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Electric Lawn Mowers Research Paper

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Gas powered lawn mowers have a bad rap, and some so rightfully so. They have many disadvantages as compared to electric lawn mowers. Gas-powered mowers are noisy, dirty, and require much greasy maintenance. The noise, smoke and bother of maintaining a gas powered lawn mower, have led many wise home owners to consider purchasing an electric lawn mower. An added benefit to the planet, electric mowers are also environmentally conscious, saving not only on noise pollution, but also on green house carbon gases. Other considerations to consider: changing spark plugs, air filters, handling gas canisters, and the loud gas powered lawn mower noise, which can actually damage the hearing.

Electric Lawn Mower have many Benefits

Electric mowers are quiet, require very little maintenance and are very affordable; in fact, electricity costs can be as little as $10-20 per year. The biggest disadvantage of electric mowers, however, is the cord. A large lawn requires a very long cord that may get in the way while you are cutting the grass. A cordless electric mower, on the other hand, allows you to cut the lawn without worrying about a long and vulnerable cord, of running over the electric cable or your home garden hose accidentally. For very large lawns, it is probably a good idea to go cordless, as the cored length for large lawns …show more content…
Electric mowers, just like gas-powered mowers can use either bags or be used without bags. Electric mowers are able to cut the grass clippings very finely, so you do not need a bag and you also do not need to dispose of the clippings, as the clippings easily disappear into the soil, adding nourishment, a natural fertilizer, at the same time. However, if you let the lawn grow very tall, this method will not be open to you. To benefit from this easy method of grass clippings handling, you must be conscientious to mow the lawn regularly, so that the grass never grows too tall.

Cordless Mowers Price

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