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Equality In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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The Big Idea I picked was Equality. I picked this because Equality is a major issue in the book anthem in our society now. In Anthem being different is frowned upon or considered Inhuman. It is a transgression and a evil sin. In our present society not being equal is a good thing. Being different is unique and makes your life special. It is common and a part of our everyday life. Since Anthem is based on a Dystopian society there are many things that are different or unusual to what we are used to. Anthem was also made in the future so there are key points and ideas that we would normally tend not to believe.

I chose these following pictures because I think they describe the idea of equality very well. The picture of the skeletons describe how everyone is the same on the …show more content…
This means that being what people consider different is more than fine because at the end we are all human. This relates to anthem because in Equality 7-2521’s society it is the complete opposite. He has to conform physically and mentally to be exactly like his brothers. The statue of Liberty shows freedom. Freedom and Equality are tied together. If you have one and not the other it doesn’t really work. Two halves make a whole. In this case if you have equality and freedom it would make a prodigious society. In Anthem Equality 7-2521, his friends and brothers have none of both. I think this is where the society went wrong. Since the society didn’t give their citizens equality or freedom, they should have expected Equality 7-2521 to act out. For example Equality 7-2521 knew that when he would be in big trouble if the society caught him going out to the tunnel to work on his inventions. He didn’t care about that because that is normal human nature. The cross roads show that you can make your own decisions and not

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