...Answer A 1. Give an outline of the views on the relation between wealth and happiness presented in texts 1 and 2 Text 1: Text 1 is written by David Brooks and it’s an op-ed column. He starts off by telling about Sandra Bullock’s life – she winning an Academy Award but also her husband being an “adulterous jerk”. He asks if anybody would trade publicity with having a personal life. He continues to happiness. If you have a successful marriage and you encounter a lot of personally setbacks, either on the job or financially you will remain happy. But if you have an unsuccessful marriage and you encounter a lot of happiness, financially or getting a promotion, you will remain “significantly” unfulfilled. Money can’t give you happiness. The United States is richer than it was 50 years ago but researches show that Americans aren’t any happier than 50 years ago. Even on a personal level if you win the lottery – you will be happier until you have bought your material goods, and you will go back to your old self. The activity that will make you the happiest is sex. Just as being married “produces a psychic gain equivalent to more than $100,000 a year”. “Most people overestimate the extent to which more money would improve our lives” Text 2: Text 2 is written by Stephanie Rosenbloom and is an article. She starts off by telling about the economy, which is not very good. Consumers saved more than 4% more on their after-tax income then normal, which is alarming because...
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...Midterm Essay Christopher Riojas Keiser University Introduction Adventure and discovery of land and territories in the early centuries were the order of the day for the majority of the stable nations, armies and organized ethnic groups who searched for food, water, and places of settlement. The adventuring movements of communities across the world brought about acquisition of property, resources and territories that later converted to the states and the countries under currently existing geographical boundaries. This effect culminated in more aggression in the movement and acquisition of territories that later turned out to be colonized. During the pre-colonial era, communities under the leadership of ethnic chiefs controlled tribes and extracted resources that were only within their territories. More land was unoccupied thus attracting other foreign immigrants who, moved in search of better resources and experiences. It is in the spirit of discovery and colonization, this article puts into perspective the development of a new state of Virginia in America. Precisely at Jamestown, as it is told through a film called “The New World”, directed by Terrence Mallick, and a story book called “The General History of Virginia, New England, and The Summer Isles”, by Smith (pg.57-69). This article analyses the two sources, the film and the book as their stories are related by both explaining the discovery and development of Jamestown and Virginia. This region has been captured in...
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...Resulta sa Paghahanap term paper definition | English dictionary for learners | Reverso Collins dictionary.reverso.net/english... - Estados Unidos - Isalin ang pahinang ito term paper meaning, definition, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'paper',paper over',on paper',paper boy', Collins Reverso dictionary, English simple ... Langston Hughes English Term Paper - Essays - Kingjames2323 www.oppapers.com/...English-Term-Paper/73... - Isalin ang pahinang ito 12 Jul 2011 – Langston Hughes English Term Paper. English Term Paper Langston Hughes is a famous African-American poet whose work is known for ... English Term Papers / Custom English Term Paper ... - Midterm US www.midterm.us/english-term-papers.html - Isalin ang pahinang ito Order a custom high-quality term paper in English. All our custom English term papers are prepared by professional writers from scratch. Plagiarism-Free ... The Paper Experts : Order Custom Term Papers Format : Best ... www.thepaperexperts.com/ - Isalin ang pahinang ito Welcome to The Paper Experts, where we supply solutions for Order Custom Term Papers Format, Best Written Papers, Example of Dissertation Topics, Buy a ... English Papers :: Cheap Custom English Paper Writing - $8.95/page www.affordablepapers.com/english-papers.html - Isalin ang pahinang ito We will help you without taking into consideration the type of your English paper, should it be an English essay, English term paper, English research paper, ... The term paper is disappearing...
Words: 463 - Pages: 2
...all the questions: (10 Marks) IN SEARCH OF GOOD ENGLISH FOOD 1 How come it is so difficult to find English food in England? In Greece you eat Greek food, in France French food, in Italy Italian food, but in England, in any High Street in the land, it is easier to find Indian and Chinese restaurants than English ones. In London you can eat Thai, Portuguese, Turkish, Lebanese, Russian, Polish, Swiss, Swedish, Spanish, and Italian—but where are the English restaurants? 6 It is not only in restaurants that foreign dishes are replacing traditional British food. In every supermarket, sales of pasta, pizza and poppadoms are booming. Why has this happened? What is wrong with the cooks of Britain that they prefer cooking pasta to potatoes? Why do the British choose to eat lasagna instead of shepherd’s pie? Why do they now like cooking in wine and olive oil? But perhaps it is a good thing. After all, this is the end of the 20th century and we can get ingredients from all over the world in just a few hours. Anyway, wasn’t English food always disgusting and tasteless? Wasn’t it always boiled to death and swimming in fat? The answer to these questions is a resounding ‘No’, but to understand this, we have to go back to before World War II. 15 The British have in fact always imported food from abroad. From the time of the Roman invasion foreign trade was a major influence on British cooking. English kitchens, like the English language, absorbed ingredients from all over the...
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...Dear Incoming Intensive English Student, Welcome to high school and Ms. Carroll’s 9th grade Intensive English class. I hope that your high school experience has been amazing thus far, it only gets better from here. I wish you the best of luck this year and hope you do well in this class. I would like to offer you some inside information and advice about my experience in this class. One thing that may be new to you this year is vocab. Each week or every other week, you will get a new list of vocabulary that you will learn and then be assessed on. One thing I found out is that when it comes to vocab you could just wait until the day of the test to cram during lunch using quizlet; but, it will be to your benefit if you actually take the time to study the words. These words could appear on your midterm and final and it may save you time studying before the midterm if you take time to learn words when you only have 20 to learn as compared to 80. Looking back, I wish I had studied some of the words to understand them versus memorizing them to pass the test. This is a lesson that can be applied to all classes throughout high school; do not memorize the material enough to...
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...This page intentionally left blank English Grammar Understanding the Basics Looking for an easy-to-use guide to English grammar? This handy introduction covers all the basics of the subject, using a simple and straightforward style. Students will ¢nd the book’s step-by-step approach easy to follow and be encouraged by its non-technical language. Requiring no prior knowledge of English grammar, the information is presented in small steps, with objective techniques to help readers apply new concepts. With clear explanations and well-chosen examples, the book gives students the tools to understand the mysteries of English grammar as well as the perfect foundation from which to move on to more advanced topics. E V E L Y N P . A L T E N B E R G is Professor in the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at Hofstra University, NewYork. R O B E R T M . VA G O is Professor and Chair in the Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders at Queens College, City University of NewYork. English Grammar Understanding the Basics EV E LY N P. A LT EN B E RG Hofstra University and ROB E RT M . VAG O Queens College and the Graduate Center City University of NewYork CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge...
Words: 80033 - Pages: 321
...conviction to expose their idea is able to. As Ayleen, freshman at Cal Poly, Said, “If I had the opportunity I would change it to Pink because it's my favorite color and because it's October and it’s breast Cancer awareness month.” Erik, however, said, “Probably green and yellow because it's Cal Poly and our colors are green and yellow and that way I would spread the idea of school spirit.” Both of them prove the power the P has to unite Cal Poly and the community as a form of pride, ideas, and beliefs among all San Luis Obispo The last power of The P is the ability to transform a stressful schedule at school or work into a tranquil time and enable people to withdraw from a tedious life for a few minutes. After a stressful day of midterms, studying, writing an English 134 essay, or a full day at work a person can go to the P to release everything. When one is at the P a calmness arises as one departs from the tedious life of school for a short amount of time to connect with nature. A person can go to the P with different motives: to meditate for some time, relax from their stressful day or hang out with peers. Once up there, one’s encounter with an almost absolute silence due to being far enough from civilization; the few sounds would come from birds, the wind moving the grass or the far sound of the city. The lack of sound is not the main source of stress reliever, but the view from the top as it overlooks the entire school and the city. When a person is at the top of the P, they can...
Words: 1297 - Pages: 6
...Esling, “Everyone has an accent but me” http://lrc.ohio.edu/lrcmedia/Streaming/lingCALL/ling270/myth20.pdf | Study questions – Yule, Chapter 4 | 6 2/18 | Morphology Grammar | * Yule, Chapter 6 & 7 * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y8aLt4kLcI | Yule Chapter 6 & 7 | 7 2/21 | Word formation | * Yule, Chapter 5 * http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ca0xFvMfcqo&feature=related | Classroom questions | 8 2/25 | Semantics | * Yule, Chapter 9 * Hooten, “Fighting words: The war over language.” http://professorverspoor.pbworks.com/w/file/45295489/Hooten%2B-%2BFighting%2BWords.pdf | Yule study questions -- Chapter 9 | 9 2/28 | Grammar (prescriptive vs. descriptive) | * Simon, “Why good English is good for you” http://wolfweb.unr.edu/homepage/calabj/pdf/Simon.pdf Video: Do You Speak American (prescriptivism vs. prescriptivism) | Classroom...
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...1998(2), 18-23 APPROACHES TO DIGLOSSIA IN THE CLASSROOM: THE MIDDLE WAY David Deterding INTRODUCTION The concept of diglossia was developed by Ferguson (1959). It describes a situation where two languages or language varieties occur side by side in a community, and each has a clear range of functions. One of these varieties, the Hvariety (standing for 'High'), is adopted as the standard variety and is used in official situations, such as government broadcasts, religious services, and teaching; and the other, the L-variety (for 'Low'), is used in informal situations, such as local markets and conversations between friends. The focus of this article is to discuss how the concept of diglossia might be appropriate to describe the Singapore English-speaking community, and to consider what approaches can be adopted by teachers towards the use of the L-variety in schools. Examples of diglossia that have been widely quoted are: the Arabic community, where each region has its own colloquial variety, but classical Arabic is still taught in schools and is regarded by many as “more beautiful” and therefore more appropriate for written texts; the Swiss-German community, where all children learn Standard German in schools, and most books and newspapers are in Standard German, but the people continue to use the local Swiss-German dialect on an everyday basis; the Tamil community, where the language taught in classrooms and used in literature is sharply different from the colloquial variety...
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...OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE DURING THE DARK AGES ABSTRACT This period extends from about 450 to 1066 A.D. The sources of Old English literature, as we know it, are rooted in their Teutonic origins and were evolved by the spirit that drove the times. In addition to reflecting the violence of the age, however, Old English literature also provides insight into the hearts and souls of a culture that had a strong attachment to nature; where loyalty and honor were more important than life. And for a culture that did not believe in the immortality of the human soul. Beowulf is the oldest and longest known poem of the Old English period. The passionate struggle between Beowulf and the sea monster Grendel is a reflection of the struggle between man and the forces of nature. INTRODUCTION The Medieval Times encompass one of the most turbulent periods in the History of England and scatter the Medieval History books and other historical documents. Middle Ages embraced two quite different periods of literary history, the Old English (or Anglo-Saxon) and the Middle English, sharply divided from each other by the Norman duke William´s conquest of the island in 1066. Both English culture and the English language changed radically in the years following this event, and English literature was given a new spirit. (The Norton Anthology of English Literature) Old English was the West Germanic language spoken in the area now known as England between the 5th and 11th centuries. Anglo-Saxon...
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...Aljazeera and the logo of the network is at the left side of the word, it's noticeable because it's written in a big font size and a special font style. A big network like Aljazeera need for sure to be updated frequently add on the argent news happening must be included in the website, the website has allot of parts and each part talks about a special kind of news for example the wither, sports, and watch live, those areas are a sensitive information's and must be updated as soon as an information is received to the network responsible employees, looking at the website Aljazeera didn’t miss that point at all, the information's are being updated frequently. At first the audience of Aljazeera was just Arab world, but at November 2006 Aljazeera English has been lunched the target audience after that is all the world with its deferent Taste and backgrounds Aljazeera nowadays gives almost all the news that each one around the world would need, it's almost nothing there you are not interested in. Aljazeera has no any obvious bias or slant to the information it has been always with the truth and human rights and it's taking it as a lead to its perfection, actually Aljazeera has an awards proofing that, and it's giving both sides Opinions which is fair enough. There are allot of information's are available in the websites and it could satisfy almost all the videos of the website, actually the website is sectioned in to the type of the news are provided there, and they are news(internationally...
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...English 1020-L22 November 3, 2013 Cultural Analysis-“From Silence to Words: Writing as Struggle” “From Silence to Words: Writing as Struggle” is an essay written by Min-Zhan Lu, in which she describes the effects, both positive and negative, she experienced while trying to obtain somewhat of a balance, between the learning techniques and language forced on to her and her sisters by their parents, and the education and language taught and enforced by their country, China. Lu describes the emotional strain, confusion, and the political persecution she experienced, beginning at the young, tender age of four years old, the year after the Communist Revolution of 1949. For many years, the only memories Lu had were of the many hardships she faced during the years of getting her education, which made it difficult to recall the benefits of her education. While writing this essay, Lu was forced to reflect over these particular years of her life and the effects it had on her, both good and bad. She finally realized that as hard as it was to endure these hardships, personal benefits resulted from these difficult times as well. Lu explains her revelation by stating, “My understanding of my education was so dominated by memories of confusion and frustration that I was unable to reflect on what I could have gained from it” (148). One of the benefits Lu gained was growth, in both her reading and writing skills, by persevering through the confusion and frustration during that time. ...
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...NEGATIVE LANGUAGE TRANSFER W H E N L E A R N I N G SPANISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE NURIA CALVO CORTÉS Universidad Complutense de Madrid RESUMEN. Este trabajo se centra en la influencia negativa de la transferencia lingüística en el aprendizaje del español como segunda lengua. Está dividido en dos partes: una teórica y un análisis práctico. La primera incluye los distintos aspectos que se tienen que tener en cuanta a la hora de considerar la transferencia lingüística. La segunda analiza distintos ejemplos de transferencia negativa que se han extraído de textos escritos por varios estudiantes británicos que están aprendiendo español. La conclusión mostrará que el análisis de estos errores puede ayudar a predecir algunos de estos errores. PALABRAS CLAVE. Influencia negativa, transferencia lingüística, español como segunda lengua, dos partes: una teórica y un análisis práctico, transferencia negativa, predecir errores. ABSTRACT. This paper focuses on the negative influence of Language Transfer on the learning process Spanish as an L2. It is divided into two main parts; a theoretical one and a practical analysis. The former includes the different aspects considering language transfer, whereas the latter analyses different mistakes due to negative transfer, which have been taken form texts written by several British students when learning Spanish. The conclusion will show that the analysis of these mistakes may help predict some of these mistakes. KEY WORDS. negative influence,...
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...ADVANTAGES OF THE TRIBUNAL SPEED-tribunal cases are highly regarded and most times initially attended to in court, and are frequently arranged on, within a day or two. They are constantly defined on how long can a person wait before their case can be heard and decided upon so that the person do not have to be going back and forth. COST-in the tribunal system cost are quite reasonable as fined can be divided into halves so that the defendant do not have to pay the whole sum of money. and sometimes one can always represent themselves without the aid of authorised officials. INFORMALITY-it is a bit different from law courts as in law courts wigs and gowns are worn but in this system judiciary dresses as normal everyday worker so it does not create an intimidating atmosphere for people without legal advisors. flexibility SPECIALISATION-tribunal members have all got a speciality in a specific subject area, and through sitting on tribunals are able to build up depth of knowledge of that area that judges in ordinary court could not hope to match. RELIEF WORK OVERLOAD FROM COURT-it reduces the number of cases sent to the main court as they deal with also important cases and the courts are not overloaded. AWARENESS OF POLICY-the tribunal members because of their expertise are likely to understand the policy behind legislation in their area, and often have large discretionary power in their to use. PRIVACY-members of the tribunal most times meets in privacy so that they do not...
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...these assessments so that they can pursue their child’s strengths and help them with the weaknesses. The data that these assessments provide is also used by the school administrators. It shows them the improvement of not only the students but also the teachers that is needed for state and federal levels, which determine if more funding is needed to aide students with their learning and achievements. The majority of students born and raised in the United States can easily understand the English language. However, there are the select few that do not speak English because it is not their dominate language that they use at home, so these students require assessments that will enable them to pick up the English language. Getting these students to pick up the language can be an extremely hard task for teachers. In 2001 the No Child Left Behind Act states that students should be tested in many different subject areas no matter what their level of ability to speak or understand English. The state and school districts are held responsible for the information the students are learning and ensuring that they being taught the correct standards. There have since been assessments set to evaluate student achievements and how they are doing when it comes to comprehending...
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