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Environmental Management


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Pages 20
Environmental management can be viewed from natural, man-made, socio-cultural and supernatural. With the aid of a table discuss management of the aforementioned environment?
The state of environmental hazard in Nigeria and the world in general is increasing at an alarming rate , thereby leaving scholars with great mind and high cognitive ability to seat and analyse the causes, effect, and control measure of these pressing issue.
It is only when the source of an issue is being identified that, one will begin to think about possible solution to such a disturbing act. In the case of environmental hazard the causes has being identified as natural, manmade, socio-cultural, and supernatural environmental hazard.
Natural hazard which is mainly caused by natural processes occurring on the earth surface and controlled but natural phenomenon which can be explained and causes understood by scientific methods, while manmade hazard which are set of environmental hazard which is mainly caused by human inhabiting the earth surface, what biologist refers to the effect of anthropogenic activities on the ecosystem. Socio-cultural on the other hand are set of environmental issues that arises from the pattern of cultural life or influence in which citizens of a particular culture exhibit and this has an effect on the environment, while supernatural environmental hazard are menace in the environment which causes cannot be explained using any known scholastic phenomena yet it exist.

Natural environment hazard
This are hazard that occur purely as a result of natural process in the environment, processes like changes in rainfall pattern, duration of sun intensity, landslide, changes in temperature e.t.c. examples include Drought, flooding, heavy snowfall, high wind speed e.t.c.
Manmade hazard
This set of hazard occur mostly through man interaction with the environment in which he finds himself through processes like deforestation, over cultivation, over grazing, pollution, animal hunting e.t.c.
Socio-cultural hazard
This are vents or norms/pattern of life in which certain socio-cultural group or tribe adapt or act that affect the environment and subsequently affect the lives of the citizens e.g. festival, wrestling, canning before marriage (Fulani clans in Nigeria) e.t.c.
Supernatural hazard
Supernatural (wikipedia) is that which is not subject to the laws of physics, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above or beyond nature In philosophy is a popular culture and fiction, which is associated with the paranormal, religious and occultism. Is is something above nature, that which is beyond or added to nature often so considered because it is given by a deity or some force beyond that which human are born with which is neither visible or measurable.
Supernatural hazard can be defined as that element in the environment that are harmful to man and caused by supernatural forces which cannot be explained by nature which is envisage to be controlled by a particular deity and has adverse effect on the environment.
There are numerous environmental problems or issues here I will list them and profer some management practice to each of them. NATURAL HAZARD | MANAGEMENT PRACTICE | Drought: this is a state of prolonged and abnormal deficiency in moisture and a general state of dryness. | 1. Afforestation 2. Irrigation 3. Planting of cover crops 4. Planting drought resistance trees 5. Use of fire wood should be discouraged 6. Bush burning should be discouraged | Flooding: is defined as the occurances of excessive volume of water in areas not usually under water. | 1. Dams should be constructed with the best material to prevent breakdown. 2. Refuse dumping into culverts and channels should be prohibited. 3. Construction of wider cutters and culverts. 4. Well planned urban centers. 5. Establishment of settlement along river channel should be avoided. 6. Erection of building on culverts, water sheds and roads should be avoided. | Coastal erosion: is the gradual removal of land along the coast it occurs mostly in southern and western regions in Nigeria. | 1. Regular sand filling of beaches or coast 2. Erection of material that can reduce the power of wave along the coast 3. Regular dredging of deposited material along the coast 4. Partial planting of shrubs along the coast 5. Construction of building of permanent embankment along the coast. | Soil erosion: is the process where by the top soil is gradually removed or transported away by erosional agent | 1. Afforetation. 2. Controlled grazing. 3. Contour ploughing. 4. Planting of cover crops i.e. groundnuts mostly legumes. 5. Practicing terracing 6. Improvement in farming method 7. Enlightenment campaign on the effect of soil erosion |

MANMADE ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD MANMADE HAZARD | MANAGEMENT PRACTICE | Deforestation: is the indiscriminate cutting down of forest trees which is unplanned and basically for satisfying mans want. | 1. Afforestation 2. Legislation against indiscriminate falling down of trees 3. Issuance of license to authorized persons for falling down of trees 4. Public awareness campaign on the effect of deforestation 5. The development of other source of fuel i.e. gas. Kerosene e.t.c at a cheaper rate so that even the poor can afford it. 6. The planting of two threes where one has been cut off. | Pollution: is the realease of substances into the environment i.e. air, water or land in quantities that it becomes harmful to animals, plant and the environment in general. there are three types air, water and land pollution | Air pollution management measures 1. The use of fumes chambers to discharge chemicals 2. Controlled method of mining to reduce dust. 3. Provision of filter or absorber to reduce pollution for waste gases. 4. Legislation against loud music. 5. Proper education on waste disposalLand pollution 1. Use of incinerator for waste disposal 2. Proper sewage disposal 3. Urban waste should be buried 4. Pesticides and fertilizer should be applied as instructedWater pollution 1. Waste should not be dumped in water. 2. Legislation against dumping of industrial waste into water body 3. Enlightenment campaign on the effect of water pollution. 4. There should be absorber in ship to reduce propellent of gases into water. |

SOCIO-CULTURAL ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD socio-cultural hazard | Environmental management | 1. Inter-tribal wars 2. Wrestling 3. Belief in evil spirit as source of problem 4. Open defecation 5. Method of storing food and drinking water 6. Not washing hands after using latrines 7. Festivals and sacrifice to a deity. 8. Improper method of waste disposal 9. Bushfire 10. Hunting 11. Using forest wood as fuel for cooking. | * Training on socio-cultural aspects among officials and professionals responsible for environmental management. * Integrate the socio-cultural aspect of environmental hazard into school curriculum to promote ethnic engagement. * Inculcate skill, attitude, knowledge and value about the environment unto the individuals in the community. * Ensure that communities are engage in vulnerability reduction strategies and the communication of risk information through diverse source. * Enlightenment campaign on the effect of socio-cultural hazard on the community and their health. * Creation of laws and legislation on certain issues such as tree falling, hunting, bush fire to reduce their engagement in such an act. |

SUPERNATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD Supernatural hazard | Management skills | 1. A woman died after having sex with another man. 2. Thunder without any sign of rain. 3. A car knock engine without being on. 4. The miracles performed by pastor. 5. A woman gives birth without having sex. 6. A sheep giving birth to half sheep half human. 7. A house burnt without any source of fire. 8. Somebody flying with his body still at home. | 1. Keeping to the norms and laws of the forces attach to the hazard. 2. Learning from others experience who have hard contact with theses forces. 3. Environmental education of the effect of not keeping to the norms of these forces. 4. Inculcation into school curriculum some of these deity, so that student will understand how they function, their origin, their mode of festival, so that you understand how theses forces work. 5. Confession immediately you have broken one law so as not to be affected. |

Herbal treatment and medical treatment compliment one another. Discuss the rational and benefit of herbal and medical practice in Nigeria?
Herbal medicine, otherwise known as herbalism, is the study and the use of medicinal properties in plants. They are also defined as “a group of diverse medical and healthcare system, practices, and product that are not presently considered as part of conventional medicine”. Herbal medicine can also be called alternative or complementary medicine (CAM), and integrative medicine. Other terms substituted for medicinal herbalism include: herbal or botanical medicine, or phytotheraphy, previously defined as the used of plant materials to prevent and treat ill health or promote wellness. Plants have the ability to synthesis large amount of chemical compound know as phytochemicals that perform biological function as well as fighting against diseases in human and animal. Analysis carried out on herbal medicine have proved that they are cheap, reliable and fully functional and if the diseases is properly diagnose and the treatment is done from a professional physician it renders exclusive results. Another major factor, which facilitates even the modern physicians, is that there are almost no chances of side effects from these medicines. An illustration of the international status and importance of herbal medicines was given by the world wildlife fund (2010), stating that: “in many developed countries, traditional herbal medicine remedies are making a comeback as alternative to conventional medicine. In the united state, the number of people using herbal medicines has increased from 2.5% in 1990 to 37% in 2000”.
Initiatives in Nigeria that contributed to herbal medicine treatment include the establishment of herbal medicine is the establishment of the national institute pharmaceutical research and development (NIPRD), which has as his mandate the research on plant for suspected phytochemicals, that the researching plant suspected to poses the potential to fight against diseases. Another is the establishment of the federal college of complementary and alternative medicine (FEDCAM), in Abuja, with a mandate to improve knowledge on herbal medicine and their sound management.
BENEFIT OF HERBAL AND MEDICAL PRACTICE IN NIGERIA 1. Herbal medicine is cheaper than modern medicine. The cost of orthodox medicine is increased by modern health technology, which in many cases is inappropriate, or irrelevant to the immediate needs to the people. 2. Herbal medicine enjoys wider acceptability among the people of developing countries than modern medicine. 3. The herbal medicine practitioners could serve as additional sources of manpower in the health sector of developing countries, especially if they could be retrained in simple hygiene, health education, nutrition, environmental health, general modern health concepts etc. 4. Traditional medicine is more accessible to most of the population in the third world. 5. In order to consult an orthodox doctor, the patient often has to go through the rigor of registration, long queues, laboratory test among other formalities which is time wasting but in herbal medical treatment is no so.

ADVANTAGE OF MEDICAL SERVICES 1. Help to preserve life 2. Help prevent further harm 3. Help to promote recovery. 4. Help to stop burning and relief pain. 5. To minimize the risk of infection. 6. To minimize shock

Environment is for man as man is for the environment. Discuss social interaction in ecological system?
The evolution of man interaction with his environment can be depicted within three (3) period of human development. This includes: 1. Tool making revolution era 1million years ago 2. Agricultural revolution era (100,000 years) 3. Industrial revolution era (10, 000 years)
The diagram below depict clearly the evolutionary trend in mans relation with his environment

HUMAN SOCIAL SYSTEM ASPECT THAT AFFECT THE ENVIRONMENT * population, * technology, * social structure, and * ideology
The diagrams below depict man social inpact with his environment

A System is made up of two or more mutually interacting components
Mutually interacting components, describable in broad term as: * climate (atmosphere), * soil (lithosphere), * water(hydrosphere),and * organisms (biosphere)

With the aid of relevant diagram discuss the benefit of hydrological cycle in contemporary society?

Diagram of water cycle
The water cycle is extremely important process because it ensures the availability of water for all for all living organisms as regulates weather patterns on our planet.
The water cycle consists of 6 important processes: 1. Evaporation * Liquid water becoming water vapour ( in the atmosphere). * Factors favoring it are low air pressure and higher temperature. * Heat from the sun evaporates water found in the ocean, lakes and rivers. Since impurities are left behind, the water that goes in the atmosphere is cleaner then when it was on earth. * Water also evaporates of the leaves of plants – called transpiration 2. Condensation * This process is the opposite of evaporation – water leaves the vapour state and returns to the liquid state * Lower temperatures favour condensation. * Water droplets formed from condensation that are small remain suspended in the atmosphere in atmosphere in the form of clouds in the sky or fog at ground level. Dust particles need to be present around which the droplet can form. 3. Precipitation * Under the correct temperature and atmospheric pressure, the small water droplets in clouds become larger and precipitation occurs * This can be in the form of rain, hail, sleet or snow. 4. Surface runoff * As water returns to the earth (precipitation) it moves over the land and flows downhill (gravity) into streams ,rivers, ponds and lakes. * The direction of flow is: small streams large stream rivers oceans * This step is important because the water returns to the ocean as surface runoff where it once again is evaporated: A CYCLE!! 5. Infiltration * When precipitation occurs, not all the water returns to the ocean as surface runoff. Some is also soak into the ground. As water filters through the soil and rock layers, it becomes cleaner (impurities are filtered out) * Some of this water returns to the surface (springs) or is used up by plants. * Some of this water becomes groundwater 6. Transpiration * Plants absorb water from the soil. This water moves from the roots, up the stem and to the leaves * Water evaporates off the leaves and into the atmosphere
Importance of hydrological cycle to the contemporary society 1. Availability of water both for industrial and domestic purposes. 2. Help in modification of climate. 3. Used for agricultural purposes thereby developing the economy. 4. Used for hydro electric power generation (H.E.P), which is used both domestically and industrially for the running of machine. 5. It also helps in cell metabolism, thereby making it a high determinant to healthy living.

With the aid of an outline map of Nigeria as an environmental manager identify a project in each of the geographical zone and write a budget proposal?

Key Northern geographical zone | Southern geographical zone | Western geographical zone | Eastern geographical zone | Terrorism | Oil spillage | Resort development ie beach | Ritualism | Desert encroachment | Deforestation | Coastal erosion | Gully erosion |
Northern geographical zone
Terrorism, arguably, is the biggest threat to global peace and stability in the contemporary times. Since the dawn of this millennium, the incidence of the terrorism has been on a steady rise worldwide. Hitherto, terrorism was more or less a national or regional affair. This trend, however, has since changed as brilliantly observed by Awake: Just few years ago, terrorism seemed to be restricted to a few isolated places, such as Northern Ireland, the Basque Country in Northern Spain, and some areas of the Middle East. Now - especially since September 11, 2001, with the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York - worldwide phenomenon (June, 2006:4). Indeed, the worldwide manifestation of terrorism has been evident in Africa, but also in Nigeria. With particular reference to Nigeria, the phenomenon has found expression in the emergence of Boko Haram insurgency (2001-date). Since its advent, the sectarian insurgency has wrecked immense havoc in the country, especially by “using explosives and firearms with gruesome, fatal” consequences (Awake June, 2006:6). A critical corollary of this violence is dire humanitarian crisis that threatens human security in Nigeria.
Possible ways of curbing terrorism in northern Nigeria case study of Boko Haram
Good governance The foundation of good governance is built on the rule of law; equality and fairness. When individuals and nations understand that all created beings irrespective of their race, religion, culture, sex etc. are equal before God, then exploitation, oppression, intimidation, suppression and others alike will be eliminated. It must be noted that terrorism triumph in areas where people are mostly oppressed, suppressed and exploited. These are the fuel needed to fan the embers of terrorism. In the world today democracy affords nations the opportunity to rule by democratic principles and standard that ensures a peaceful co-existence. This must be imbibed in Nigeria, so that the citizens will feel and see democracy in practice.
Harmonization of security operations In the war against terrorism, effective information management is the key to success. The intelligence operations of gathering, dissemination, direction and control need to be integrated and harmonized in a central operating unit. In doing this, there will be a central command. There will be no lapses or operational bottlenecks or unnecessary bureaucratic controls relating to information sharing and dissemination. Government must create a synergy where all security agencies can rally round for a common goal.
Policy reforms In policy reforms, it would be critical for government to adapt to a new environment in consideration to terrorists modes and strategic changes in the approach and attacks. The National Grand strategy module on the vision 2020 should be well put on the right course.
Government agenda in tackling the developmental issues should be prioritized, based on the short and long term needs of the country. Our developmental indices should indicate an upward movement across all aspects of our socio-economic imperatives. There are no industries, no power to sustain cottage industries, no road to areas of need, no water (safe) is rocketing astronomically and poverty is written on the faces of the people. Terrorism cannot be fought when those things that caused them are left visibly begging to be solved.
Equipping and Training of Security Personnel The Presidential task force on terrorism should be equipped in such a way that it should have the capability of analyzing intelligence and take pro-active or preventive measures to contain any threat. There is much hatred, sentiment and fear in the country, government strategic plans should be able to create an atmosphere of confidence in the governance. The security personnel must be trained in order to acquire the necessary skill to operate whatever equipment the government may provide for the unity.
The use of remote sensing instrument (LIDAR SENSOR): The Definition of Remote Sensing In the broadest sense, the measurement or acquisition of information of some property of an object or phenomenon, by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object or phenomenon under study; e.g., the utilization at a distance (as from aircraft, spacecraft, or ship) of any device and its attendant display for gathering information pertinent to the environment, such as measurements of force fields, electromagnetic radiation, or acoustic energy. Remote sensing uses sensors to capture data one of these sensor is the Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR).
LIDAR speed guns are used by the police to measure the speed of vehicles for speed limit enforcement purposes and offer a number of advantages over radar speed guns.
Few military applications are known to be in place and are classified, but a considerable amount of research is underway in their use for imaging. Higher resolution systems collect enough detail to identify targets, such as tanks.
Examples of military applications of LIDAR include the Airborne Laser Mine Detection System (ALMDS) for counter-mine warfare by Arete Associates. Utilizing LIDAR and THz interferometry wide area raman spectroscopy, it is possible to detect chemical, nuclear, or biological threats at a great distance.
For the purpose of this assignment I will write a budget proposal on the application of remote sensing in combating the issue of terrorism in Nigeria.
Budget Proposal on the Application of Remote System in combating Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria
In discussing the application of remote sensing in combating Boko Haram insurgence in Nigeria require the following 1. Remote sensing expert. 2. Application of remote sensing software for Nigeria. 3. Development of remote sensing satellite or sensors. 4. Workshop or seminar on the application of remote sensing to military personnel. 5. Development of base map using remote sensing data in the area of insurgence. 6. Using remote sensing to develop code that only military personnel will understand. Item required | Amount needed | Amount required in naira | Remote sensing expert | 20 | 30,000,000 | Application of remote sensing software in Nigeria | 10 | 10*2,000,000 | Development of remote sensing satellite or sensor | 10 | 10*20,000,000 | Workshop or seminar on remote sensing application | 7 | 7*5,000,000 | Development of base map using remote data | 10 | 10*2,000,000 | Using remote sensing to develop military code | As much as possible | 3,000,000 | TOTAL | 57 | 308,000,000 |

Solving the issue of terrorism, which affect the economy, political, social, and the environment at large? Therefore it should not be left to the government alone but all the citizen of Nigeria.
Below is a breakdown on how the finance should be sourced for in carrying out the project Contributor | Amount contributed in naira | Federal government of Nigeria | 150,000,000 | States contribution (the 36 state of the federation) | 52,000,000 | Non governmental organization (NGO) both local and international | 50,000,000 | Individual contribution both local and international | 33,000,000 | Borrow from international and local organization | 23,000,000 | TOTAL | 308,000,000 |

Eastern geographical zone
This is a more common phenomena in Anambra ‘OGU AGO’ (blood money) and also the Imo state citizens who instead of making their money the right way they will instead decide sacrifice their own brothers and sisters to spiritual deity so as to make money through it. Like the girl that recently turns into snake in a hotel room in Anambra is a typical mystical phenomenon that describes the concept of ritualism.
Most of these sacrifice are performed to certain deity or spiritual entity that cannot be explain with scientific phenomena but still yet once you perform the requirement of this deity you financial problem will be temporary solved depending your next sacrifice to the same deity.
Ways to curb the issue of ritualism 1. Job creation 2. Rehabilitation centers 3. Public enlightenment on the effect of ritualism. 4. Subsidizing education fee so as to allow the poor be educated 5. Legislation on those caught in ritualism 6. Guardian and counseling centers should be established.

Budget proposal on the curbing the issue of ritualism Solution to ritualism | Numbers needed | Amount in naira | Job creation | 20,000 | 60,000,000 | Rehabilitation centers | 5 per state =180 | 32,000,000 | Public enlightenment campaign | 2 times per state=72 | 40,000,000 | Subsidizing education | Primary, secondary, tertiary | 4,000,000,000 | Legislation against ritualism | 0 | 0 | Guardian and counseling centre | 5 per state=180 | 15,000,000 | Total | 20,432 | 4,147,000,000 |

Solving the issue of ritualism, which affect the economy, political, social, and the environment at large? Therefore it should not be left to the government alone but all the citizen of Nigeria.
Below is a breakdown on how the finance should be sourced for in carrying out the project

Contributor | Amount contributed in naira | Federal government of Nigeria | 2,000,000,000 | States contribution (the 36 state of the federation) | 1,000,000,000 | Non governmental organization (NGO) both local and international | 500,000,000 | Individual contribution both local and international | 547,000,000 | Borrow from international and local organization | 100,000,000 | TOTAL | 4,147,000.000 |

Southern geographical zone
Deforestation is the indiscriminate cutting down of forest trees which is unplanned and basically for satisfying mans want. These aspects of environmental hazard is more common in southern part of Nigeria because of the presence of tropical rainforest, mangrove swamp forest and salt water swamp forest which produce economic trees which are exploited both illegally and legally by the local for construction, firewood, purposes etc.
Below is the process to employ in order to combat the issue of deforestation: 1. Afforestation 2. Legislation against indiscriminate falling down of trees 3. Issuance of license to authorized persons for falling down of trees 4. Public awareness campaign on the effect of deforestation 5. The development of other source of fuel i.e. gas. Kerosene e.t.c at a cheaper rate so that even the poor can afford it. 6. Job provision of job for the locals 7. Forest guard Budget proposal on the curbing the issue of ritualism Solutions | Quantity needed | Amount in Naira | Afforestation | Plant two per cut | 4,000,000 | Legislation against falling of tress | Nil | Nil | Public awareness campaign on the effect of tree falling | Twice | 6,000,000 | Job provision for the locals | 2,000 | 20,000,000 | Provision of other source of fuel ie kerosene, gas | 0 | 3,000,000,000 | Forest guard | 2000 | 2,000,000 per year | Total | | 3,032,000,000 |

Solving the issue of afforestation, which affect the economy, political, social, and the environment at large? Therefore it should not be left to the government alone but all the citizen of Nigeria.
Below is a breakdown on how the finance should be sourced for in carrying out the project Contributor | Amount contributed in naira | Federal government of Nigeria | 1,000,000,000 | States contribution (the 36 state of the federation) | 500,000,000 | Non governmental organization (NGO) both local and international | 500,000,000 | Individual contribution both local and international | 550,000,000 | Borrow from international and local organization | 482,000,000 | TOTAL | 3,032,000.000 |

Western geopolitical zone
Coastal erosion: is the gradual removal of land along the coast it occurs mostly in southern and western regions in Nigeria. This type of environmental issue is common in the western region and southern regions of the country especially with areas close the coastal region of Nigeria.
Below is the process to employ in order to combat the issue of deforestation: 1. Regular sand filling of beaches or coast 2. Erection of material that can reduce the power of wave along the coast 3. Regular dredging of deposited material along the coast 4. Partial planting of shrubs along the coast 5. Construction of building of permanent embankment along the coast. Solution | Amount | regular sand filling of beach | 3million/year | Erection of material that can reduce the power of wave along the coast | 40,000,000 | Dredging of deposited material along the coast | 3,000,000 | planting of shrubs along the coast | 3,000,000 | construction of permanent embankment along the coast | 50,000,000 | Total | 99,000,000 |

Solving the issue of coastal erosion, which affect the economy, political, social, and the environment at large? Therefore it should not be left to the government alone but all the citizen of Nigeria.
Below is a breakdown on how the finance should be sourced for in carrying out the project Contributor | Amount contributed in naira | Federal government of Nigeria | 30,000,000 | States contribution (the 36 state of the federation) | 20,000,000 | Non governmental organization (NGO) both local and international | 15,000,000 | Individual contribution both local and international | 10,000,000 | Borrow from international and local organization | 24,000,000 | TOTAL | 99,000,000 |

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...Environmental factors Social Forces: Waste management is not just for the welfare of one state/society or for specific public but it would work for everyone, this will include different demographics of population. No matter people are young/old, male/female, and rich/poor they all will be benefitted by the work of waste management. Waste management has main purpose of making everything green so it would work for all the religions and make their surroundings clear, this company will obviously get a good praise from cultural value’s. Working of this management will change the attitude and values of several people regarding their environment and eventually people from different states, religions and genders will became value conscious, they will help to achieve the goals and objective of this management as the main purpose is to safeguard environment. So waste management will have no negative impact of social forces as it is for the welfare of society. Economic Forces: Waste management company will have strategies for the welfare of public; this organization will give better services then existing management companies, people will be charged less than what they are paying to organizations which are currently existing. But certain factors like rise in price of fuel or buying transportation means will lead this management to increase their prices still it wont affect because other companies will also have to pay same for fuel and transportation and they will also rise...

Words: 515 - Pages: 3

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Environmental Management

............................................................................2 III.Effective management of .................................................................................3 natural resources and the environment IV. Integrated development planning ................................................................... and implementation V. Prevention and control of Pollution ................................................................. and environmental degradation VI.Proactive approach to regional .......................................................................... and global environmental issues VII. Conclusion ........................................................................................................ VIII. Reference ........................................................................................................ Introduction The rapid development of economy, high depleted, high pollution mode of economic growth,to make the country's environment problem increasingly prominent. However, many of the countries in the implementation of green strategy to make the country's economic sustainable development. this report through discussed to Green strategies based on environmental policy in Malaysia how can improve environmental quality. And from the education and awareness, the effective management of natural resources and environment,comprehensive development planning and implementation, ...

Words: 1922 - Pages: 8

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Environmental Management

...COVENTRY UNIVERSITY AUSTON INSTITUTE Of Management Master of Business Administration IN ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Quality And Environmental Management Systems (AUM 06 EMD) (Case Study) STUDENT NAME : Rituraj Saikia STUDENT ID : G1102894U LECTURER : Low Chin Yong WORDS : 3489 Table of Contents 1 Scope Of Environmental Management Strategy 3 1.1 The needs and expectations for development of an environment management strategy 3 1.2 The constraints under which the environmental strategy can be developed are identified 4 1.3 A clear and concise statement of environmental objectives 5 2 Determine Environmental Strategy Development Process 6 2.1 Principal stakeholders are identified 6 2.2 Stakeholders are consulted to obtain acceptance of the strategy development process 7 3 Identify Resources To Undertake Environmental Strategy Development 8 3.1 Resource requirements of the model/process adopted are identified in an accurate and comprehensive manner 8 3.2 Accurate detailed financial budgets are prepared within the scope of the strategy development 9 3.3 Human resource requirements for strategy developments: 9 3.4 Facilities and equipment needs for strategy developments are identified to ensure all requirements can be met on time 10 4 Identify Environmental Assets, Problems And Opportunities 10 4.1 Data are identified and collated in a comprehensive manner relevant to the scope and models accepted 10 4.2...

Words: 3961 - Pages: 16

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Environmental Management

...INTRODUCTION The rapid expansion and increasing sophistication of the chemical industries in the past century and particularly over the last thirty years has meant that there has been an increasing amount and complexity of toxic waste effluents. Even though policies and environmental efforts should continue to be directed towards applying pressure to industry to reduce toxic waste production, biotechnology presents opportunities to detoxify industrial effluents. Bacteria can be altered to produce certain enzymes that metabolize industrial waste components that are toxic to other life, and also new pathways can be designed for the biodegradation of various wastes. Since waste management itself is a well-established industry, genetics and enzymology can be simply "bolted-on" to existing engineering expertise. Examination of effluents from the chemical and petrochemical industries shows that such effluents typically contain either one or a limited range of major toxic components. In some cases other considerations (such as aesthetic ones) can be important for removal of certain components (such as dyes). This means that in general one industry may apply one or a few genetically modified bacterial strains to get rid of its major toxic waste. However, it may be important to contain the "waste-eating" bacteria within the manufacturing plant, and not release these with the waste water. In such cases, filter installations will have to be built to separate the bacteria from the...

Words: 1747 - Pages: 7

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Report on Environmental Aspects on Project Management

...ARTICLE ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ABSTRACT The primary challenge in project management is to achieve all of the defined project goals and objectives while adhering to typical constraints which are usually scope, quality, time, and budget. Often, the basic flaw in project planning and design is the complete neglect or minimal consideration of environmental and social costs and dependence only on economic analysis for project preparation and investment. A failure to understand and internalize diverse or negative impacts on environment during project preparation could lead to several undesirable consequences, which may ultimately jeopardize the very objectives of growth and development for which the project was proposed. The need for environmental management for successful project completion is stressed upon and the challenges of addressing the key environmental issues are discussed. Environmental management is not just about the ‘trees and bees’ but also about health, safety, profits, quality assurance, reduced risks to reputation, and increased global competitiveness, states the author. Overall, it is about efficiency and reducing environmental and legal liabilities. It is argued that sound environment management reduces the unforeseen obstacles and bottlenecks that may otherwise hamper the delivery of project objectives while helping to improve the environmental performance of project operations. ...

Words: 962 - Pages: 4

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Environmental Management

...Shaping the Future According to Popper, Lempert, & Bankes (2005), scientific uncertainty often becomes an excuse to ignore long-term problems, such as climate change. It does not have to be so. In everyday life, responsible people look out for the long term despite the needs of the here and now: we do homework, we save for retirement, and we take out insurance. The same principles should surely apply to society as a whole. But how can leaders weigh the present against the future? How can they avoid retrenchment by scientific uncertainty? Analysts have turned to techniques such as scenario planning that involve exploring different possible futures rather than gambling on a single prediction. This article speaks largely on technological innovations shaping the future. One needs to see how this approach works in practice and figure out what exactly the computer should calculate (Popper et al., 2005). The writer is in agreeance that the future is uncertain and the world is facing many challenges. Analysts are researching ways to preserve the environment, safeguard the future of social security, and shield against terrorism and manage the effects of novel technology. Popper et al. (2005) suggests that there should be constructed, rigorous, and systemic methods for dealing with deep uncertainty. Using computers and technological innovations was one of these researchers’ primary solutions. As the future will always be uncertain, Morselli (2013) reports we must assume...

Words: 899 - Pages: 4

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Environmental Management System

...and shortcomings of Environmental Management Systems in relation to Canon Inc. The first part of the essay consists of an introduction to Environmental Management Systems (EMS), ISO 14001and a brief introduction on Canon Inc. First of all, Canon Inc is a multinational company which is specialised in the manufacture of imaging and optical products (Canon 2014). It is very important for an organisation like Canon Inc to implement a proper EMS, as the company’s business acts can have a lot of negative impacts on the environment especially since it is a manufacturing company. Now, why should Environmental Management Systems be used? Environmental Management systems have become an essential tool for almost all organisations like Canon Inc, as they have to deal with environmental issues such as how to deal with pollution, especially when you are aware of the fact that the company in question’s business activities can prove to be harmful to the environment. Environmental Management Systems helps the company to minimise the impacts of their activities. For companies like Canon Inc, which have large turnover rates, are more likely to get larger returns on the cost of certification, which is why Canon Inc has been chosen for the purpose of this essay, as large organisations like them realise the importance of having proper EMS and ISO 14001 certification (CAMPOS 2014). Now, what is an Environmental Management System. The basic definition of an Environmental Management System is that it...

Words: 2216 - Pages: 9

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Environmental and Sustainability Management

...| Environmental and Sustainability Management Educating hotel guests and tourists | BUAD 390 | | | | Table of Contents Introduction 2 Findings 2 Situation 2 Problem 4 Solution 6 Evaluation 6 Conclusion 7 Recommendations 8 References 9 Introduction This report will look at exactly why it is so important to educate hotel guests and tourists about environmental sustainability. Tourism is one of the top service industries in the world, there is millions of dollars being used to fund these beautiful destinations; equally as much money should be invested to keep the environment sustainable. It’s good ethical practice; the humanistic argument is without a clean environment, human health will be harmed. Without stock of renewable resources for future generations, the lives of those will be poorer quality than ours. (Grace, Cohen, & Holmes, 2014)William Blackstone has quoted saying “everyone has the right to a livable environment, then others have an obligation to allow free enjoyment of this right.” (Grace, Cohen, & Holmes, 2014). The three main groups of guests hotel chains face concerning this matter are: the ones that care about the planet and society, the ones that ask what is in it for me, and the ones who couldn’t be bothered. It is up to hotels which type of guests they wish to cater to, keeping in mind that they risk damaging their relationship...

Words: 3458 - Pages: 14

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Environmental Management Systems

...Environmental Management Systems | I declare that all material in this assignment is my own work except where there is clear acknowledgement or reference to the work of others and I have complied and agreed to the University statement on Plagiarism and Academic Integrity. | Constant Title | page | a) Identify a company and discuss the following: (10 marks)i) Background of the company                                   ii) Introduction to the services / products of the company   | 3 | b) Identification of the potential environmental impacts that maybe caused by the services / products of the company.  (10 marks) | 4 | c) The company’s environmental management system (EMS) [Strategies to reduce the Environmental impacts].  (10 marks) | 6 | d) How the company’s EMS benefits the environment. (10 marks) | 7 | e) The advantage of having EMS in the company.   (10 marks) | 8 | f) Alternatives ways to improve environmental performance of the company beside the approach stated in company policy. (10 marks)    | 9 | References | 10 | Adidas, one of the largest companies in the world, the story start in Bavaria, Germany. A man call Adi Dassler the founder of Adidas in the age of 49 on August 18, 1949 has started the company with 47 employees in Herzogenaurach. Until today the company have 67 years history, Adidas AG is German sportswear manufacturer and beside that they also produce others products such as...

Words: 2345 - Pages: 10