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English 331 Reflection

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During this course English 331 Public Speaking, I was able to develop and improve my public speaking skills. Also, throughout this course numerous research projects were done by using technology in individual and group work activities. Moreover, through this class were done many written reports and essays. This was a great opportunity for the student to practice and improve her writing skills. Furthermore, during this class the student learned about the English language and professional protocol for public speaking. These areas are essential for my development both personally and professionally.
At the beginning of the class the student was terrified for all oral presentations this course contain. This was not a class the student will select on her own to take. Ever since the student’s spoken abilities was not the best, she did not feel confident about deliver worthy speech during the presentations. Correspondingly, to be in front an audience was a terrified position the student must face and overcome. Furthermore, the anxiety, distress, and frightened feeling can impact negatively the student’s personal and professional life; since as a teacher the student need to be in front of an audience every …show more content…
Where she was able to learn different topics such as use of audience, purpose, and voice in writing, informative and persuasive writing skills, outline writing for speech, how to bear anxiety and fear of public speaking, poetry writing and reading techniques, importance of analyzing the audience, among many other topics. As well as the use of language lab resources, electronic links and the activities done before and during each class were basic elements for the student learning. Also, the student discovered that she can write a slam poem. For this reason this has been a very important course for her academic development and as a future bilingual

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