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Employing Teams In The Workplace

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Employing Teams
Teamwork is defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “the work done by people who work together as a team to do something” (n.d.). Personally, I believe teams are an important aspect of any organization or company you work for. There are a variety of the types of teams that exist as well as challenges faced working in or on a team. Additionally, I do not believe there has been a job that I have had, where I did not work on a team or as part of a team. I have worked in retail store, social services, and currently, public health all of which some form of teamwork is required. I will analyze my experience and background working in teams, and how my current employer utilizes or fails to utilize teams.
Throughout my undergraduate …show more content…
This type of work, was manager-led teams, but we were individually responsible for self-managing our tasks. We would interview 10-12 clients a day by phone or in person, in thirty-minute increments. This can be quite challenging at times even with prodigious organization skills and a rapport of speed because each interview is different and things may come up that are far beyond out of your control. Your computer could shut off in the middle of an interview or the call could be unexplainably disconnected, but ultimately, how you react to falling behind is how you determine your continued …show more content…
The security of health depends on the nation’s ability to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from public health threats. These partnerships require partners to develop relationships with other local partners in their communities such local volunteer agencies, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Fire Departments, American Red Cross, and the Department of Homeland Security to practice and prepare for possible attacks or threats and develop an after-action plan. In order to achieve or ensure protection, those agencies or partners are provided funding, technical assistance, and guidance to practice their critical role in protecting the public’s health through annual exercises, drills, workshops, and continuous

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