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Emergency Dental Emergencies

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Dental emergencies are rare, but sometimes you can't avoid them. It is important that you know what type of dental emergencies that need this type of urgent care. A clinic offering emergency dental care can provide the necessary expertise and treatment to alleviate the problem quickly, safely, and effectively. Here are some of the dental emergencies that require immediate treatment.

One of the most common reasons to seek emergency dental care is a persistent toothache, or periapical periodontitis. This type of toothache is spontaneous, painful, confined to one area, and worsens when the patient bites something. The gum area around the affected portion can also be painful. In this type of scenario, an abscess might form, which can lead to swelling …show more content…
Normally when a tooth falls out, the tooth socket would bleed for a few minutes and then stop. The problem is that clots can usually dislodge and cause further bleeding if the patient chews on something hard. Physical trauma that dislodged teeth may also cause severe bleeding. A dentist specializing in emergency cases would attempt to control the bleeding through the application of pressure on the affected area for about fifteen to thirty minutes. They may use a hemostatic agent if the compress is not effective. Suturing the area is the last resort.

Another reason to seek an emergency dentist is fractured teeth. Fractures in permanent teeth, especially those that reach all the way into the teeth's inner layers, require immediate treatment to prevent pulpal infection. What the emergency dentist would do is to place dentine padding on the affected part. You need to see a dentist within 24 hours to make sure there are no complications.

Post dental surgery complications are also situations that may require urgent care. One such situation is post extraction pain. Some discomfort is normal after an extraction, and it usually fades after a few hours. However, if the condition persists and painkillers do not work, you may need a dentist to check for other problems such as dry socket or a jaw

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