...This study was undertaken with the intention of determining if the vaccine could prevent HIV infection in HIV-negative individuals; reduce the amount of virus in those who do become HIV-infected during the study, or both. The benefit of the vaccine was that if found successful it would help in preventing HIV infection and whether the vaccine and or reduce the amount of virus in those who developed an infection. I any case the research study would backfire there was a risk o the participants getting infected therefore proper awareness was made to the members and had a perfect understanding of the entire process. (White) Throughout the trial, all participants received HIV risk-reduction counseling and various supplies, such as condoms, and information to help them avoid HIV infection. Initially, the study only enrolled individuals with low pre-existing antibodies to adenovirus type 5 (Ad 5) based on earlier indications that the vaccine would have the greatest potency for these persons; however, subsequent studies with the same vaccine lead to an amendment that opened participation to anyone who met the study’s inclusion criteria irrespective of pre-existing levels of adenovirus antibodies. The phase 2b `test-of-concept` study was designed to test Merck’s candidate HIV vaccine MRK Ads trivalent vaccine. The study was testing Merck’s candidate vaccine, the MRKAd5 HIV-1 gag, pol, nef trivalent vaccine, which is based on a weakened adenovirus (adenovirus type 5), a common virus that...
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...OVERVIEW OF VETERINARY EPIDEMIOLOGY The veterinary profession faces many challenges …… Rapid movement of disease Climate change Today’s challenges require population health approach to investigation and solving problems WHAT DOES VETERINARY EPIDEMIOLOGY HAVE TO OFFER? Veterinary Epidemiology is concerned with efforts to describe, explain, predict and prevent/control disease (& other healthrelated outcomes) in animal populations. Description Identifying cases of diseases in order to calculate the relative frequencies of the diseases within population subgroups. Explanation Identifying causal factors and modes of transmission Prediction Estimating the likely number of cases that Identifying patterns of will develop in the disease occurrence future Prevent/Control Applying epidemiological knowledge to prevent the occurrence of new cases of disease, eradicate existing cases, and prolong the lives of animals with disease Taken together, epidemiology provides the data that will improve our understanding of how diseases develop over time and the factors that relate to disease distributions. These in turn will lead to application of interventions to reduce disease impact. - What it is Epi - "upon“ demos - "the people“ logos - "study of". Veterinary Epidemiology " The frequency, patterns and the factors that influence health, disease & other healthrelated states in animal populations and its application anddisease prevention & to...
Words: 2005 - Pages: 9
...Question 1 1. Which of the following measures is best for understanding how quickly a disease is occurring in a population? Answer | A. | prevalence | | B. | cumulative incidence | | C. | Incidence density | | D. | None of the above. | | E. | | 5 points Question 2 1. Dr. Breathright conducted a study to estimate the incidence of asthma among inner city children. She recorded the amount of follow-up person-time in the table below. The number of children diagnosed as a new case of asthma during the 12 month follow-up period was 15 cases. Which of the following equations could be used to correctly calculate incidence density for asthma in this study? Complete the table to help you determine the answer. Participant follow-up: | No. of participants | Number of Months of Observation per participant | Total Person-Months | | 100 | 12 | | | 90 | 11 | | | 65 | 8 | | | 50 | 7 | | | 10 | 5 | | Totals | 315 | 43 | | Answer | A. | 15 cases / 3110 person-months at-risk | | B. | 15 cases / 315 children at-risk | | C. | 315 cases / 3,110 person-months at-risk | | D. | None of the above | 5 points Question 3 1. In Newcity, TX, there were 70,000 women over age 25 years at the beginning of 2007. Of these women, 3,000 had breast cancer at the beginning of 2007. At the beginning of 2008, 25,000 of the women in the population are currently cancer free and are at-risk for postmenopausal breast...
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...Epidemiology: Mononucleosis Tina Taber Grand Canyon University: 8 October 2014 Epidemiology is a science that uses quantitative, scientific, and research methods to study the causes of disease, how it is transmitted and preventive measures that can be taken to stop the transmission. Healthcare officials then use the information to help guide the public to optimal health. This paper will take a look at the disease Infectious Mononucleosis and how the community nurse can help fight against it and other infectious diseases. Mononucleosis, also known as the “kissing disease”, is an infectious disease that is mainly found in young adult college students or teen-agers from ages 15-17. Older adults can also get it but it is usually not found in them unless they are immunocompromised. According to the CDC, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the most common cause of infectious mononucleosis, but other viruses can also cause this disease. (CDC, 2014) It is transmitted through the infected person’s salvia, mucous from the nose and throat and sometimes tears, close contact, and sharing drinks and utensils can spread the disease. Mononucleosis can have an incubation period anywhere from 33-49 days, and then symptoms appear around 4-6 weeks. It usually begins slowly with fatigue, a general ill feeling and sore throat. Other symptoms include swollen lymph nodes, fever, muscle aches, and loss of appetite, and possibly a swollen spleen. The treatment for Mononucleosis is usually plenty of...
Words: 1268 - Pages: 6
...Epidemiology Paper The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relevancy of the vulnerable population, and the disease for this group. The vulnerable population that has been chosen is mental illness, and the disease for this population is AIDS/HIV. There will be a definition and description of epidemiology in regards to HIV/AIDS, with the steps and method that was used. The Epidemiological Triangle will be define and identified, and the different types of epidemiology. The population chosen characteristics such as the influenced population’s vulnerability. This essay will also examine the values and potential cultural biases with cultural considerations that may impact health issues. There are legal and ethical consideration when working with the mentally ill. Describing the relationship of the disease to varies levels of prevention. Relevant population and the disease of this population The mentally ill the population and the disease is AIDS/HIV. Mental disorders are indiscriminate. They occur across the span and affect persons of all races, cultures genders and educational and socioeconomic group. One of the leading cause of disability is mental illness. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and AIDS have had an enormous political and social impact on society. Nearly 75% of new HIV infections occur in persons between 30-49 years may result in disrupted families and lost careers and economic productivity. (Stanhope, 2012, p317) HIV is transmitted through exposure...
Words: 1966 - Pages: 8
...In my paper regarding communicable diseases I choose to discus HIV/AIDS. In this paper I will discuss HIV, and the different ways HIV is transmitted, to the many complications that are associated with HIV, and discuss how community health nurses can help patients develop a plan for managing the disease process. I will also refer to an agency that can help nurses gather data they need to treat patients physically, and emotionally, as well as resources for patients to refer to when they feel like they need questions answered to their questions. According to (AIDS.GOV) “HIV” stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. I will discuss what each letter represents: H – Human – This virus can only infect human beings. I – Immunodeficiency – HIV weakens your immune system by killing off vital cells that help fight the disease and infection. A weakened immune system cannot protect the host or human like it should be able to. V – Virus – A virus can only replicate over and over by invading a cell within the body of its host. HIV is similar to other viruses, such as the flu or the common cold. The biggest difference is that in time, our immune system can destroy most of the viruses in our bodies. With HIV the body’s immune system can't eradicate the virus. In turn once a patient is diagnosed with HIV they have it for the rest of their natural life. Like many viruses, HIV can lay dormant for extended periods of time in the cells of your body that attacks a key part of your immune system, the...
Words: 1613 - Pages: 7
...Witchcraft broadly :) the practice of, and belief in, magical skills and abilities that are able to be exercised individually, by designated social groups, or by persons with the necessary esoteric secret knowledge. Witchcraft is a complex concept that varies culturally and societally, therefore it is difficult to define with precision and cross-cultural assumptions about the meaning or significance of the term should be applied with caution. Witchcraft often occupies a religious, divinatory, or medicinal role, and continues to have an important role in many cultures today. Scientifically, the existence of magical powers and witchcraft are generally believed to lack credence and to be unsupported by high quality experimental testing, although individual witchcraft practices and effects may be open to scientific explanation or explained via mentalism and psychology. Historically, the predominant concept of witchcraft in the Western world derives from Old Testament laws against witchcraft, and entered the mainstream when belief in witchcraft gained Church approval in the Early Modern Period. It posits a theosophical conflict between good and evil, where witchcraft was generally evil and often associated with the Devil and Devil worship. This culminated in deaths, torture and scapegoating, and many years of large scale witch-trials and witch hunts, especially in Protestant Europe, before largely ceasing during the European Age of Enlightenment. Christian views in the modern day...
Words: 1748 - Pages: 7
...HOW PEOPLE USE EXPERT AND LAY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT RISK IN ORDER TO LIVE WITH THEM Your above title works fine though you also need to include a table of contents. See example in assignment booklet. I see you include this at the end but this should be place here at the start of your report. Perhaps this was a computer error in your lay out? 1. INTRODUCTION We are all familiar with the fact that risk is a part of everyday life. Risk is evident in all walks of life from road traffic accidents, to terrorist attacks at airports, to leaks of radiation at nuclear power plants also well as health scares from MRSA. Risk is so prevalent today that we are said to live in a ‘Risk Society’. This has been defined as ‘an account of contemporary society that emphasizes the development of the side effects of modernisation and the growth of many people's awareness of risk.’ You need to include a source reference for this quotation. A lot of risks are invisible, like for example, radiation from the Chernobyl nuclear accident, so there is an absolute reliance on expert knowledge in order to manage people’s anxiety. Perhaps a reference to Beck’s theory could be included here. He argues that as society has become increasingly complex, we look to experts to help us with assessing risks. How we make sense of, manage and incorporate risk into our life is a focus of this report and a number of case studies will be examined to determine how both expert and lay knowledge is used...
Words: 1906 - Pages: 8
...Group Comparison Paper Troy R. Witt The world is often a beautiful place. There are triumphant tales of kindred spirits helping those in need, of people coming together despite their differences, and of those once lost being found. However, there is another side of life that combats these positive stories with that of prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination, stigmas, and hate towards those who stand out or have unique attributes. Especially when compared to our culture of power that is often white, healthy, and traditional. The following will define, describe the treatment of, and perceive the lives of two of these stigmatized groups, those with obesity and those who are LGBT, to further detail the similarities and differences of their daily struggles. One clear, thematic, distinction is the blatant external identification of obese individuals against the hidden sexual stigma of those who are LGBT. Group Definition Weight stigma is a social stigma in which those who are overweight or obese are targets of prejudicial attitudes and discriminatory behaviors. This stigma is present across many dimensions in our society and can be seen in interpersonal, institutional, organizational, and cultural discrimination. Alarmingly, research has discerned the weight stigma has become more prevalent in our society, as weight based discrimination has increased 66% from the 1990’s into the 2000’s (Andreyeva, T., Puhl, R. M., & Brownell, K. D., 2008). Despite this group actually being a majority...
Words: 1894 - Pages: 8
...1 Akpos: I want us to be in a relationship. Jumoke: Its okay but under one condition Akpos: Which one? Jumoke: No s*x coz am preserving it for my future hubby. Akpos: Thats okay, I also have my condition jumoke: Which one? Akpos: No using of my money coz am preserving it for my future wife... 2 Which of the following is Nigeria's greatest disappointment? (A) Super Eagles (B) PHCN(NEPA) (C) MTN (D) Nigeria Police Force (E) Our Leaders 3. Okon : I saw a strap of yOur bra Teacher : Okon qet out! No class fOr yOu fOr a week (Another Boy Lauqhs) Teacher : Why did yOu Laugh? Boy : I saw both straps of yOur bra. Teacher : Get out! No class fOr yOu fOr 1 mOnth. (Teacher bends down to pick chalk's Akpos started walking out) Teacher : Akpos, why are yOu gOing out? Akpos : With what I just saw now, I think my schOOl days are Over! 3 What shall it profit a man if he slaps Usain Bolt and runs away?? 4. Akpors got a message from his girl friend on his birthday ''Message Reads ''HBD Boo....LLNP, LYSM TTYL'' Akpors provoked and called her phone ''Kate what is the meaning of HBD LLNP and Those rubbish.... Kate replied Haaa Akpors don't tell me you are this dumb.....and local Oh My Gooosh,you don't...
Words: 3202 - Pages: 13