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Electromagnetic and Health Risk


Submitted By nickshah9896
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Are Electromagnetic Fields a Risk for Human Health?
Power lines allow the transmission of electricity. These exist all over the world, but are more predominant in some places, depending on the energy consumption. Although they all work for the same purpose, there are different types of power lines systems, and some have higher voltages than the others. Electromagnetic fields are created with the conduction of electricity, “because of the movement and existence of the charges. During the 1970’s, an examination was made on childhood leukemia and the results found a possible relationship between an increase in the disease and exposure to electromagnetic fields. From that moment on, many other studies attempted to show a link between electromagnetic fields and other diseases, which has caused major concern in many people. While some studies claim that there is a link between the two, some others demand that there is not enough proof to categorize electromagnetic fields as dangerous to human health. Even though exposure to electromagnetic fields has been labeled as a “human carcinogen,” most experts claim that there is not enough proof to make this claim and most studies show no relationship between these diseases and exposure to EMFs. Perhaps, some other factors should be considered when linking EMFs to developing certain diseases. Since our company was concerned about our customers’ anxiety, we decided to make a report on the subject. This report will provide information about electromagnetic fields and their health effects. Also, it will attempt to clear the concern of our customers, and will suggest which way to get the information to the clientele.

Collected Data:

As debatable as it is, many people consider that electromagnetic fields are hazardous for human health. They have been categorized as dangerous for human health because of studies that have shown a possible link between EMF exposure and developing certain illnesses.

EMF signals are identified mainly as three categories. These categories classify EMFs as static, electric and magnetic fields (as direct current, DC, 0Hz), Extremely Low Frequency fields (ELF, between 1 Hz up to 100 kHz) and high frequency (HF) fields, in the band of the Radio Frequency fields (RF, 100 kHz–3 GHz), and of the microwaves (MW, above 3 GHz). In the low frequencies, DC and ELF, and in the high frequencies RF and MW are believed to have mechanisms of interaction with biological system. The magnetic field of ELF-EMFs appears to interact with the balance of mechanisms forming free radicals in biological systems that are associated with oxidative stress.
“It is well established that free radicals can interact with DNA, leading to mutation, and interfere with gene regulation to eventually promote carcinogenesis. But an additional aspect of free radicals is their potentiality to affect neuropathological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the oxidative stress being a molecular hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases”(Consales, Merla, Marino & Benassi, 2012). Categories of wire codes and how they relate to the high-voltage transmission and distribution lines are illustrated in Figure below. The use of the wire code illustrated in Figure below and its modifications has a qualitative physical rationale but also significant quantitative limitations. Its use in previous epidemiologic studies was based on the assumption that the wire code reflects the average exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields. The rationale of this assumption is that larger power lines with thicker wires, which serve more residences and other consumers of electricity, carry more current and therefore provide a measure of exposure in the past and over a prolonged period. The merit of this rationale is that it considers (albeit in a qualitative manner) several of the factors used to calculate power-line magnetic fields; however, the reliability of the wire codes as a quantitative measure of exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields is very limited. The following is a summary of some of the findings in a review of the characteristics of the wire codes as used in the epidemiologic studies:

A simplified schematic of the basic features of the differences in the wire codes as defined to support epidemiologic studies. VHCC, OHCC, OLCC, and VLCC stand for very high, ordinary high, ordinary low, and very low current configurations.

Despite the increase of interest relating this field of research of EMF potentially induces disease and the epidemiological data suggesting a potential association between EMFs and neurodegeneration, the experimental findings are controversial (Consales, Merla, Marino & Benassi, 2012). Electromagnetic fields have been majorly linked to cancer, heart disease, pregnancy-related diseases, migraine and depression. Although EMFs are said to have so many health effects, the one disease that has caused major concern on people is childhood leukemia. EMFs are majorly considered dangerous because of the belief that it is a carcinogen. According to Habash (2007), “in general, cancers potentially associated with exposure to EM fields are leukemia, brain, and breast cancers” (p. 46).

Most studies relating EMFs to human health have been and are made to show a possible link between childhood leukemia and exposure to EMFs. Although still controversial, most experts guarantee that there is no proof showing that this link exists. According to National Research Council there is no apprehended evidence that exposure to electric or magnetic fields in households and surroundings causes cancer. To date, no reports have been published that contain any palpable effect of exposure to magnetic and electric fields in relation with prevalence of various types of cancer (National Research Council, 1997).

A study made in Australia tried to find a relationship between increasing risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children with parents exposed to EMFs. The study was made through a survey, which asked parents several questions which would provide information about their exposure to EMFs prior to and up to one year after birth. They reported that they “did not find an increased risk of ALL in offspring of parents with occupational exposure to ELF” (Reid et al., 2011, p.1409).

Another study made analyzing data that provided information of the link between childhood leukemia and low-frequency electromagnetic fields, in certain countries and worldwide, concluded that “the fraction of childhood leukemia cases possibly attributable to ELF exposure across the globe appears to be small” (Kheifets, Afifi, & Shimkhada, 2006, p.1532). Over the years, there have been made many attempts to explain the cause of childhood leukemia. As an attempt to do so, the main hypothesized cause had been determined to be the exposure to electric and magnetic fields. In an attempt to find a correlation among the two, many organizations have conducted various epidemiological studies all over the world to collect data.

Several demographic markers of risk have been established. Acute lymphocytic leukemia is characterized by a marked age dependence: the incidence is low in the first year of life, increases to a maximum at age 2-3, and decreases down to near baseline by age 7-8. This marked age dependence has been interpreted as indicative of an infectious origin to leukemia, either due to a specific but unknown infectious agent or the combined effect of all infections since birth (National Research Council, 1997). An association of childhood leukemia with birth order was noted by MacMahon and Newell (1962), in which the firstborn has about double the risk of a fifth born child. Studies in Massachusetts also suggested that the incidence of acute lymphocytic leukemia in children differs according to the mother's age at the birth of the child, so the excess risk is about 25% for a child born to a mother older than 35 years of age compared with a mother less than 20 years of age. In addition, several studies suggest increasing risk with increased socioeconomic status. All the observed variations in the incidence rates make it difficult to interpret small risk ratios in epidemiologic studies. A number of exposures that incurred in utero and postnatal have been implicated, but not well established as causal factors, including maternal marijuana use, maternal tobacco use, and consumption of nitrites in processed meats (National Research Council, 1997).

Aside from leukemia, there has also been concern on whether electromagnetic fields can cause headaches and migraines. The National Research Council (1997) says that in most of the studies, there was not proof to establish a relationship between suffering from migraines and headaches, and living close to power lines (p. 189).

In a study designed to follow up results from Dowson et al. (1988), Haysom et al. (1990) used a standardized questionnaire to investigate the incidence of self-reported headaches and migraines. Subjects lived on large estates adjacent to overhead power lines in Southampton, England, Large estates were used in the study to control for age and social status and to allow for a wide range of exposures by including houses close to (less than 100 m) and far from (greater than 100 m) the power lines.

According to the book, a study made on 1184 adults (half exposed to electromagnetic fields, and half unexposed) showed that “the incidence of headaches was more pronounced near a 400-kV power line than a 132-kV power line, although this difference also was not statistically significant” (National Research Council, 1997).

Public Opinion
Ever since EMFs were linked to human health and categorized as dangerous, it has created anxiety and major concern in many people. Apparently, although most people have heard something about electromagnetic fields, they are mostly concerned without having much knowledge of the subject. In a study made in Germany, which surveyed primary care physicians, these were asked whether they had ever discussed EMFs and health with patients, and more than 60% answered that they had. On the one hand, 73% said that the patient was the one to start the subject, from which 67% said it was only the patient who thought there was a connection. On the other hand, 27% said that they were the ones to start discussing the subject with patients, and almost 93% of the physicians in these cases though there was a connection. The authors say that “the primary care physicians were concerned about EMF, but their knowledge of the subject was not very extensive.” (Berg-Beckoff, Heyer, Kowall, Breckenkamp, & Razum, 2010, p.820). Another survey showed that among the 15 environmental factors presented as potential threats to health, the sources of EMF appear in the lowest five positions. Among these, high voltage power lines and mobile phone masts came first with 35% and 33% of the respondents respectively believing that they affect their health to a large extent (Bontoux & Bromen, 2011). There was a general gradient of concern from northern Europe (low) to southern Europe (high). Interestingly, the survey showed that while more than two thirds of the respondents believe that their health is affected to some extent by high voltage power lines, mobile phone masts and mobile phone handsets, only 46% say that they are very or fairly concerned about the potential health risks of EMF. There is a slight decrease in concern across the EU between 2006 and 2010 (48% to 46%) Moreover, 58% of Europeans do not believe that public authorities protect them from potential health risks linked to EMF (Bontoux & Bromen, 2011). Particularly high figures were found in Greece (75%), Latvia (72%), Lithuania (71%) and Slovenia (70%). The survey asked for the first time how people thought that the EU could support their national authorities in protecting them from the potential health risks from EMF. Overall, nearly half of the respondents (48%) feel that the EU should inform the public on these potential health risks, with particularly high figures in Cyprus (77%), Greece and Slovenia (both 67%) (Bontoux & Bromen, 2011). Finally, 39% believe the EU should set safety standards for products and a further 36% believe it should develop guidance for public health protection.

Nowadays, there are infinite ways of getting information or learning something. Ever since our clients have showed their concern on the topic, we decided to do a short phone survey to get some answers about our clients’ opinions. We called 300 clients and asked them a few questions about their knowledge of electromagnetic fields. Based on the telephone survey conducted, about 90 percent of the public is aware of the existence of electromagnetic fields. The most prominent sources that the public has gathered their information from are magazines at 68%, television at 53%, and newspapers at 46%. They also believe the power company or a local university to be more qualified to report on the dangers of electromagnetic fields over a perceived unqualified television or newspaper report. However, local universities, newspapers and television are perceived to be more trustworthy when it comes to unbiased information than the power company itself. Based on this data, the medium to reach the most people in the most reliable way would be through an academic magazine published by a university.

Reid, A., Glass, D., Bailey, H., De Klerk, N., Downie, P., Milne, E., & Fritschi, L. (2011). Risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia following parental occupational exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields. British Journal of Cancer,105, 1409-1413. doi: doi:10.1038/bjc.2011.365 Kheifets, L., Afifi, A., & Shimkhada, R. (2006). Public health impact of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields. Environmental Health Perspectives, 114(10), 1532-1537. doi: 10.1289/ehp.8977

Berg-Beckhoff, G., Heyer, K., Bernd, K., Razum, O., & Jurgen, B. (2010). The views of primary care physicians on health risks from electromagnetic fields. Deutsches Ärzteblatt International,107(46), 817-823. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2010.0817

Consales, C., Merla, C., Marino, C., & Benassi, B. (2012). Electromagnetic fields, oxidative stress, and neurodegeneration. International Journal of Cell Biology, 2012(ID:683897). doi: 10.1155/2012/683897

Habash, R. (2008). Bioeffects and therapeutic applications of electromagnetic energy. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

Bontoux, L., & Bromen, K. (2011). Public health and electromagnetic fields: Overview of european commission activities. Electromagnetic Spectrum, (2), Retrieved from

National Research Council. (1997). Possible health effects of exposure to residential electric and magnetic fields. Washington D.C: NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS. Retrieved from Riskmanagment. (2011). Public health and electromagnetic feild. Retrieved from

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