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Elderly Culture Analysis

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Getting old is a very adjusted and compound process; yet it keeps on being stereotyped. Generalizations about a specific gathering assume a capable part in molding how we consider and associate with people, and also how people inside the stereotyped gathering see themselves. These are unopposed or exaggerated convictions that shape how we see and collaborate with specific people. The American culture has tended to neglect, generalization, and underestimate the aging populace. Our general public notes that the elderly group is regularly thought of as the ineffective, expanding load since they are defenseless slight with their capacities to perform everyday living exercises and are much of the time unfortunate. The older adult populace is regularly incorporated in with these generalizations. We …show more content…
“Freedom, slowing down, companionships… changes…faith, and active engagement were main themes of their older lives… (Chen, 2001.” The rock-hard senior citizens have no need of renovation or change of undermine prevailing framework to be subject to others. From personal experience, my Great-Grandmother, Marnetta Kimbell. Known as Grammie to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She is a wonderful strong eight-two-year-old who does not want her family or friends to make changes to our construction just to adjust to her well-being. She looks for events and work to reassure us that she a woman who is independent and keep her dignity. In her own words, “Child just cause I’m old don’t mean I have to stop and give up what I like to do with my life, I’m going continue gardening and keep up with my yard is one of the best looking in this neighborhood. I’ll be darn if mines look like Ms. Charlotte across the street… all that brown weedy grass, girl please.” I love how she stands her own grounds. She doesn’t want us to change our plans or doings just to make it suitable for

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