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Enneagram Personality Test Paper

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For this assignment, I took the Enneagram Personality Test. The test took me about 10 minutes since I wanted to make sure I answered each question honestly. Some of the questions were a little confusing, but for the most part they all made sense. The nine personality types were the following, along with my percentages:

Type 1: Orderliness 46%
Type 2: Helpfulness 74%
Type 3: Image Focus 74%
Type 4: Individualism 38%
Type 5: Intellectualism 50%
Type 6: Security Focus 62%
Type 7: Adventurousness 66%
Type 8: Aggressiveness 74%
Type 9: Calmness 26%

I answered each question to the best of my abilities and came out with a main type of 3, a variant stacking of so/sx/sp, and a level of health as below average. I am not really surprised by my results, but surprised at the “unhealthy” part. I feel that I have come a long way since I first started college as far as my health is concerned. As far as my variant is concerned, I am a social variant, sexual variant, and self-preservation variant. I am compliant, friendly, assertive, intense, withdrawn, and security seeking according to the test. The type behavior motivation standard says that I scored an 18, which means, “I must be impressive and attractive to survive”. I don’t find this to be all that true, but it …show more content…
I answered these are very accurate, as I often seek to help others rather than myself most of the time. I was raised to put others first and that would help me in the long run. But I have come to find out that this is not the case. I am one who, if given respect, expects it back. I want back what I give to others because it makes me feel good. I can’t remember the last time I did something for someone out of generosity and actually got it in return. I don’t think this type of mindset affects me in anyway with how people might view me, but it does affect how I view other

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