...United Energy Smart Meter Project At the request of the Victorian Government United Energy is currently engaging in “best efforts” to replace the analogue meters on its network with smart meters. Smart meters are an advanced energy meter that measures the energy consumption of a consumer (Depuru, Wang and Devabhaktuni 2011), they allow for demand response energy distribution based on on-peak and off-peak consumption. The benefits of Smart meters are well recognised by many counties with world-wide deployment of digital meters expected to reach 212 million units by 2014, perceived benefits include; energy efficiency, environmental benefits, more consumer choice, better services and greater market competition. (Gerwen, Jaarsma & Wilhite R 2009, Filippini, Hrovatin & Zoric 2004, Victorian Auditor General 2009) About United Energy United Energy is an energy distributor responsible for the infrastructure required to distribute energy from the power station to the consumer. There are currently 16 major distribution networks in Australia with each energy distributor maintaining a monopoly over its designated area. (AEC 2009) Energy distributors own, operate and maintain the network of infrastructure that transports electricity from the generator to the consumer. They do not work directly with the consumer and instead work with energy retailers who are responsible for managing the relationship with the consumer. Energy retailers will bulk purchase energy from an energy generator...
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...Impact Man, Beavan and his family take on a year-long project to prove that one can live comfortably while being carbon-neutral and experience positive aspects of life. Beavan’s motivations for the project including guilt, health, and family, fueled his desire to change the world as a whole at the beginning of the project, but near the end of the project her realized he should first start small by changing himself individually and the community around him to be more eco-friendly. Wasting energy, creating trash, and contributing to the negative effects of environment gave Beavan a sense of “guilt” about the way he was living his life. In No Impact Man, Beavan states, “the paper towel represented his throwaway lifestyle. It represented the fact that we are trashing the planets resources for conveniences that turn out not to be that convenient (49).” During the Project he and his family found sustainable ways to overcome some of these conveniences by reusing items such as jars and handkerchiefs. Many of these conveniences that Beavan had given up were not easy for him due to his obsession with the incidentals of life before the No Impact Man project, but the desire to change his life due to guilt had pushed him to continue. Near the end of the project Beavan felt guilty for wanting the project to come to an end and worried that he will convert back to his old way of life before the No Impact Man project. At the end of the project Beavan had come to a realization that he and the world...
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...the best of world standards.. Following the discovery of large reserves of Bauxite ore in the east coast and the preliminary project work done by Bharat Aluminium Company Limited, NALCO was set up by the Government of India in 1981 to implement one of the largest multi-locational integrated Aluminium projects of the world with its own Captive Power Plant and Port Facilities. The technical collaboration of Aluminium Pechiney of France, the support of Eurodollar loans from a consortium of International Banks and the special dis-pensations of the Government of India and the Govt. of Orissa helped to implement the project expeditiously within the budgeted cost of Rs.2408 crore, under very difficult logistics of project management. Different segments of NALCO went into production in a phased manner starting from November 1985. Within a short span of time, the Company has emerged as a leader in the field of Aluminium production in the country and also has made significant impact abroad. The Company has helped the country to make a quantum jump in production of Aluminium and has also been earning substantial foreign exchange through creditable export performances year after year. VISION To be reputed global company in the metals and energy sectors. And wants to involve himself in a challenging...
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...NATONIA ENERGY – Case Study Individual Review Assignment Date due 17th June 2016 COB (close of business) ~ 3500 words This document presents a description of the company NATEPCO, a full description will follow below. NATEPCO is a subsidiary of NATONIA ENERGY HOLDINGS in the imaginary country Natonia. You hold the position of CIO of NATEPCO and you have been tasked to prepare an IT strategic plan for the Managing Director of NATEPCO. Use thereto the following questions to cover all relevant aspects: Part 1 a) Sketch the Business Model for NATEPCO using the approach of Osterwalder. Make a short description (3-4 lines) for each of the 9 boxes and indicate (where possible) what kind of IT systems are being used in each. b) Derive the business maxims for NATEPCO (maxims are explained in attached article). c) Derive IT maxims relating to these business maxims (do not purely map 1-1). Part 2 a) Identify what is wrong / lacking with operational and organizational governance in NATEPCO. Where does NATEPCO stand on the issue of LIKE and AS a business (see attached article). b) Identify areas of improvement for NATEPCO’S IT organisation in the area of organization, e.g. Committees, Processes, Roles & Responsibilities, Rules and Budget authority. c) Develop an IT Balanced Score Card for operational performance management of NATEPCO d) Sketch a (high level) outline for a IT Balanced Scorecard for NATONIA ENERGY HOLDINGS. Part 3 a) Suggest new IT technology relevant for...
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...Jarett Diamond Gary Fischer Kerby Smithson A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Natural Resources and Environment) School of Natural Resources and Environment University of Michigan April 2010 Project Advisor: Scott Noesen Disclaimer Unless otherwise explicitly stated, the views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of the University of Michigan, the School of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Arbor Brewing Company, or any entity other than the members of the Green Brewery Project student team. This document contains many forward-looking statements, including predictions of project costs, payback periods, performance characteristics, incentive award amounts, etc. Such statements are the results of careful analysis by the team, using the best information available at the time, and based on certain expectations and assumptions which are identified wherever possible. A variety of factors could cause the actual results to differ from predicted outcomes. Advice from qualified professionals should be sought to complement the advice contained herein. The Green Brewery Project | Disclaimer i Acknowledgements The Green Brewery Project could not have been a success without the help of many people and organizations. First we would like to thank Matt and Rene Greff and all of the Corner Brewery Staff for allowing us to do this project and being cooperative with all of our questions...
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...of Solar Energy through Local Assembly, Sale and Usage Localization of Solar Energy through Local Assembly, Sale and Usage Jayendran Venkateswaran| Assistant Professor, IEOR, IIT Bombay Jayendran Venkateswaran| Assistant Professor, IEOR, IIT Bombay “PRICE OF one SOLAR LAMP FOR STUDY PURPOSE = COST OF KEROSENE FOR THREE MONTHS” “PRICE OF one SOLAR LAMP FOR STUDY PURPOSE = COST OF KEROSENE FOR THREE MONTHS” Jayendran Venkateswaran Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (IEOR), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Academic Background: Ph.D., Systems and Industrial Engineering [with minor in Biomedical Engineering], The University of Arizona, Tucson M.S., Industrial Engineering, the University of Arizona, Tucson M.Sc. (Tech.), Engineering Technology, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India One Million Solar Urja Lamps (SoUL): Co-investigator, Million SoUL project Jayendran Venkateswaran Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (IEOR), Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Academic Background: Ph.D., Systems and Industrial Engineering [with minor in Biomedical Engineering], The University of Arizona, Tucson M.S., Industrial Engineering, the University of Arizona, Tucson M.Sc. (Tech.), Engineering Technology, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India One Million Solar Urja Lamps (SoUL): Co-investigator, Million SoUL project As...
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...as these by making lots of little changes in our everyday lives. For example, walking or biking to close destinations instead of driving, you’ll save gas and it’s great exercise. If walking or biking isn’t an option for you try to drive eco-friendly cars. Cut back on energy consumption by lowering your heater in winter or raising it in summer. Install insulation in walls to retain heat or coolness. Replace old candescent light bulbs with new compact fluorescent ones. They last for years instead of months, don’t use a lot of power, and generate little heat. Fix leaking faucets when they start, one drop a second is 20 kilowatts a month! Using renewable energy is another great way to reduce harmful emissions. By installing solar panels or solar powered pathway lights you’ll use less energy and save money all while helping the environment. While there are a lot of good ideas for changing our climate some innovations have actually been more harmful than helpful. Take for example Dubai’s “The World”. A floating artificial island that came under criticism for harming the environment and disturbing delicate ecosystems even as developers claimed the project actually benefited the planet like a natural island. Projects like these are expensive, unpractical, and usually not feasible. Also they would take years to build and there would have to be enough of them to house the majority of the world’s population. In conclusion this is why my solutions to stop global warming are better, easier...
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...Geothermal energy which is heat energy can be found in almost everywhere on Earth. It is a renewable energy derived from heat deep in the Earth’s crust. The word “geothermal” comes from Greek words meaning “Earth” (geo) and heat (thermal), it means using the nature heat produced inside the Earth. (Davor Habjanec,2008)The use of geothermal energy occurred more than 10,000 years ago with the settlement of Paleo-Indians in hot springs. The technology of geothermal energy improved each year. In 1904, the first geothermal power plant was built in Larderello, Italy. Although geothermal energy's installation is expensive, it is an efficient and reliable energy resource which does not cause significant pollution, it is renewable, and we can predict the output power with remarkable accuracy. Commercial geothermal power projects which is the geothermal power plant, are expensive. The exploration and drilling of new reservoirs come with a steep price tag. Total costs usually end...
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...MATERIALS: 1. Vinegar 2. Tester 3. Pliers 4. Copper Wire (2) 5. Masking Tape 6. Small Cups (2) 7. Calculator 8. Screwdriver 9. Nails INVESTIGATORY PROJECT Submitted By: Group 3 Submitted to: Tr. Grace S. Mernilo ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We , The Group 3 of Saint Elizabeth Thanks Ms. Grace and The Principals for giving us the Opportunity to see and listen to our Investigatory Project and Report without their help we would not show our creativity and improvements on our science subject and from our success and failure on all of our projects and Activities in Science. WE THANK YOU! PROCEDURE: 1. Prepare the Materials Needed. 2. Get the cups,wire,vinegar,nails. 3. Pour the Vinegar in the two cups. 4. Get the masking tape and tape the middle section of the cups. 5. Make a hole using the nails on the sides of the masking tape. 6. Use the Pliers to make the copper wires in a hook position and put the wires on the left side of the tape and the nails on the right side. 7. Open the back of the Calculator using the screwdriver and pull the wires on either sides. 8. Tie a copper wire on the nail and on the copper wire. 9. Clip the testers on the nail and on the copper wire and the wires of the calculator. 10. Then try using the calculator. Table of Contents 1. Title 2. Abstract ...
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...household lighting has evolved from oil and gas lamps in the 17th and 18th centuries to electric lamps in the late 19th century. Electric lamps have since progressed from incandescent to fluorescent to mercury vapor (MV). Today high intensity discharge (HID) lamps dominate street lighting installations. Two HID lamp types predominate: high pressure sodium (HPS), noted for its yellow/orange light, and metal halide (MH) that emits a bright light. Recently the trend has been to convert to LED fixtures because of documented savings on energy use and life-cycle maintenance costs. In our technology today, one of the most useful devices to be invented is the “Night Detector Lights”. This device is off used in special facilities and even in common households. This device give luminance in the sight of darkness, it is after all a night detector. A. Background “Night Detector Lights” are extremely useful and versatile in a wide range of renewable energy projects from automatic lighting to security systems. This circuit uses a light dependent resistor to detect luminance in the surroundings to prevent the circuit from giving power to the LED/Bulb for it to illuminate. The light dependent resistor (LDR) converts the light it absorbs into heat that then signals the resistor when gathered enough heat to cut off the flow of electricity to its destination the LED/Bulb. This may sound complex but it is rather simple. The LDR represents the switch of the circuit as it is automatically switched...
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...7th grade science Ms.Anderson September 13, 2013 What’s The Fastest Way To Cool A Soda ? For my science project , I am going to try to cool down a soda can starting at room temperature. The method of my project is filling up a bowl with water, amount of water depends on how many soda cans you use. You can cool down as many sodas as you would like to. So in this case I will be using 32 ounces to fill my bowl because I will be testing this three times. Then when you finish poring the water into your bowl, you will be adding five ice cubes and 5 teaspoons of salt. Why am I adding salt and ice you might ask? The water is at room temperature. The ice cubes are at a much lesser temperature - ice is formed at 4 degrees Centigrade and the ice cubes are colder. When your drop the ice cubes in the water, heat exchange takes place and the heat of the water starts to melt ice cubes. The temperature of ice is very low. When it comes into contact with your drink, the ice absorbs heat from the drink and conversely, the drink loses heat to to the ice. Hence, by losing heat, the drink gets cooler. Salt lowers the freezing point of water. Normally water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit/0 Celsius. The addition of salt will lower the temperature at which water freezes so that the salt water solution is still a liquid below 32 degrees...
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...PROJECT IN SCIENCE 9 Submitted by: Rogie Marie C. Abecia Submitted to: Ms. Teresita Nanales March 20, 2015 THE FLOW OF ENERGY AND MATTER IN ECOSYSTEM When we think about ecosystems, we need to think both big and small. We need to consider the recycling of atoms between organisms and within their environment and the flow of energy through living organisms and its changes from one form to another. We need to appreciate the relationships between organisms, and between organisms and their environment. We also need to consider the potential effects that these relationships have, not only on individual organisms and their environment, but also on our planet. WATER Organisms need water to survive. The good news is that water cycles through ecosystems. The bad news is that, at times, the amount of water available can be too great (as in the case of floods) or too little (as in the case of drought). Some species have adapted to these conditions and possess adaptations that increase their chances of survival. Other organisms are not so fortunate and severe conditions of too much or too little water can result in their death. If too many of a particular type of organism die, then the decrease in their population size can have implications not only for other members of their food web, but also for other biotic and abiotic factors within their ecosystem. ENERGY As energy flows through ecosystems, from producers to consumers to detrivores to decomposers, some energy...
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...“Not In Anyone’s Backyard” – A case analysis of Cape Wind Offshore Energy Project Introduction First proposed in 2001 as America’s first offshore wind farm, the Cape Wind offshore energy project was projected to provide three quarters of the electrical needs of the Massachusetts Cape and Islands. Yet, only on April 28th 2013 did United States Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announce federal approval of the Cape Wind project. But what was the cause for this delay? The harnessing of wind power is neither a new idea, as the use of windmills began in the 9th century in Iran (Guardian, 2008), nor a particularly new technology, as windmills were first used for the generation of electrical power in Glasgow, Scotland in 1887. In this paper I intend to analyze the various challenges faced by the Cape Wind Energy Project in its 12 year push for approval. On May 9th, 2013, the Earth reached a milestone of sorts. For the first time in an estimated 3 million years, the carbon dioxide (CO2) reached an average daily concentration level of about 400 parts per million (ppm). For some perspective, while CO2 levels have fluctuated from 180ppm to 280ppm, “the last time CO2 levels reached 400 ppm was at least 3 million years ago, a much warmer world where sea levels were 60-80 feet higher” (Levy, 2013). As carbon dioxide is recognized as the primary green house gas emitted through human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, there is little doubt in assigning responsibility for...
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...Participants will learn how world class organizations use safety metrics, including leading and lagging indicators in their journey towards excellence. DuPont has eleven best practice workshops available and is designed to introduce participants to DuPont’s best practices and describe how their participanting can help the organization prevent process related injuries and incidents. DuPont has been implementing Process Safety Management and Operational Risk Management concepts in their facilities and at sites worldwide for over 30 years. The productive costs of DuPont Industries is as follows as of 2012: Energy- 2.4% reduction in non-renewable energy intensity since 2010. DuPont...
Words: 1907 - Pages: 8
...Fig. 15 shows the average energy statistic result of the sample image. The average energy of one pixel is 584.27pJ without the proposed prediction algorithm, and is 463.13pJ with that, decreased by 26.13%. With the algorithm, the energy is consumed by seven operations/blocks: DAC switching, DAC reset, the analog part of the prediction judgement, the digital part of the prediction judgement, SAR control logic, comparator and memory. Without the algorithm, the energy is consumed by seven operations/blocks: DAC switching, DAC reset, SAR control logic, comparator and memory. It can be seen that without memory, every part consume less power. Moreover, in the prototype chip, all the circuits are powered by 3.3V supply, so the digital components used a large portion of energy in both the two cases. If fabricated by an advanced...
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