...Empowerment Approach to Human Services Erica Ochoa BSHS/425 02/05/2015 Laura Provencio Empowerment Approach to Human Services A human service worker is a person who advocates for a certain group or clients, who are not able to deal with his/her issues. In this paper it will explain on how the 12 principles by Hardina et. Al. will help in developing a dream human service agency in El Paso, TX. The dream agency would be personal assistance for disabled children from the ages of 1 – 17. IT will also explain on how starting an agency needs organizational structure. In having organizational structure will allow the agency to perform effectively and meet its monetary needs. Personal Home Health Care for Disabled Children As we see in today’s world there are many children who are disabled and are needing assistance at home. Not only is the child the one who needs assistance but as well as the mother or father of the child. As a mother or father raising a child that has a disability is a challenge. Especially when there is other siblings in the home and quite don’t understand what is wrong or why their sibling acts in a certain way. This brings much chaos within the home. When the parents or parent works it makes it hard to deal with day to day tasks and especially when you have a special needs child who needs more attention than the other siblings. In other words with a special need child they are needing more assistance in doing his/her daily tasks...
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...Maintaing ethical standards Cheryl Anderson BSHS/335 2/1/2016 Tracy Mallett Maintaning ethical standards The issue I have chosen to do is with Emily and Lois, this is a couple that is the same sex and is legally married in San Francisco, was it is legal. Emily and Lois now have moved to a different state where it is not legal. It is bad enough to move to a different environment, as it would be for anybody. Now in a different state with some different rules one of them being they do not condone same sex marriages, and moved in their neighborhood for which now neighbors realize they are married for which is not in favor in this state, and now are being discriminated. Emily’s parents are non-supportive of this marriage and Emily and Lois having a child together Emily’s parents are trying to fight for custody for this child; because Emily’s parents feel they are unfit to be parents. Both Emily and Lois are looking for support sense there is no help in their favor, so they are seeking out a counselor. As a counselor I will identify the ethical concerns, that I will face and will find a solution for my client’s situation while I maintain ethical standards. I will provide help and guidance on how to cope with the problems that Emily and Lois are dealing with and help them find the best solution for their family. As there case worker I would make sure that they understand the laws of which state they are now residing, and let them know have the same rights or benefits as they...
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...Empowerment Approach to Human Services Management Paper Vanessa Cuffee September 5, 2014 BSHS/425 Heather Zuhurak The empowerment approach will ensure a client that help will be provided in a respectful and empowering way. Empowerment is used at my agency to lift and encourage clients to better their daily lives. In every aspect positive energy and approaches are used. The client’s strengths are building upon, and this helps strengthen his or her weaknesses. There are 12 basic principles in the empowerment approach. 1. Empowerment-oriented organizations create formal structures that support client’s participation in organizational decision-making. 2. Empowerment-oriented organizations create partnerships with program beneficiaries in which clients, staff, and board members are all treated equally. 3. In service delivery the purpose of involving the client is to decrease personal feelings of powerlessness, improve the quality of services, and the access to services. 4. Empowerment-oriented organizations will develop policies, programs, and procedures that will bridge cultural, ethnic, gender, and other demographic barriers to effective service delivery. 5. Empowerment-oriented organizations have managers who are 100% committed to the empowerment of staff members and program beneficiaries. 6. Empowerment-oriented organizations have specific strategies that will increase the psychological empowerment and workers motivation. 7. Team building and collaboration among...
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...occupation barriers are encountered and the human services occupations are no different. There are many different areas in the human services occupations such as funding, services, planning and empowerment where barriers can and are encountered. Where funding and services are in the forefront and often looked at when changes are made, empowerment is placed on a back burner and sometimes even forgotten completely. Empowerment is an important part of the human services profession and therefore the barriers that affect empowerment associated with human services need to be looked at and addressed. Barriers Associated with Empowerment Within human services empowerment is a key aspect of helping individuals seeking help. Human services professionals work with individuals in need of help that the individual is unable to achieve on his or her own. Where human service professionals have an array of information and guidance available to him or her, clients that seek out assistance from human services professionals do not. This is where empowerment begins to take shape and where human services individuals start encountering barriers in the attempts of empowerment. Barriers become present in many different shapes and forms when empowerment is concerned. One of the biggest barriers that a human service professional encounters in regards to empowerment is resistance. When human services professionals begin helping individuals the human service professional works on the individual’s self-esteem...
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...Technology Solutions for Human Services Paper April Fraley September 9, 2012 BSHS/352 Don Iliff Technology Solutions for Human Services Introduction With every occupation barriers are encountered and the human services occupations are no different. There are many different areas in the human services occupations such as funding, services, planning and empowerment where barriers can and are encountered. Where funding and services are in the forefront and often looked at when changes are made, empowerment is placed on a back burner and sometimes even forgotten completely. Empowerment is an important part of the human services profession and therefore the barriers that affect empowerment associated with human services need to be looked at and addressed. Barriers Within human services empowerment is a key aspect of helping individuals seeking help. Human services professionals work with individuals in need of help that the individual is unable to achieve on his or her own. Where human service professionals have an array of information and guidance available to him or her, clients that seek out assistance from human services professionals do not. This is where empowerment begins to take shape and where human services individuals start encountering barriers in the attempts of empowerment. Barriers become present in many different shapes and forms when empowerment is concerned. One of the biggest barriers that a human service professional encounters in regards to empowerment is resistance. When...
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...Empowerment and Approach Paper Franita Jones BSHS/425 June 20, 2016 Venessa Lee Empowerment and Approach Paper This paper will imitate ideas used for empowerment of consumers within organizations. There are 12 principles that administrators, workers, clients, and board members should take into account in the human service field. It is important to execute procedures and protocols that address consumers without social partiality in social systems. Contained in this paper, the reader has a impression of how a dream organization or agencies arrange quality service delivery to their consumers. The expression empowerment connects to the English word power. Empowerment permits organizations, agencies, and selected individuals the authority to act for a precise aspiration or purpose (Rapport, 1987). Principles and Empowerment Approach Social service management consists of 12 basic principles that assist human service professional in supporting their clients through the application of the empowerment approach. The essayist will attempt to provide a summary and a concise account of how these approaches affect organizational structuring. First, an effective organization works diligently at designing a structured agency that offers support, provide resources, and encourage client participation. When coordinated processes are in place for consumers, the organization is allowing the consumer the chance to be a part of the decision- making process. Many agencies still introduce...
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...Crіtіcаl Еvаluаtion Of Rеѕеаrch Mеthοdѕ Аррlіеd Tο А Hοѕріtаlіty Cοntеxt Dеductіvе vs. Іnductіvе Based on dеductіvе vs. inductіvе techniques whenever researchers conduct research in hospitality and tourism research proejcts they dіѕtіnguіѕh bеtwееn twο bаѕіc kіndѕ οf аrgumеnt: іnductіvе аnd dеductіvе. Іnductіοn іѕ uѕuаlly dеѕcrіbеd аѕ mοvіng frοm thе ѕреcіfіc tο thе gеnеrаl, whіlе dеductіοn bеgіnѕ wіth thе gеnеrаl аnd еndѕ wіth thе ѕреcіfіc; аrgumеntѕ bаѕеd οn еxреrіеncе οr οbѕеrvаtіοn аrе bеѕt еxрrеѕѕеd іnductіvеly, whіlе аrgumеntѕ bаѕеd οn lаwѕ, rulеѕ, οr οthеr wіdеly аccерtеd рrіncірlеѕ аrе bеѕt еxрrеѕѕеd dеductіvеly. А dеductіvе аrgumеnt іѕ οnе whοѕе cοncluѕіοn fοllοwѕ frοm thе рrеmіѕеѕ аѕ rеquіrеd. Thіѕ fеаturе іѕ cаllеd vаlіdіty аnd іѕ whаt dіѕtіnguіѕhеѕ іt is frοm οthеr аrgumеntѕ, ѕuch аѕ thе іnductіvе аnаlοguе. А nеcеѕѕаry rеlаtіοnѕhір еѕtаblіѕhеd bеtwееn рrеmіѕеѕ аnd cοncluѕіοn іѕ cаllеd vаlіdіty. Dеductіvе rеаѕοnіng іѕ rеаѕοnіng thаt іnvοlvеѕ а hіеrаrchy οf ѕtаtеmеntѕ οr truthѕ. Ѕtаrtіng wіth а lіmіtеd numbеr οf ѕіmрlе ѕtаtеmеntѕ οr аѕѕumрtіοnѕ, ѕtаtеmеntѕ thаt аrе mοrе cοmрlеx cаn bе buіlt uр frοm thе mοrе bаѕіc οnеѕ. Іf-thеn dеductіvе rеаѕοnіng іѕ hοw ѕcіеntіѕtѕ (аnd οthеr реοрlе!) cаn tеѕt аltеrnаtе hyрοthеѕеѕ. Mаkіng dеductіοnѕ іѕ іmрοrtаnt whеn wе cаnnοt dіrеctly οbѕеrvе а cаuѕе, аnd cаn οnly οbѕеrvе іtѕ cοnѕеquеncеѕ. Thіѕ kіnd οf rеаѕοnіng cаn bе mοdеlеd by thе fοllοwіng: Іf ... Thеn... But... Thеrеfοrе... On the other ahdn inductіvе rеаѕοnіng...
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...personal, interpersonal, and political empowerment, the way individuals are involved in multiple social systems. I will also discussing the macro systems response to child maltreatment sexual abuse and delinquency and compare and contrast the application of functionalism and interactionist theory to poverty. Lastly, I will discuss the role and responsibility of the human service worker in the macro environment. Personal empowerment can be defined as the power within a person. It consequences in self-confidence, which means an individual is assuming his or her responsibilities; you have enough confidence to make decisions, and you realizes that you are in a position to change. The change could be anything, it could be to seek career advancement, work on a failing relationship or to become a better parent. Personal empowerment gives a person a better sense of responsibility and holds ourselves more accountable for the things we do. It is meant to make us better individuals. Interpersonal empowerment is when a organization or a person work together to meet their targets. The combined power of the group will help all of the members to achieve their goals. Each member will contribute, understand, and support their other group members to increase their collective empowerment. Empowerment can be improved by working as one unit with other peoples of the group but not for the peoples of the community. Another meaning of interpersonal empowerment is to share authority within the group...
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...professionals and awarding bonuses. Staff members may be agitated if funds are redirected to other projects other than to their salary increments. In addition, it is recommended that management should explain clearly to their subordinates the intended purpose of funds if they will not avail increments.Employees are more likely to understand their manager’s intentions to generate more revenue for raises to be awarded. In addition, it is equally important for bosses to consider staff a priority and explain the intentions that may lead to cutting down salaries to meet unavoidable expenses. Although, employees may not be pleased with management’s action they would understand it was a rational decision. | What human resource trends are behind the situation faced by Jill McBride? | Various Human Resource Management (HRM) trends have emerged over the years in a bid to support growth of companies. McBride emphasizes the need to have a motivated work force. Motivating workers has increasingly become a trend adopted by many HR firms and traditionally this was not the case. Lack of a well-inspired team may lead to poor productivity and inefficiency in output. By motivating staff through incentives such as bonuses and raises, employees feel more appreciated rather...
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...practices contribute to service culture? Akiko Ueno∗ ,† Royal Docks Business School, University of East London, Docklands Campus, 4-6 University Way, London, E16 2RD, UK It is known that Human Resources Management (HRM) can help to develop service culture, which will in turn improve service quality. The purpose of this article is to determine the relative importance of six HRM practices in terms of their impact on culture. A questionnaire survey of medium and large-sized UK service businesses was conducted. The results reveal that there is a strong association between culture and HRM practices, and that some management practices are more strongly associated with culture than others. Further research should explore the reasons why some HRM practices are more contributory to culture than others. Service businesses in pursuit of service quality should make use of these HRM practices for developing service culture in their organisations. This research has confirmed a strong association between culture and HRM practices, and also clarified the relative importance of HRM practices in terms of their impact on culture in order to improve service quality. Keywords: culture; HRM; services Introduction This article investigates the relative importance of six Human Resources Management (HRM) practices in terms of their impact on culture in order to improve service quality. In a previous study, it was found that there were, broadly speaking, seven practices which affect service quality: these encompass...
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...4002 - Significant conditions in Employees Empowerment: the Case of Jordanian four Star hotels د. ﻳﺤﻴﻰ ﻡﻠﺤﻢ ﺟﺎﻣﻌﺔ اﻟﻴﺮﻣﻮك اﻟﻤﻤﻠﻜﺔ اﻷردﻥﻴﺔ اﻟﻬﺎﺵﻤﻴﺔ 233 Abstract Data from 95 frontline hotel employees in 10 four star hotel in Jordan show strong association between three significant conditions (communication and information-flow, incentives, and knowledge and skill) and employee empowerment. The findings in this research suggest that communication and information-flow, incentives, knowledge and skill and autonomy among hotel service-employees may have a direct and strong impact on the empowerment of hotel service employees. These four conditions accounted for significant variation in the levels of employee empowerment in four star hotels in Jordan. Levels of empowerment seem to further impact the level of employee job satisfaction indicating a significant association. Implications for future research and for management practice are discussed. Introduction In a competitive environment in which organizations must be faster, leaner, provide better service quality, be more efficient, and more profitable, an empowered and proactive service worker is thought to be essential (Bowen and Lawer, 1992; Fulford and Enz, 1995; Bowen and Lawler, 1995). However, delegation of authority for a long period of time in the past, dominated the management field. In fact, this view changed into the “empowerment” concept as mentioned by Kocel (1998). It covers the participation...
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...Strategic human resource management has been defined as ‘the linking of human resources with strategic goals and objectives in order to improve business performance and develop organizational culture that foster innovation and flexibility’ (Hussain, 2010). It is for certain that when a company decides to change directions in it strategy the HRM practices needs to change to support the new strategy. In order to effectively gain competitive advantages though HRM practices; the HRM practices needs to change in three major areas: knowledge workers, employee empowerment, and teamwork. Knowledge workers are employees whose main contribution to the organization is specialized knowledge, such as knowledge of customers, a process, pr a profession (Noe et al, 2009). Employee empowerment means giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all aspects of product development and customer service (Noe et al, 2009). Teamwork is the assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills who interact to assemble a product or provide a service (Noe et al, 2009). Redmond Minerals gained a great competitive advantage by utilizing their understandings of how important the HRM practices are to it company. The company’s HRM practices allowed his company to maximize its productivity of the organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees. Technology/Internet Advances in computer-related technology have had a major impact on the use of information...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0959-6119.htm IJCHM 23,6 The effects of employee empowerment on employee job satisfaction A study on hotels in Turkey Elbeyi Pelit School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey 784 Received 22 April 2010 Revised 31 July 2010 8 October 2010 28 December 2010 18 February 2011 Accepted 26 February 2011 ¨ ¨ ¨ Yuksel Ozturk ¨ ¸ Faculty of Tourism, Gazi University, Golbası-Ankara, Turkey, and ¨ Yalcın Arslanturk ¸ ¨ ¸ Faculty of Commerce and Tourism Education, Gazi University, Golbası-Ankara, Turkey Abstract Purpose – The main objective of this study is to determine the impact of employee empowerment on job satisfaction. To serve this purpose, empowerment is taken into consideration as two dimensions – i.e. behavioral and psychological – and the effect of employee empowerment on the level of job satisfaction was examined by taking these two dimensions into consideration as a whole and separately. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was employed in order to collect data on job satisfaction as well as behavioral and psychological empowerment. The data collected were analyzed through correlation and regression analyses. The study covered 1,854 participants employed at five-star hotels in Turkey. Findings – The findings suggest that the most positive aspects related to job satisfaction are relations with the colleagues...
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...Macro Systems Paper There are a lot of different areas that affect us as individuals, communities, and as families. There are expectations on how people believe things should be. As a human service professional it is important to understand the different areas of social systems and what roles we as professionals and the other things that will play a part in these areas. Throughout this paper we will discuss personal, interpersonal, and political empowerment, macro systems, individual involvement with the different social systems, and poverty. According to Lippincott and Wilkins, Inc. (2007), “The term empowerment has different meanings in different sociocultural and political contexts. Broadly speaking, empowerment refers to the expansion of assets and capabilities of poor people to participate in, negotiate with, influence, control, and hold accountable institutions that affect people’s lives.” (p. 120). With there being so many different definition’s and understandings of empowerment, we are only going to review three areas, personal, interpersonal, and political empowerment. Personal empowerment is something we all have experienced at a few different times in our lives. This is when an individual decides to make a positive improvement in their lives or within their community or neighborhood. They stand up for what they believe is right and worth fixing or fighting for, maybe not just for themselves, but for others. At an intimate level we may decide to change how...
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...in a macro, mezzo, and micro environment. As well as the macro system in response to child maltreatment, sexual abuse, crime and delinquency. The paper will also compare and contrast the functionalism and interactionist theory to poverty. Lastly, the role and responsibility of the human service worker in the macro environment will be discussed. Personal, Interpersonal, and Political Empowerment “…Personal, interpersonal, and political power enables individuals to gain greater control over their environments and attain their aspirations to enable them to gain greater control over their environments and attain their aspirations” (Gutierrez & Lewis, 1999). The concept of personal empowerment comes within you. It is self-reliance and making your own decisions, following responsibilities. You understand and know where you are headed. It is coming to the realization that something must change. An example of personal empowerment is a wife leaving her abusive husband because she is tired of being abused. She has come to the realization that something must be changed. Interpersonal empowerment is one or more persons getting together to make decisions or follow through with a plan. Political empowerment is the government working to help the community and promoting political participation. Macro, Mezzo, and Micro According to Micro, Mezzo and Macro Social Work (2012), “social work is divided into three categories: macro, mezzo and micro.” Macro, mezzo, and micro may overlap...
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