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Submitted By ale12
Words 2626
Pages 11
Questions: Read the case: “Siemens Rolm Communications, Inc.: IntegratedLogistics Core Process Redesign (ILCPR)” Stoddard, Donna B andJarvenpaa, Sirkka. HBSP Product Number 195214-PDF-ENG. Evaluate Siemens ROLM using Hammer’s PEMM framework.1. Write one paragraph for each detailed enabler (13 enterpriseenablers and 13 process enablers). State whether the case providesinformation on it. If so, how do you evaluate Siemens ROLM’smaturity for that enabler. Provide case evidence for your evaluation.Also, state if the case provides no information to evaluate an enabler.2. In your opinion, what are the top 3 to 5 enablers where PWC islacking? Write one paragraph for each of these enablers. State whyyou believe these are among the most important ones. Also statewhat changes you recommend that PWC make for each of theseenablers.Answers:I. Question #1A. Process EnablersProcess enablers determine how mature a process is and also its ability todeliver high performance over time. They consist of 5 main process enablers,which divide into 13 more specific enablers.Design-The design must be well specified. It will include three specific areas ofmeasurability: purpose, context, and documentation. The design must also havethe correct match between the organization’s information management systemsand the process’ needs.-Purpose: The process must be redesigned from end to end to optimizeperformance. On the road to performance optimization companies are faced withfinding the proper fit with their customer and supplier processes.-Context: A mutual performance expectation must be established among alllevels of a process. In other words suppliers, customers, and the organization areall on the same page.-Documentation: All documentation should be electronic. Using paper isinefficient and non-value adding to customers. It also decreases an organizationsflexibility while increasing process and

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