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Why Do Athletes Use Performance Enhancing Drugs?

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Performance enhancing drugs

A performance-enhancing drug is any substance taken by athletes to improve performance. This term is referenced often and typically refers to anabolic steroid use in sports by professional and amateur athletes. Other substances may also be taken to improve performance, including human growth hormone (hGH), stimulants and diuretics.

As the use of performance enhancing drugs is becoming more popular amongst athletes, many of them do not understand the risks involved in taking these drugs. Many people are looking for a quick way to build muscles, or to get stronger the fastest way possible. Using these performance aids may very well be a quick fix for many athletes, but taking the drugs is unethical and dangerous. …show more content…
Performance enhancing drugs consists of Androstenedione, Desoxymethyltestosterone, Drostanolone, Ethylestrenol, Fluoxymesterone, Formebolone, Gestrinone and over 180 more according to

The use of drugs to make yourself better is a spirit killer. There are people that have worked hard their whole life to play the sport they play. Now with people just using drugs and getting better to maybe beat the person that worked there whole life would really suck. In my opinion it's like with that we are going against the model that the world stands for (with hard work and determination anythings possible).

Not only does it kill the spirit of sports but it also sends a really bad message to our future. Kids looking at the great players and admiring them saying “I wanna be just like him or her” but to know the only reason he or she is there is because of drugs kids again wants to be like the greats so they think drugs are the only way,or maybe the best way which is not …show more content…
The results from the latest national survey in the Monitoring the Future series on use of licit and illicit drugs by American teenagers show that some important improvements are taking place.The use of both alcohol and cigarettes reached their lowest points since the study began in 1975. Use of several particularly dangerous illicit drugs—including MDMA (ecstasy, Molly), heroin, amphetamines and synthetic marijuana—also showed a decline this year. Marijuana use, however, remained

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