...M Finance Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. - M Finance - 2012-2013 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. - M Finance - 2012-2013 I Inhoudsopgave Vak: Institutional Investments and ALM Vak: Valuation and Corporate Governance Vak: Thesis Vak: Asset Pricing Vak: Derivatives and Asset Management Vak: Empirical Finance Vak: Research Project Finance Vak: Financial Markets and Institutions Vak: Private Equity and Behavioral Corporate Finance for Finance Vak: Financial Risk Management (Quantitative Finance) Vak: Real Estate Management Vak: Adv Corporate Finance 4.1 Vak: Valuation and Corporate Governance for Finance Vak: Institutional Investments and ALM for Finance 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam - Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. - M Finance - 2012-2013 II Institutional Investments and ALM Course code Credits Language of tuition Faculty Coordinator Teaching staff Teaching method(s) E_FIN_IIALM () 6.0 English Fac. der Economische Wet. en Bedrijfsk. prof. dr. C.G.E. Boender prof. dr. C.G.E. Boender, prof. dr. T.B.M. Steenkamp Lecture Course objective Achieve advanced knowledge of the investment process of institutional investors, like pension funds and insurers. The main objective is to fully understand the most important theoretical concepts in the institutional investment process and the way these concepts are used in practice. After following the...
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...conditions, agency problems and bankruptcy costs. We also show saucer-shaped relation between capital structure and profitability because of the interplay of agency costs, costs of external financing and debt tax shield. To our knowledge, we are the first to uncover these results. Key words: capital structure; market structure; market power; Tobin’s Q; riskshifting; moral hazard; agency problems; pecking order; trade-off theory; asset substitution. ii CapStrMktPower I M Pandey CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND MARKET POWER INTRODUCTION In corporate finance, works of Modigliani and Miller (1958; 1963) about capital structure irrelevance and tax shield advantage paved way for the development of alternative theories and a series of empirical research on capital structure. The alternative theories include the trade-off theory, the pecking order/asymmetric information theory and the agency theory. All these theories have been subjected to extensive empirical testing in the context of developed countries, particularly USA (se Harris and Reviv, 1991 for a review). A few studies report international comparison of capital...
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...engaged managers since the birth of the modern commercial corporation. Surprisingly then dividend policy remains one of the most contested issues in finance. Dividend policy is concerned with financial policies regarding paying cash dividend in the present or paying an increased dividend at a later stage. Whether to issue dividends and what amount, is determined mainly on the basis of the company's unappropriated profit (excess cash) and influenced by the company's long-term earning power. When cash surplus exists and is not needed by the firm, then management is expected to Payout some or all of those surplus earnings in the form of cash dividends or to repurchase the company's stock through a share buyback program. Management must also choose the form of the dividend distribution, generally as cash dividends or via a share buyback. Various factors may be taken into consideration: where shareholders must pay tax on dividends, firms may elect to retain earnings or to perform a stock buyback, in both cases increasing the value of shares outstanding. Alternatively, some companies will pay "dividends" from stock rather than in cash. Our group have selected 3 journals related to the dividend policy in our quest to understand the factors/determinant of the latter and its relationship with investment opportunities and corporate finance. Further the chosen journals concentrated on the research dividend policy affecting firm’s in the emerging market. The following are the reviews...
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...01 Technical risk management relevanT To acca QUalificaTion PaPer P4 The management of risk is a key area within a number of ACCA papers, and exam questions related to this area are common. It is vital that students are able to apply risk management techniques, such as using derivative instruments to hedge against risk, and offer advice and recommendations as required by the scenario in the question. It is also equally important that students understand why corporations manage risk in theory and in practice, because risk management costs money but does it actually add more value to a corporation? This article explores the circumstances where the management of risk may lead to an increase in the value of a corporation. Risk, in this context, refers to the volatility of returns (both positive and negative) that can be quantified through statistical measures such as probabilities, standard deviations and correlations between different returns. Its management is about decisions made to change the volatility of returns a corporation is exposed to, for example changing a company’s exposure to floating interest rates by swapping them to fixed rates for a fee. Since business is about generating higher returns by undertaking risky projects, important management decisions revolve around which projects to undertake, how they should be financed and whether the volatility of a project’s returns (its risk) should be managed. The volatility of returns of a project should be managed if...
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...Changing ownership and its impact on Firm performance: A detailed pre and post crisis study on Indian firms Several studies are available establishing relationship between firm performance and ownership structure and the results are mixed. Several authors have found significant relationship while others have not found any significant relationships. In Indian context also, there are several studies which propagates to have both kind of results. The way literature is linking the owner ship with performance has always been via addressing the agency (outsiders and insiders) problem, board structure, size, leverage etc. but, literature is sparse to identify these variables as moderating the relationship between ownership and firm performance. The purpose of this study is to establish and study the relationship between ownership and performance in Indian context. Considering following points, I recommend a framework to study the changing ownership and firm performance under the premise that agency costs and information asymmetry acts as moderating variable, which increases/decreases performance when ownership changes. * In India, it is confirmed by several authors that concentrated and complex ownership structure is found which creates problem of heterogeneity and opacity. * India has agency type 2 problems; few studies are available addressing type 2 problem and variables to measure this. * Opacity and complexity creates Information asymmetry and tunneling respectively...
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...conditions, agency problems and bankruptcy costs. We also show saucer-shaped relation between capital structure and profitability because of the interplay of agency costs, costs of external financing and debt tax shield. To our knowledge, we are the first to uncover these results. Key words: capital structure; market structure; market power; Tobin’s Q; riskshifting; moral hazard; agency problems; pecking order; trade-off theory; asset substitution. ii CapStrMktPower I M Pandey CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND MARKET POWER INTRODUCTION In corporate finance, works of Modigliani and Miller (1958; 1963) about capital structure irrelevance and tax shield advantage paved way for the development of alternative theories and a series of empirical research on capital structure. The alternative theories include the trade-off theory, the pecking order/asymmetric information theory and the agency theory. All these theories have been subjected to extensive empirical testing in the context of developed countries, particularly USA (se Harris and Reviv, 1991 for a review). A few studies report international comparison of capital...
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...A Study on Leverage and Firm Investment: Chinese Evidence Master of Science Thesis Huijie Bao Program Economics of Innovation and Growth Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) June 2010 Supervisor: Börje Johansson ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the relationship between financial leverage and investment in Chinese listed firms. There are two novel aspects embraced here. One is choosing a marginal version of Tobin’s q instead of average q with Chinese data. Another one is taking the financial sector in to consideration. The research covers all sectors in the Chinese stock market. Main outcomes are listed below. Leverage imposes negative effects on investment, especially on non-state owned firms. Like Financials, Manufacturing and other highly regulated sectors, the inverse impacts of debt are week as well. However, marginal q fails in proof under the specific environment of the Chinese capital market which is still immature. High-leveraged firms experienced reverse influences of marginal q on investment. To sum up, over-debt financing indeed blocks the sustained investment. Relatively speaking, state owned firms in China suffer less since they are supported by the government and have fewer restrictions. Key words: financial leverage, marginal q, gross investment and state owned firms 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my strong gratitude to my supervisor, Prof. Börje Johansson, whose profound knowledge, guidance and patience, greatly enhanced...
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...pecking order, signaling and market timing. For each theory, a basic model and its major implications are presented. These implications are compared to the available evidence. This is followed by an overview of pros and cons for each theory. A discussion of major recent papers and suggestions for future research are provided. Introduction The modern theory of capital structure began with and the famous proposition of Modigliani Miller (1958) that described the conditions of capital structure irrelevance. Since then, been changing these conditions to explain factors driving capital many economists have structure decisions. Harris and Raviv (1991) synthesized major theoretical literature in the field, related these to the known empirical evidence, and suggested promising avenues for future research. They argued that asymmetric information theories of capital structure are less promising than control-based or product-based theories. The financial crisis of 2008-2009 forces to look critically at the modern level of capital structure theory. The problems of many companies were related to their financing policies. The role of asymmetric information and agency problems has to be understood better....
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...A STUDY OF EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES AND BOARD COMPOSITION ON DIVIDEND PAYOUT POLICIES ON NIFTY 50 COMPANIES (2000-2012) | RESEARCH PROPOSAL, BUSINESS RESEARCH METHODS | | 2/27/2013 2/27/2013 Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between Corporate Governance practices and corporate dividend policy in India. Design/methodology/approach: Data regarding ownership structure, dividend policies and board composition would be collected for 40 non-financial companies listed on National Stock Exchange in India. The period of investigation has been taken from 2000-2012. Regression models would be run to define the relationship and for estimation purpose. Potential Findings: Based on the some heuristics and back of mind observations it can be seen that board size and composition, extent of ownership of promoters, the amount of free float in the market, firm size and investment opportunities are positively and significantly associated with dividend policies and dividend payout decisions. On the contrary, there are some instances which show a negative relationship between profitability and dividend payouts indicating the need of reinvesting funds. A significant number of independent directors in the board also have an impact on the payout policies, albeit not a significant one. A number of positive NPV investment opportunities also bear a negative relationship with dividend payout as more money is retained to invest...
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...Capital Structure puzzle: UK Evidence’ Assignment for PGBS0140 Accounting & Finance for Managers Plymouth Business School Module No.:PGBS0140 Module: Accounting & Finance for Managers Group Members and Student No.: Word count: 1492 Critical Review on ‘Revisiting the Capital Structure puzzle: UK Evidence’ Al-Najjar, B. and Hussainey, K. (2011). Revisiting the capital structure puzzle: UK evidence. The Journal of Risk Finance, 12 (4), 329- 338. This essay will summarise and critically review the report of Al-Najjar and Hussainey (2011) in which the effects of potential drivers of corporate capital structure are differing for three different definitions of capital structure. The article of Al-Najjar and Hussainey is a meaning but problematic piece of research. This essay aims to critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of authors’ arguments and mainly focuses on the introduction, theoretical background, hypothesis, empirical tests, and result. Summary Al-Najjar and Hussainey found a capital structure puzzle which is involved with different definition of capital structure and determinants of corporate capital structure. They collected a sample data of 379 non-financial firms in the UK from 1991 to 2002, and investigated firms’ corporate characteristics (including firm growth rate, risk level, firm size, asset tangibility, and firm’s profitability) and corporate governance elements (including non-executive directors and board size) which are the...
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...Finance Theories Taxonomy 1 Finance Theories Taxonomy 2 Finance Theories Taxonomy This document presents a taxonomy of selected finance theories developed in past 5 decades by academics, practitioners and scholars in the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America. A total of 14 theories and models are synthesized in this work, organized in five tables with the same structure: Theories of capital structure; capital budgeting and cost of equity; asset valuation, financial behavior and international finances. Each table contains theories organized alphabetically with an indication of its germinal or current character. The description of the theory is accompanied by current examples of empirical research that updates or contradicts the theory and additional information about limitations, scope and opportunities of research. Finance Theories Taxonomy 3 Table 1 Finance Theories Taxonomy: Theories of capital structure Theory General description Current examples of the theory Other attributes Modigliani and Miller Germinal theory of corporate finance A review of the theory by Criticism against flaws of M& M theory Theory of investment proposed by Miller and Modigliani Miller himself, offers a new (Ball, 2001) (1958) argues that “the value of a firm view about the so called ‘junk 1. Market perfection. M&M assumed is independent of its capital structure” bonds’ which were considered information was...
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...CORPORATE FINANCE HONOURS 2011-2012 Topic: Behavioural corporate finance Lecturer: Yue (Lucy) Liu E-mail: Yue.Liu@ed.ac.uk Outline Psychological phenomena Biases Heuristics Framing effects Impact on corporate finance Valuation Capital Budgeting Capital structure Dividend policy Mergers and acquisitions Yue (Lucy) Liu 2011/2012 Corporate Finance 2 Psychological phenomena Bias Excessive optimism Overconfidence Confirmation bias Illusion of control Heuristics Representativeness Availability Anchoring and adjustment Affect Heuristic Framing effects Loss aversion Aversion to a sure loss Yue (Lucy) Liu 2011/2012 Corporate Finance 3 Biases Bias A predisposition toward error. – Excessive optimism People overestimate how frequently they will experience favorable outcomes and underestimate how frequently they will experience unfavorable outcomes. – Overconfidence People make mistakes more frequently than they believe and view themselves as better than average. – Confirmation bias People attach too much importance to information that supports their views relative to information that runs counter to their views. – Illusion of control People overestimate the extent to which they can control events. Yue (Lucy) Liu 2011/2012 Corporate Finance 4 Heuristics Heuristic A rule of thumb used to make a decision. – Representativeness People make judgments based on stereotypic thinking, asking how representative...
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...Relationship 5 2.2 Efficiency of the capital markets 5 3. Empirical study 6 3.1 Select a FTSE 100 company—HSBC Holdings PLC 6 3.2 Financial decisions taken over in the past three years 7 3.3 Appraise the financial management decisions 8 3.4 Impacts the financial management decisions have on the company’s value 9 3.5 Analysis 10 4. Conclusion 11 References 12 Bibliography 13 1. Introduction The financial management is a comprehensive and complex work to plan the expenditure and revenue in detail, so as to accumulate more profit guarantee the future expansion and daily normal operation. Financial management decisions are the strategies to achieve their financial objectives which mainly include capital budgeting, capital structure, and working capital management. Scholars have been devoting themselves into this discipline for a long time, especially the research of capital structure. Modigliani and Miller (1958) even got their Nobel Prize in economics for their study of the relationship between capital structure and corporate value, with and without corporate tax. But whether financial management decisions influence the firm value and how policies affect it are still open for discussion, for there are still plenty of uncertainties. This paper makes a brief overview of the related theories about financial management and the efficiency of capital market, and then carries on an empirical study to test related theories by citing an example of a FTSE 100...
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...Website: http://didattica.unibocconi.eu/ts/tsn_anteprima2006.php?cod_ins=30 017&anno=2015&IdPag=5861 Course Objectives The course provides an introduction to the most important aspects of corporate finance. The objective is to acquire the essential skills necessary to actively deal with the corporate finance activities of an internationally operating firm. The course explores both investing and financing decisions, focusing on their role in the creation of shareholder value. The course covers five main parts: the value of a firm - financial instruments, valuation concepts and decision rules. Risk and return - theory, empirical evidence and applications to capital budgeting. Financing decisions and market efficiency. Payout policy, capital structure and valuation. Course Content Summary Finance and the financial manager. Valuing bonds and common stocks. NPV and investment decisions. Risk, return and the opportunity cost of capital. Capital budgeting and risk. Efficient markets and behavioural finance. Payout policy, debt policy and capital structure. Financing and valuation. Textbooks R. BREALEY, S. MYERS, F. ALLEN, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw Hill, 2014,11th edition. Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library) Detailed Description of Assessment Methods Course assessment consists of two written exams (partial and final exam, 70%) and homework assignments (group...
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...British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences September 2012, Vol. 5 (2) The Effect of Working Capital Management on the Profitability of Turkish SMEs Ece C. KARADAGLI Cankaya University, Department of Banking and Finance Eskisehir Yolu 29. km, Ankara, 06810, Turkey Phone: (90) 312 233 12 04; Fax: (90) 312 233 10 27 E-mail: ece@cankaya.edu.tr 36 Abstract This paper focuses on the effects of working capital management as measured by cash conversion cycle and net trade cycle on the firm performance for a sample of Turkish listed companies and searches for potential differences between the profitability effects of working capital management for the SMEs and for the bigger companies with an accompanying aim to examine whether net trade cycle can efficiently substitute for cash conversion cycle as a measure of working capital management. The research is conducted for the period of 2002-2010 by using pooled panel analysis with annual data. The findings suggest that an increase in both the cash conversion cycle and the net trade cycle improves firm performance in terms of both the operating income and the stock market return for SMEs where as for bigger companies a decrease in cash conversion cycle and net trade cycle is associated with enhanced profitability. Besides, the findings also imply that managers can use net trade cycle instead of cash conversion cycle confidentially. Keywords: cash conversion cycle, net trade cycle, firm performance, SMEs, emerging economies...
Words: 4208 - Pages: 17