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Employment in Jamaica


Submitted By MikaliaLawrence
Words 344
Pages 2
Unemployment is a major social issue is Jamaica’s society. The obvious solution to minimizing this issue is creating more employment opportunities for persons to pursue. Individuals facing such problem will complain that the government does not provide enough job opportunities to solve or at least minimize the rate of unemployment in the country. However, the government would like these individuals to realize that they too can create jobs opportunities and to stop being one track-minded to the idea that only the government can develop these opportunities. The government has advised not to only rely on them for employment as opportunities in this sector continue to dwindle by the day. Also, by doing so they will increase the markets for products already offered by the government.
These individuals facing the problem can find employment either by themselves or as a group. This can be done either by becoming self-employed as sole traders or entering a partnership. A sole trader is a business with a sole owner who will employ a few employees. These businesses are usually well managed and profitable. A partnership is formed when two or more people set up a business together, and share the profits. These businesses often operate effectively as each partner can contribute experience and knowledge. Both businesses can be started with little government intervention, as long as they meet their legal requirements. . The government will be willing to create environments where entrepreneurs feel that their businesses will succeed.
Self-employment makes a real important contribution to the economy of a country. As mentioned before they offer wider markets for already existing goods. Also, provide immediate large-scale employment to the unemployed minimize the unemployment rate as they can employ people as their firms expand. Self-employment provides a variety of new product and

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