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End Of Life Care Observation Report

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I work in a hospital as a patient navigator for breast cancer patient. I have also seen patients referred to hospice care because they have late-stage breast cancer. This work has led me to think about the end-of- life care that I would want for myself and my loved ones. First of all, in the case of terminal illness, I would want to be taken care of in a hospice rather than a hospital, to be able to get the kind of end of care I choose. I will choose not to be resuscitated in case of a cardiac arrest. As for my loved ones, I would want to spend as much time with them as possible, therefore, I would choose to have them on a life support machine even if their brain is not functioning. I would also want to donate my organ when my end life finally …show more content…
The last moments of an individual's life are important to themselves and families and friends they are leaving behind. It is a moment filled with terror and pain with the thought of not seeing those that we love anymore and contemplating their loss. The purpose of the end- of- life care is to; offer comfort and excellent choices for the dying person at the final chapter of their life (Gwande, 2010). Another purpose is to support their independence, giving them time to grieve for their loss of their life in the near future and give them the chance to care for their own and those of their family and friends psychological and spiritual. This is possible if they can be able to talk to the family and offer their thoughts it lets them go having said what is in their hearts and offering their support. The family will need this support even when death finally occurs. The end-of-life care also aims at providing efficient and appropriate health care and offer one a place of their choice for care whenever possible (Stein, …show more content…
These include: signs and pain controlling-they should be able to control themselves when signs show that the life of the patient is almost coming to an end. This will be very painful from my personal experience rather than mourning and crying each person should be able to control their emotions and offer comfort, particularly in the death bed, this will provide solace to the dying assuring them that everything will be okay. Another factor is the end-of-care arrangements most of the time people do not want to imagine that the lives of their loved ones will come to an end, but a time comes when reality hits them that the time as finally come (Levine & Murray, 2004). When this time comes they need to prepare themselves for the time when this person is gone and what they will do to give them a proper send-off. Another factor is the relationship between caregivers, patient and their family, the patient and their family want to feel that the caregivers are doing everything they can to offer the best care and give the patient a quality end –of care (Alzheimer’s Association, 2014). The caregivers need to be supportive and understanding as this is a trying moment for both the patient and the family. The last factor is that having a sense of well completion. The patient wants to feel that whatever they did in their life was good, and they have achieved their

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