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Equality and Happiness


Submitted By MathiasG
Words 702
Pages 3
Equality = Happiness?
I am in my essay going to write about equality and happiness. I will mainly focus on the UK and the US. I am going to discuss if happiness and longevity go hand in hand and I will furthermore discuss whether happiness and equality goes hand in hand.
To do this, I would have to have some background material, and therefore I have brought the two texts “Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth” and “Some more equal than others” from the book Aware of the World. First, though, I would like to briefly sum up the two texts.
The first text, “Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth”, is about some studies that shows that the people of Denmark consider themselves some of the happiest people on earth. Some of the main points in the text are, that it doesn’t matter whether you are a garbage man or a lawyer, just as long as you are happy.
The second text, “Some more equal than others”, is about the fact that wealth doesn’t always go hand in hand with equality as US and UK are some of the richest countries in the world, but also some of the countries in the world with most inequality.
So, here we are. The million-dollar question of the evening. Does equality and happiness go hand in hand? Do any of these aforementioned points go hand in hand at all? Some might say. Some even say, that happiness complements longevity and gives you a richer life. And of course it does – doesn’t it? I think that if you are happy, and like the way, your life has formed it self, you will live longer. You will have more energy every day to do the things you like, more energy to make everyone around you happier and more energy to make yourself happy. So, if you are happy, doesn’t that make you want to live longer? Doesn’t that give you the strength to work your own ass off to live longer? I definitely think it does.
The text “Denmark: The happiest place on earth” supports the idea of equality and happiness coming hand in hand. Denmark is one of the happiest places on earth according to several studies, and how come? Maybe it is because of the fact that we haven’t experienced a real disaster before, that we so rarely thinks “Oh, a terrorist attack; what if that happened here?” because we never do. We never think, that something terrible can happen here, until it actually does. We live in the maybe safest society of all, and that’s why we are so happy. Everybody feels so safe and feels like nothing can rip them apart. And, again because of our welfare system, we know that we really doesn’t have to work to live. If we don’t succeed in the first place, we can always get a job that in some sort gives us enough money to coop with life. Isn’t that pathetic? Isn’t it in some way the most uncompetitive civilization there is? Is it a coincidence that USA develops so many great personalities, and that Denmark don’t? I would really think that I could give Denmark that extra power, if they got rid of that ridiculous “Jantelov”, where you can’t say ‘I’m the best, and I want to be the best.”
But, lets go back to the main subject. Is the US and UK really ‘unhappy’ because of their tons of money? I don’t believe it’s all about the money, more about the society leaving people behind when they need it the most. In the US, for example, you have to pay for EVERYTHING. Go to the hospital, you have to pay, need medicine, you need to pay, education, you need to pay, toilet visit, pay. Okay, maybe not the last bit there, but almost everything you will have to pay for. This leaves some people to just rot in their own garbage – and that’s why I think that Nordic – Denmark in specific – is some of the happiest people on earth. All right, we have a tremendous high tax rate, but at least we have a government that care. Care for everyone. Care for us.

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