...Honors English 11 This course stresses curriculum content that teaches critical communication, involving interpreting, proposing, evaluating and judging subjects and literary works. Students will use American literature as well as Shakespeare as the lens through which to approach objectives and standards. Students will look beyond essential skills and look at source documents to help explain and evaluate the history and culture of our nation as well as the movement. Honors level students will be expected to take more responsibility for their learning and will engage in a higher level of inquiry-based learning than students in the regular curriculum will. Honors English 11 is a perfect place to use source documents (the constitution, speeches, early writing and journals for vertical alignment. Much of what we do requires analytical skills and close reading, it also covers historical curriculum....
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...ENGLISH 10 Joscar Gamaliel Malacaman Email : JGMalacaman@gmail.com Cellphone : 09165611730 (Important messages only please) Consultation Hours : FC 1115 M-F 12:00pm – 2pm Course Number : English 10 Course Title : College English Course Description : The writing and critical reading of basic forms of academic Discourse essential to university work. Credit : 3 units Objectives • To develop skills in reading and writing for general academic purpose • To develop independent, creative, and critical thinking through reading and writing various forms of academic discourse • To further an awareness of oneself and others through the exposure to, study of, and experiences with the written word Course Breakdown INTRODUCTION Introduction and Diagnostic Exam Grammar Review Elements of Style by Strunk and White RESEARCH Definition of Research Research Topic Problematique and Thesis Statement CRITICAL THINKING Understanding and Evaluating Data Introduction to Reaction Papers BASIC ELEMENTS OF WRITING Audience, Point of View, Levels of Language, Voice, Style Structure of the Essay Proofreading and Editing PRE-WRITING Ideas and Data-Gathering Sources and Kinds of Sources Introduction to Report Writing Organizing Ideas Introduction to Concept Papers TECHNIQUES IN WRITING Kinds of statements Making Assertions ...
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...English 11 EN 981 = Semester One / EN 991 = Semester Two COURSE DESCRIPTION The central purpose of this course is to extend students’ growth in all communication arts. Reading, writing, listening, discussing, speaking, using language, understanding media, using technology, and employing research skills will be applied to help students enhance their abilities to become creative and critical thinkers. Language Arts B.11/12.1 B.11/12.2 B.11/12.3 C.11/12.1 C.11/12.2 C.11/12.3 D.11/12.1 D.11/12.2 E.11/12.1 E.11/12.2 E.11/12.3 E.11/12.4 E.11/12.5 F.11/12.1 Key Learning Targets Create substantial pieces of proficient writing to effectively communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes, including literary analyses. Apply the writing process to create and critique writing composed in a variety of situations. Edit and critique writing for clarity and effectiveness. Use advanced presentation skills on self-selected and assigned topics. Evaluate oral messages for accuracy, logic and usefulness. Summarize and evaluate the validity and relevance of ideas, arguments, hypotheses and evidence presented in a discussion. Identify and analyze the history, origin and usage of English words and phrases. Compare and analyze the use of symbol systems and expressions in other cultures’ languages. Use advanced computer skills to assist in the acquisition, organization, analysis and communication of information. Develop and apply criteria to evaluate various...
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...particular rhetorical situation. Text The text in question is a 17-minute speech written and delivered by Dr. King. The basic medium of the text was an oral speech that was broadcast by both loudspeakers at the event and over radio and television. Dr. King drew on years of training as a minister and public speaker to deliver the speech. He also drew on his extensive education and the tumultuous history of racial prejudices and civil rights in the US. Audiences at the time either heard his speech in person or over radio or television broadcasts. Part of the speech near the end was improvised around the repeated phrase “I have a dream.” Author http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/625/08/ Page 1 of 9 Purdue OWL: The Rhetorical Situation 9/11/13 7:53 PM Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the most iconic leader of the American Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. He was an African-American Baptist minister and prominent civil rights activist who campaigned to end segregation and racial discrimi- nation. He gained inspiration from Howard Thurman and Mahatma Gandhi, and he drew extensively from a deep, rich...
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...Introduction The learners and teachers of English and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) textbooks are three major inter-related elements in the process of present day education. Hutchinson, 1994 cited in (Evaluating an EFL textbook - A new English Course) states that, “The textbook is an almost universal element of ELT teaching”. Therefore, a textbook can be mentioned as a useful instrument which serves as a guide or an instructional manual for studying a particular subject. Against the common belief that students are the key in this direction, many scholars hold the view that textbooks are the heart of education with regard to the fact that both teachers and students are to a large extent dependent on the books (Sarem, S. N., Hamidi, H., Mahmoudie, R., 2013).Therefore, it is clear that a textbook facilitates the teaching and learning process and thus, is helpful both for the teacher and the students. Textbooks are compiled and developed because they are the most convenient means of providing the structure that the teaching-learning system requires. Textbooks are a good solution to overcome the weaknesses in teaching materials. Ansary and Babaii (2002) cited in (An Evaluation of English Language Textbook 'Say it in English' for first year intermediate Grade in South Arabia, 2012) state that, “Although the textbook is not the only tool for the teaching and learning process, it is still of a significant impact for achieving the language learning objectives...
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...Domestic Research on Backwash of English Language Testing: Review and Prospective —— Analysis of Six Major Journals of Linguistics from 2003-2013 Contents Abstract ……………………………………………………………………….....1 1. Introduction ……………………………………………………………….......2 2 The Scope of Information Retrieval ...…………………………………….....3 3 Current Situations of Washback Research………………………….……….3 3.1 Research Amount……………………………………………………….....4 3.2 Research Methods………………………………………………………....4 3.3 Research Content……………………………………………………….....5 3.3.1 CET 4& 6………………………………………………………………5 3.3.2 TEM 4&8………………………………………………………………6 3.3.3 NMET…………………………………………………………...…..…6 3.3.4 Language Testing and Washback Resear….………………………...…..…6 3.3.5 Others…………………………………………………………...….…..7 4 Problems of Current Research on Wachback………………..……………….7 4.1 Quantity ………………………………………………………………….....7 4.2 Content …………………………………………………………………......7 4.3 Objects ………………………………………………………..…...……......8 5 Suggestions and Prospective for Future Research on Washback…..…….......8 5.1 Research Objects…………………………………………………………….8 5.2 Research Methods……………………………………………………….......8 5.3 Research Content……………………………………………………………9 6 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………9 References……………………………………………..………………………....10 Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………..….11 Abstract: ...
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...Intercultural Approaches (Classes taught in English: Lynn ANDREWS) Instructions for revision for the exam General information The exam in English contains 11 questions. All questions must be answered in ENGLISH. Students answer the questions by writing directly on the exam question paper. You must use ONLY the space provided. If you have 2 lines in which to write your answer, you can only write 2 lines. Any other information after the 2 lines will not be considered and will not be graded. 5. The number of points available is indicated for each question. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. What should you revise? You should revise all the following topics and items studied in class: • • The iceberg metaphor for culture The article ‘Views of French culture and life in France from expatriates living in France’. You should have a very clear idea of the views of the different expatriates expressed in this article. The concept of time from a cross-cultural perspective. This includes the ‘Poly-boss/monomanager ‘ article studied in class. The Culture Shock phenomenon. The content of your group’s oral presentation made in class (either about a country or about an international student). WARNING: Students who were absent on the day of the presentations and who did not make an oral presentation must read the instructions for Question 11 below very carefully. • • • C. Types of questions (Questions 1-10) 1. All questions require short answers in ENGLISH. 2. The types of answers for the questions numbered...
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...文(设计) 文 献 综 述 浅析英汉动物词汇内涵差异 学生姓名 俞胜瑜 学 号 090108100119 指导教师 黎昌抱 二级学院 外国语学院 专业名称 英语 班 级 09英语1班 2012年11月 The Literature Review of A Study of Different Connotations of Animal Words Between Chinese and English Animals, being an extremely important component of living organisms, play a crucial role in our daily life. In ancient times when human beings appeared, we humans hunt and feed on animals; later, we began to domesticate some docile animals, and then trained some of them to plow and till in the field; today, we keep some likable and smart animals to be our pets. However, some animals are practically impossible to be our pet. One reason is that people believe these certain kinds of animals might be symbols of ill omens or just might bring bad luck. Yet while Chinese detest crows, Japanese regard the crow as their national bird, the very sacred bird every Japanese worships; the cry of an owl bespeaks the death for the Chinese people, but in Greek and Roman myths, they stand for wisdom; and cricket in Chinese poems signifies sadness and sorrow, while “as merry as a cricket” is often used in English to show joy and happiness. All the above are examples of cultural diversity, which are mainly caused by historic, religious, and geographical reasons. Furthermore, a language is the reflection and the carrier of a certain culture,...
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...毕业设计(论文)开题报告 (含文献综述、外文翻译) [pic] 题 目 英语专业学生写作能力分析和提高策略 --以城院学生四八级作文为例 An Analysis of English Majors’ Writing Ability and Improvement Strategies: A Case Study on ZUCC English Majors’ TEM-4/8 Performances 姓 名 俞星星 学 号 30608160 专业班级 英语0603 所在学院 外国语学院 指导教师(职称) 指导教师(讲师) 二○一○年 五 月 二十 日 毕业设计(论文) 开 题 报 告 (包括选题的意义、可行性分析、研究的内容、研究方法、 拟解决的关键问题、预期结果、研究进度计划等) RESEARCH PROPOSAL An Analysis of English Majors’ Writing Ability and Improvement Strategies: A Case Study on ZUCC English Majors’ TEM-4/8 Performances 1. Purpose and Significance Thanks to the globalization, the demand for the bilingual workers is on the rise. As English majors, we believe that what we can do to be more competitive in this increasingly globalized world is to have a solid command of this language. The certificates such as TEM-8(Test for English Majors Band Eight) is a must but what really matters is what ability the students really have possessed and could be employed at ease. Upon reflecting on the TEM-4 (Test for English Majors Band Four) /TEM-8 scores the seniors have acquired, we clearly learn that there is still quite a room for improvement, especially when it comes to writing. Some students still find it tough to put pen into the paper and work out a satisfactory essay; some are hard-pressed to express themselves smoothly in the writing; still...
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...used to teach English to pre- school children’s Date | Author/ References | Title of Journal | Comments | Research method | 18/09/2012 | Sandradu Plessis and Brenda low | Challenges To Pre –School Teachers In Learners Acquisition Of English As Language Of Learning And Teaching | This journal highlights problems that teachers might come across in teaching English to pre –school children. The importance of identifying them and solving them because its believed here in this journal that preschool teachers play a key role in the acquisition of English language by the children because children spend most of their waking hour with the teachers. Therefore it’s believed that teachers do play a big role in the children’s life in order for them to acquire the language | Quantitative research method | 19/09/2012 | Karen E Johnson | The Relationship Between Teachers Believe And Practises During Literacy Instruction For Non –Native Speakers Of English | In this journal it is discussed teachers theoretical believe helps them to perceive, process, and act upon information in classroom. This also study extends the current research on teachers' theoretical beliefs within literacy contexts to the field of teaching English as a second language (ESL).Specifically, it examines the relationship between ESL teachers' theoretical beliefs about second-language learning and teaching and their instructional practice during literacy instruction with non-native speakers of English. Some have argued...
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...English I Brodsky Holocaust Research Paper For this assignment you will select a research topic from the list below, create a thesis and write a 2-4 page paper, that explains how indifference inspired the journey or impacted the life of the person or group you are researching. Research Procedure: 1. Choose your topic from the list provided. 2. Research your topic, creating source cards for all sources consulted and note cards (total of 50). We will have 3 days in the library, but you will need to do some research on your own as well. 3. Write a strong working thesis statement to be submitted. 4. Create a sentence outline for your paper, following the format provided. 5. Write the rough draft of your paper, following the outline and using note cards. 6. Peer edit the rough draft with a classmate 7. Turn in final paper to turnitin.com and submit all research work Requirements: -At least 4 different sources, 2 databases, 1 book and 1 other. -An annotated source card for every source consulted -At least 50 note cards with notes from your research. At least 20 of those note cards should have direct quotes -A working thesis statement -A sentence outline -A 2-4 page research paper -A formal MLA works cited page (using the main sources from your source cards) Library Dates: Period 4- 11/18, 11/20, 11/26 Period 5- 11/18, 11/19, 11/25 Topic Ideas Survivors of Genocide Righteous Gentiles Danish Boat Resuce Chambon sur Lignon- Village in France Jewish Resistance...
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...!1 ENGLISH 1130 - 006: Academic Writing Douglas College (New Westminster Campus), South Building, Room 2690B Summer 2014 stephensonr@douglascollege.ca Phone: 604-527-5611 (Local 5611) Office: 2635, New Westminster Campus ! INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Ryan Stephenson Class Hours: Friday, 10:30 - 12:20 Office Hours: Friday, 9:30 - 10:20 Course Prerequisites: A minimum score on the Douglas College writing assessment, or equivalent, as listed in the College calendar. ! Courses for which this Course is a Prerequisite: In combination with another 1100-level English, with any CRWR course, or with English 1200, this course is a prerequisite for any 2300level English course. ! A Note on Hybrid Learning: ! ! You are enrolled in a hybrid section of ENGL 1130. Only 50% of your instructional time is delivered in class, with the remaining 50% delivered online. This means that you are expected to spend an average of 2 hours per week on the assigned Online Learning Modules. This time is over and above any time spent on readings and assignments. Hybrid learning is not for everyone. If you are not self-motivated and not able to keep yourself on track without a great deal of guidance, or if you do not feel comfortable using Blackboard or sending and receiving email attachments, then you should strongly consider taking a different section of this course. I will assume basic internet/online/computer competency. Technical difficulties should not prevent you from completing your work...
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...[pic] Undergraduate Thesis An analysis of English pragmatic failure from the perspective of culture Luo Qing Supervisor: Prof. Gan Chengying Major:English Student Number:20065805 School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Southwest University of Science and Technology June, 2010 [pic] 本科生毕业论文 从文化角度分析英语语用失误 罗情 指导教师:甘成英 专业名称:英语语言文学 学 号:20065805 西南科技大学外国语学院 2010年6月 Acknowledgement I want to express my heartfelt thanks to my supervisor professor Gan Chengying, who accompanied me through all the processes of choosing the topic, selecting useful materials and finally finishing my draft. Without her help, this research paper can not be achieved. Also I want to extend many thanks to my teacher Tu Chao who gave me a lot of precious tips on how to achieve standard language in paper as well as how to avoid mistakes in delivering information. Apart from my teachers I still own much gratitude to my fellow friends. You helped me rectify grammatical mistakes that appeared in my paper and gave me a lot of encouragement in finishing this paper. Abstract According to the current situation of English teaching, the cultivation of the students’ cultural understanding is not paid so much attention to as the basic English knowledge teaching. Due to this fact, many foreign language students nowadays have a good command...
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................................................7 GA versus RP.......................................................................................7 Approach............................................................................................10 Results................................................................................................11 3 Research: Word Stress in GA and RP..............................................................10 4 Conclusion...........................................................................................................12 5 Bibliography........................................................................................................13 6 Appendix: Assessment of Recordings and Questionnaire...................................14 1. Introduction As the title suggests, this term paper deals with the nature and characteristics of stress. In the following, the most relevant features of this highly fundamental topic within the linguistics will be covered and illustrated as straightforward as the limitation of ten pages allows to do so. While the first part of this paper is fairly theoretical, the second one represents quite the opposite as it presents the findings of an actual,...
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...invaluable articles. Please do click on them. I have spent quite some time researching for this piece. Links at point 3 and 15 are specially brilliant. Some of you might like to move straight over to point 11, from where the advanced tips start. Anyone can make a good CV provided you are ready to work for it. Paths are made by walking, not waiting. Touche. 1.) Learn Great English. Learn to speak english, write english. Learn how English eat, blow their noses and clean their bottoms. But to remain cultured, stick to the Indian culture. It is better, politer and more suave (Poets tend to be chauvinists). However just to pin- prick your pride here is Wikipedia's article on 'Hin'glish. Don't make the silly mistakes pointed here. BTW as I said, poets are chauvinistic; if you prick my pride with a pin. Ouch! It swells! 2.) Intern in every possible break. Intern after college hours, if possible. There are also online internships possible. The online internships offered by the National Judicial Academy, Bhopal and the Volintern program of Nishith Desai Associates are doable. 3.) Research. Write papers. Write professional blogs. If you want to get into a corporate firm write on corporate law. If you IP is your field get cracking on IP topics. Look for call for papers here. (In your comments you may thank me for this link). 4.) In summers do summer courses. In winters do winter courses. With all this workload you will not remain a SPRING CHICKEN. But still, try doing...
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