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Epiphanic Moment

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“It happened during my senior year of high school,” my mom said, as she began retelling the epiphanic moment of 1989, “Every day, I walked the same route to and from school. My only concerns revolved around studying and preparing for our college entrance exam.” Hair pulled up in a high ponytail as always, backpack slung over her shoulders, a young student walked to school, breathing in the humid Shanghai morning air that greeted her every morning. I pictured my mom as this young high school student, always having her steady rhythm in life that was never disturbed. She passed the coffee shop around the corner as she did every day, watched college students scramble to class on their bikes knowing it would be her future as always, greeted her …show more content…
She began to recognize faces in the crowd in the public square. A few of her classmates and teachers tagged along with the college students, some out of their intense opinions, others just to join the excitement. She observed as passersby brought the students water and food out of sympathy. It seemed as if the world was cheering the protesters on, supporting their peaceful fight. The students sat in the square each day as the protests continued to spread, as they did in Shanghai, from Tiananmen Square in Beijing to other big …show more content…
Today, if you search the words “six-four” (六四) in China or on a Chinese search engine, you will not find any material detailing the incident. Any reports have been censored by the government, erased from the Chinese internet. To this day, no one knows exactly what happened that day and how large the scale was. Estimates of the death toll range anywhere from several hundred to thousands. Each eyewitness has his or her own story, piecing together the broken fragments of the little that is left of the reality. Yet, many of these fragments stay hidden in people’s hearts. Many eyewitnesses of that generation remain close-lipped about what happened, seeking to avoid the fate public sympathizers of the students suffered. News reporters and government officials who sympathized with the students publicly were never seen again. Students who had taken a lead in the protests were forced to flee the country or face the punishments of jailtime and being blacklisted from employment. These students were once just like my mom with a future; yet, the simple act of protesting barred them from fully realizing their potential in the workforce. Due to the sensitivity and taboo surrounding this event, many in the younger Chinese generation have never heard of the Tiananmen Square protests. The erased reality remains only in the hearts of those who lived through it, hidden from future

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