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Elderly Age


Submitted By brishnav
Words 827
Pages 4


HX: - Regina: 83 year old, osteporisis, hypothyroidism, intermitted memory lost. - Guiseppe: 87 year old, high blood pressure HUSBAND + WIFE ITALIAN, CATHOLIC LIVED IN NORTH RYDE, 20 YEARS PARENTS OF 5, GRANDPARETS TO 10 HOBBIES: - Regina: cooking, social gatherings, attending mass - Guiseppe: gardening, family time. DRINKING WINE AND COFFEE

REASON FOR INTIAL ASSESSMENT: - Regina: Becoming forgetful, housekeeping is not as good as before, cooking habits changed. *daughter notes: forgetful taking less care of housekeeping and appearance, forgetting medcation. - Guiseppe: concerned about Regina.


ACAT Team visit Mr + Mrs Gunita

BEST Support Mr + Mrs Gunita living at home


COMMUNITY NURSE -> Visits Mr + Mrs Guinta at home. Takes note of: MEDICATION - Regina: Thyroxine, caltrate, ginko biloba, paracetamol/panadeine, iburofen -Guiseppe: Asirin 100mg, irbesartan and HCTZ 150 mg MEDICATION DELIEVERED FROM LOCAL PHARMACY( NORTH RYDE) WEBSTER PACK -medication not regularly taken, not practical for regina as she has memory lost

*daughter notes: forgetful taking less care of housekeeping and appearance, forgetting medcation.

HEALTH: CURRENT + FACTORS Regina -Osteporisis: fracture(hip) -Hypothyroidism: constipation, fatigue, muscle pain, weakness, decreased taste and smell, obesity -Obesity- fall risks, diabetes, eye sight problems, di culties in moving. -Memory loss: confused, mood swings Guiseppe -High blood pressure: drowsiness, light headed, dizzy, unstready, obesity. WELLBEING Regina Cooking, church commitmets Guiseppe Gardening and walking

COMMUNITY NURSE -> Visits Mr + Mrs Guinta at home. Takes note of: EXTERIOR -GARDEN STAIRS: Concrete, pain worn out, steep and uneven. No rails. -FRONT: maintained, garden present, fencing. INTERIOR - BATHROOM: Small and cluttered, poor lighting, electrical hazards, xtures and ttings are too spread apart. -CUPBOARDS: cluttered with electrical hazards

COMMUNITY NURSE -> Visits Mr + Mrs Guinta at home. Takes note of: EXTERIOR -GARDEN STAIRS: Concrete, pain worn out, steep and uneven. No rails. -FRONT: maintained, garden present, fencing. INTERIOR - BATHROOM: Small and cluttered, poor lighting, electrical hazards, xtures and ttings are too spread apart. -CUPBOARDS: cluttered with electrical hazards

CURRENT: -Family: 5 children ( 3 girls, 2 boys), 10 grandchildren *oldest daughter Rosaresponsible of her parents (once a week visits) noticed the changes. - Lots of friend Saturday lunchs (once a month) -Church community - Italian community (suburb)

FINANCES - Medical expenses: Medicare cover -Personal commitments: family support loans?, insurance -Pensioner -Centrelink: bene ts? SOCIAL ASSISTANCE -Social Worker: provide support and services -Social Support: individual planning, household duities, OHS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE - GP, Pharmist, community nurse

PERSONAL PREFERENCES -Dressing/grooming -Bathroom/Showering -Tolieting FINANCES SAFETY -Falls risk: assistance required

EXTERIOR -STAIRS: Walkways with ramps, rails installed, non slippery INTERIOR - BATHROOM: non slippery surfaces and oors, brighter lighting, easy and accessible walkways. -CUPBOARDS: reachhable

- Alarms for pills - Are they taking right -Computerised pill medications? box - Medications within date? -Any allegeries? -Are they taking it on right - teaching/demonstrating time? -Overdose issues medication adminstration FINANCE - Can they a ord medication? -Require nancal assistance?

INTERPRETER -Communicates well -Understands and capable in explainng situations -Gains trust FAMILY MEMBERS -Close connection -Trust and understands FRIENDS -can communicate at a comfortable level

- Family - Friends - Church community - Italian community




- medication regularly taken and monitored. -document


EXTERIOR -STAIRS: Walkways with ramps, rails installed. INTERIOR - BATHROOM: Spacious, brighter lighting, electrical, reachable locaton of xtures and ttings. -CUPBOARDS: Organised, adjustable trays and shelves, electrical.


SOCIALS -Regular gatherings: - Italian community: -Church comittments:


(how to use webster pack accurately) -monitor medication adminstration - organise medication to suit their lifestyle

- create structural environment - change in life style/ dietary changes -Therapies (occupational and expressive therapies) - medication

- communicating skills -visual demonstraions - regular visits - relationships/trust. -familar surroundings create comfort and safe environment

- educating -documenting - regular visits - built relationships to gain trust.

Abbey, B., Alipour, A., Camp, C., & Hoferc, C. (2012). The Smart Pill Box . The Smart Pill Box , 1. Meiner, S. E., & Lueckenotte, a. G. (2006). Medications (3rd ed.). Missouri: MOSBY ELSEVIER.

Meléndez, J., Mayordomo, T., Sales, A., Cantero, M., & Viguer, P. (2013). How we compensate for memory loss in old age: Adapting and validating the Memory Compensation Questionnaire (MCQ) for Spanish populations. Archives Of Gerontology & Geriatrics, 56(1), 32-37. doi: Eliopoulos, C. (2005). Gerontological nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Daniels,.R., Grendell,N.R.R., Wilkins,.R.F. (2008). Nursing Fundamentals: Caring & Clinical Decision Making 2nd ed. 251-268 Waykle,M., Gueldner,S. (2011). Aging Well,Caring for the Elderly in the Emergency Department, 2nd (ed), Sudbury, MA. Jones & Barlett Learning

Bylund. C.L., Peterson. E. B., & Cameron. K. A. (2012). A practitioner's guide to interpersonal communication theory: An overview and exploration of selected theories. Patient Education and counselling. 87(3), 261-267 Doi: Saisan, J., & White, M. (2012). Home Care Services for Seniors. Services to Help you Stay at Home. Retrieved from

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