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Eng 103


Submitted By samieas
Words 403
Pages 2
Causes of Bangladeshi Women Getting Married Late

Long back there was a time when Bangladeshi girls used to get married at a very early age. They had to face many stressful events because of their early marriage. Under stress and confusion they used to behave and react by doing things that are not in keeping with their usual lifestyle. Nowadays it has changed drastically as girls are getting married late, mostly in town because of their education, career, and establishment and so on. Though early marriages still takes place in rural areas in our country. Nowadays girls think that education is far more important than getting married early. In Bangladesh there are many facilities for the girls to study. Girls have the similar right as the boys. The education system of our country is improving day by day and offering a variety of new courses for the students. Most of the girls think that after marriage it would be very difficult for them to continue their studies along with the household responsibilities. Even in villages girls tend to study further rather than getting married. They want to build up their own career first and then married just the way a boy does. They want to prove their knowledge and skill to the world as they are enough educated to do so. Nowadays there are no discrimination among men and women at work so they feel safe and comfortable to work outside and get paid off for their hardships. They do not want to keep their step behind boys but walk in the same step as the boys. Women want to be independent. They want to earn for their own expenses and there are many girls who has to support their family financially. If they get married early then it would be very complicated for them to study further because of household responsibilities and children. Most of the families in Bangladesh want a girl to give birth to a child right

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