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Drug Trafficking In Peru Research Paper

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Introduction Peru, a country in the north-west side of South America, is facing a problem. That problem is drug trafficking, this formed from the illicit growing of coca and the making of a deadly drug; cocaine. Coca is not new to the country as there have been archaeological findings that show coca has been used in Peru for over 4,000 years (Drummond). The first coca plantation in Peru was on the eastern base of the Andes in Havisca (Drummond). Cocaine was not developed from coca until 1859 when the cocaine alkaloid was isolated from coca leaves by Dr. Albert Niemann, whom is a German chemist (Drummond). The discovery of this new drug, cocaine, led to experiments and thus led to cocaine later being used as an anesthetic. In later years the drug started being used for more recreational purposes, legal or not. The Mexican cartels that migrated in Peru due to cocaine led to a guerrilla organization coming back, known as the Shining Path. These cartels brought a magnitude of violence with them as they are allegedly responsible for 54 percent of the 70,000 deaths that occurred between 1980 and 2000 in Peru (Drummond). In recent years the Shining Path has been quiet, though they could possibly be back, offering protection to traffickers, organizing ambushes on police, and intimidating alternative development …show more content…
The process of making cocaine includes many chemicals that are harmful to the environment; an estimated 30,000 tons of sulphuric acid, 2,000 tons of calcium carbonate, and 50 million liters of kerosene is used in just the production of coca paste (Drummond). These chemicals create toxic waste, and thousands of gallons of polluted water are entering rivers and streams, thus contaminating freshwater sources and killing animal and plant life

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