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Epilogue To Arthur Miller's The Joy Luck Club

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Catch This! ¨Can you catch this!?¨, yelled Eddie as he drilled the ball so hard into my hands that the ball instantly bounced out as I fell to the ground.
¨HAHA!¨ Eddie yelled in victory, Eddie got so distracted he didn't see Tommy silently creep up behind him and slam the ball against him. Eddie howled like a wolf would to the moon.
¨I did it!¨ Tommy said happily,
¨Yeah ok ok, chill.¨ I said as I got up from the ground. We all looked at each other and we knew who was our target and we prepared for war.
¨FREE FOR ALL!¨ we yelled and the balls went flying everywhere. I threw my red ball so hard with all my power and it went over the fence. We stopped and sadly watched leave our site.
¨You threw it, you get it.¨ Tommy said, I quickly ran behind the fence that blocked my yard from the park. …show more content…
I then decided not to do it alone. I approached a lady sitting on a bench, in a blue dress.
¨Excuse me Ma'am. Have you seen a red ball fly or roll by?¨ I said.
¨I have only seen a group of girls play with a ball,¨ she said and pointed behind me, ¨otherwise I have not.¨,
¨Thank you Ma'am.¨ I said and I ran towards the girls. There were three girls one blonde, another brown, and another with black hair. The girls were also a bit to the side of the my fence, it's a surprise I didn't see them before.
¨Hey girls! Thats mine!¨ I yelled and the girls turned to see me, I could tell the girls did not want to see me.
¨This is OUR ball! So sorry Charlie!” the blonde said to me. I then knew this is gonna be

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