Severná Amerika: 2/3 obyvateľov živí 1/3, trend: počet obyvateľov začne pomaly ubúdať → aktívna časť obyvateľov bude musieť uživiť viac dôchodcov ako dnes. b/rozvojové krajiny (RK): v Afrike – ½ obyvateľov musí uživiť druhú polovicu, demografická explózia tretieho sveta. Transformáciu meniaceho sa sveta umocňujú dva trendy: stále rýchlejší nárast svetovej populácie, migrácia obyvateľov RK z vidieka do miest. Populačný problém – rozvojové krajiny: realizujú politiku zameranú na reguláciu plodnosti – antipopulačná p. India – Indov sa rodí viac ako Číňanov → tlak na infraštruktúru a nízke zásoby vody a potravín, maximálne 3 deti v rodine → nepomer medzi narodenými pohlaviami → nelegálny výber pohlavia, potraty. V minulosti epidémie – prirodzený regulátor počtu obyvateľov. Čína - za 15 r. sa znížil počet detí na ženu o 2/3, starý čínsky zvyk – rodina musí mať mužského potomka → každé tretie tehotenstvo sa prerušuje. Afrika – problém: rodí sa jedno dieťa za druhým, otrasné životné podmienky → jedno z ôsmych detí sa dožije piateho roku života. Významné faktory ovplyvňujúce rast populácie: vzdelanie: 15-ročná školská dochádzka → vyšší vek vstupu do manželstva, nepriama úmera medzi vzdelaním ženy a počtom...
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...[pic] GROWING THE FUTURE, LEADING THE WORLD Morgan State University 1700 East Cold Spring Lane Baltimore, MD 21251 Project Charter “NZEMA SOLAR POWER PLANT” The Ghana Team Project SUBMITTED BY: MONSURAT BUCKNOR SEAN BOONE MORGANE’ COLE JUANITA SINGLETARY JONES DONISHA WHITE September 19, 2015 Project Charter The Ghana Project This Charter formally authorizes the Morgan State University Ghana Team to develop and implement a solar energy plant to be completed for the summer 2018 Ghana Development National Priority plan. This is a firm fixed price contract for $800 million dollars to be completed in two years. The government of Ghana has a strict mandate that all supplies and labor shall come from and within Ghana or from other West African countries and Ghana governance should be the prevailing rules of engagement. This project charter is being submitted to the Project Sponsor for approval. The project charter includes the following: Scope Statement; Identification of Project Manager; Assumptions; Constraints; and a Stakeholder Register. All resources will be assigned by the Project Sponsor, Dr. Steve Onu the Project Sponsor. I. Scope Statement The purpose of the Ghana Solar Energy Plant project is to construct a strategic regional $800 million Solar Energy Plant project in Ghana for the ECOWAS to be completed in two years utilizing Ghanaian resources under the strict governance of Ghana’s prevailing...
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...Part I The charismatic and passionate CEO, Jack Donally helped transform Innostat from “a small local manufacturer of scalpels and other surgical equipment into the world’s best known maker of prosthetic limbs and surgical implants” (Beer, 2006, p.43). Under his leadership Innostat enjoyed outstanding financial performance, with sales reaching more than $2 billion. During his tenure at Innostat Jack was widely respected, admired and perceived as a charismatic leader. According to Weber (1947), charismatic leaders are endowed with exceptional powers or qualities. In addition they are attributed with the following personal attributes: self-confidence, vision, dominance, a need for influence, and articulation ability (Bass, 1985; House 1977; Conger, 1985). It is widely agreed that followers perceive their leader as charismatic when at time of uncertainty and stress he/she provide radical vision that guides the organization to success (Weber, 1947; Trice & Beyer, 1993). In the case of Innostat, it is evident that Jack was able to transform the firm from a small and probably loss making local manufacturer into the world’s best known maker of prosthetic limbs and surgical implants. This made his workers believe that he is endowed with exceptional abilities and their respect towards him grew over the years. However, three years before Jack’s retirement the company lost its innovative edge and as a result, its performance dramatically declined. Applying the Burke-Litwin model...
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...HOW DO IN W OES NFLAT TION AFFE ECT ECO ONOM GROW MIC G WTH? EC CON30 01 ASSO OC.PRO OF.DR Ayla OĞUŞ O Gör rkem To opuz 07 7020111 13 A Abstract t; T This pape examine relation er es nship betw ween infla ation ,defl lator and current GDP o econom growth with usi econometric tec on mic h ing chniques w that provide with p approp priate proc cedures fo estimati and in or ion nference.Fo many c or country, in nflation has an importan effect in econom situatio n nt n mic on.Moreov ver,inflatio is used for to on d see how much countries developed. w d .But in my case i us inflatio for how much y sed on w it effec cted econo omic grow wth.And a also i follo up oth variabl with in ow her les nflation to show how the effect economic g w ey growth. T mode include a poten The el es ntial impa of inf act flation on growth ,current , GDP, inflation effect on consume prices via anuua % valu and in er al ues nflation on deflator(an nnual %). effect o GDP d T mode highlig The el ghts if inf flation inc creses dir rectly ther is a negative re n impact on grow t wth.When inflation above th percent he tage of … …then gro owth is affect in a nega ative way.Below tha rate inf at flation does not hav any ef ve ffect on h y ve tly e growth or it may even hav a slight positive effect. S So,in this paper inc clude both negative and posi h e itive affec of inflation on ct econom grow but mostly neg mic wth m gative aff fect, and also incl lude time series e eviden about how muc inflatio...
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...Kapitulli III Shqiperia dhe marredhenia e te ardhura-shpenzimeve ne Buxhetin e Shtetit 3.1 Struktura e te ardhurave buxhetore Të ardhurat e qeverisë sigurohen kryesisht nga taksat dhe tatimet mbi aktivitetet e individëve apo të bizneseve private. Qeveria mbledh të ardhura nga individët dhe nga bizneset në formën e tatimeve dhe taksave. Tatimet janë të detyrueshme dhe periodike, dhe llogariten mbi shitjen e prodhimeve apo shërbimeve, mbi të ardhurat personale, mbi fitimin e bizneseve, mbi sasinë dhe llojin e mallrave që kalohen brenda apo jashtë kufirit të vendit, në formën e sigurimeve shoqërore e shëndetsore etj. Pjesen kryesore te te ardhurave ne buxhet e perbejne taksat mbi konsumin. Konkretisht, sipas buxheti faktit te vitit 2011, TVSh wshtw taksa qw mban peshwn kresore te te ardhurave, me 36% te te ardhurave, ndersa akcizat 12 %. Tw dyja kwto sjellin gati 50% te te rdhurave dhe konsiderohen si taksa mbi konsumin per shkak se ato transferohen direkt te konsumatori permes rritjes se cmimeve. tatimi mbi te ardhurat personale ze 9%. ne total te ardhurat nga tatimet e doganat perbejen 72% tw te ardhurave buxhetore te ardhurat nga sigurimet sjellin 17% te te ardhurave ne buxhet. Pjesa e mbetur vjen nga te ardhurat nga pushteti vendor (5%) dhe te ardhurat jo tatimore (6%) Burimi buxheti faktik 2011 Burimi; Buxheti i shtetit 2011 www.minfin.gov.al ecuria buxhetore ne 2011, buxhetet afatmesme 3.1.2 Ecuria e te...
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...BAB I PENDAHULUAN Analisis permintaan dan penawaran memberikan bantuan yang sangat berarti kepada ahli ekonomi dalam memahami peristiwa yang wujud dalam masyarakat. Teori permintaan dan penawaran terutama berguna untuk menerangkan interaksi penjual dan pembeli di pasar persaingan sempurna dimana terdapat banyak penjual dan pembeli. Didalam makalah ini, penulis akan menerangkan lebih jelas tentang bagaimana perubahan penawaran dan permintaan mempengaruhi perubahan harga barang pertanian, implikasi dari perubahan itu kepada pendapatan petani-petani dan produsen pertanian lainnya, serta kebijakan pemerintah dalam menstabilkan harga barang pertanian dan pendapatan petani. Analisis ketiga persoalan diatas merupakan bagian terpenting dari uraian dalam makalah ini. Disamping itu makalah ini juga membahas hal-hal seperti berikut, kebijakan pemerintah dalam menentukan harga maksimum dan implikasinya terhadap masyarakat, efek pajak penjualan terhadap harga dan barang yang diperjualbelikan, dan efek subsidi pemerintah terhadap harga dan jumlah barang yang diperjual belikan. BAB II PEMBAHASAN ELASTISITAS PERMINTAAN DAN PENAWARAN Pengertian Elastisitas Secara umum, elastisitas adalah perubahan harga yang kecil akan menimbulkan perubahan yang besar terhadap jumlah barang yang diminta maka dikatakan bahwa permintaan barang tersebut bersifat sangat responsif terhadap perubahan harga. Elastisitas Permintaan & Penawaran Elastisitas permintaan adalah satu pengukuran kuantitatif...
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...UAB "Senoji raštinė" Pylimo g. 54Vilnius Tel.8-5-2691744, Fax.8-5-2691745 Įm./PMK 145501522/LT455015219 PREKIŲ JUDĖJIMO KIEKINĖ ATASKAITA Laikotarpis: KODAS R-1/25 R-100 R-11/25 R-17/25 R-42 R-6/L R-67 R-100A R-50 R-12M R-21 R-22 R-35 R-43 R-46 CT-405 BT5x20 com/ultras BT/5x20/0.063 CHMB00501 CHMB00511 CHMB00521 VRKA00200 VRPR00300 WRSP00400 mp08-8-1 SRV11gy stc30 srsh814 flius/lw25 prekjud4a_1 VART Sandėlis: 1 sandėlys 1a. 2011.01.01 00:00:00 - 2011.12.31 23:59:59 MATO VNT. vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt vnt 1.000 1.000 LIKUTIS PIRKIMAI PIRKIMO GRĄŽIN. 2011.01.01 PERKĖL.+ INVENTOR. REZULT. PARDAVIMAI PERKĖL.PARD. KAINA Lapas: 1 Data :2012.03.15 VISO IŠLAIDŲ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 LIKUTIS 2011.12.31 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 BR.KODAS1 BR.KODAS2 BR.KODAS3 PAVADINIMAS Vamzdis 25` chrom, L-3000 Laikiklis distancinis Vamzdžio 25` laikiklis chrom Vamzdžio 25` antgalis chrom Jungtis galinė "S" maža Jungtis dviguba kairioji Tvirtinimas plokštei Laikiklis distancinis galinis Laikiklis distancinis Vamzdžio 25` antgalis su sriegu Laikiklis plokštei horiz. Laikiklis plokštei...
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