...April 20,1999. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are missing from their morning classes. At 11:14 am Harris and Klebold enter their high school, Columbine, and leave two bags against pillars both containing propane bombs (CNN.com, Sheriff Jefferson County CO, n.d.). Between 11:13 and 11:23 the first shots are heard and the two boys enter the high school. The killing wouldn’t end until approximately 12:08 when both boys would end their own live. To better understand what happened at Columbine and why two seemingly “normal” teenage boys, weeks away from graduating from high school, would want to kill everyone at their high school we need to know what was going on in these boys lives This paper will look at a theory on one of the boys, Eric Harris. A theory considered by Agent Fueslier while analyzing the killers was that Eric Harris was a full-blown psychopath. The had shown almost all the traits of psychopath expect for starting with killing animals. The traits for a psychopath, from Dr. Hare’s PCL-R score are: glib, narcissism, pathological lying, manipulative, lack of empathy, lack of remorse, poor behavioral...
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...CASE STUDY PAPER 1 Kid Killers: Delinquency Theories Arache Lotfalian UMUC CCJS 350 Professor Donovan 11/29/2012 CASE STUDY PAPER 2 In the middle class suburban town of Littleton, near Denver Colorado, a 17 year old murderous fantasy is beginning to take shape. Eric Harris and a friend known as “Vulcan” or “V” intend to commit an act so violent that it will secure their place in history. The following is an expert from Harris’s Journal, mastermind behind the Columbine Shooting: “Sometime in April next year, me and “V” will get revenge, kick natural selection up a few notches. If we’ve learned anything about the art of making pipe bombs, we’ll set hundreds of them around roads, bridges, buildings, and gas stations; anything that will cause damage and chaos. It will be like the L.A. riots, Oklahoma City bombings, WWII, Vietnam, Duke and Doom all mixed together. I want to leave a lasting impression on the world.” One year later on April the 20th 1999, Eric Harris and another Columbine student, Dylan Klebold, committed the worst High School massacre in American history. They killed twelve students and one teacher; injured twenty three others and then turned the guns on themselves (Avila, 2000). Immediately following the mass shootings, media, sociologists and criminologists set about the difficult task of discovering the motives of the killers and answering the question of whether or not problems within society allowed this to happen....
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...Instructor Quesenbury English 1301 - 002 03 December 2014 Research Paper Today's schools have to focus on so much more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. Although school officials strive to protect the student and faculty from gun violence, it's a reality in today's world. Truly something is seriously wrong because school buildings should be a safe place for all. Study after study conducted on the who's and why's of school gun violence reveals an important fact: There is no reasonable answer for such violence to have taken such a rise in incidence and continue to be the prevailing societal threat it is today, in every school across the nation, especially large school communities. The whole community needs to act together and get involved. The statistics are threatening enough. The U.S. Department of Education estimated 5.5 million students were enrolled in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 in the 2006-07 school year. Among this population, during this single year, there were 767,000 violent assaults and 35 (27 homicides and 8 suicides) school associated violent deaths (Dinkes, pars. 5, 6, 10). From the broader period, years 1999 to 2006, reported 116 students killed in 109 school associated incidents (Shuster, par. 2). Although national attention to school shootings has heightened in recent years, a violent incident in a school setting was first recorded in 1955. In a Swathermore College dorm in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania on January 11, Bob Bechtel, age 22...
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...Business Research Ethics RES/351 August 12, 2013 Stem Cell and Human Cloning Research and Ethics Questions about ethics in research have increased and unethical issues rise from different fields such as Medicine and Science. When the discussion about stem cell and human cloning researches rise for the meaning, “what is life?” the question is simple, but the answer is still unclear. This paper is an overview of the articles about stem cell and human cloning researches that discuss business research ethics and involves ethical and unethical issues. A stem cell is a type of cell found into the body of all human beings, has the capability to reproduce them, and to produce other types of cells such as brain cells, muscle cells, and others. In the New York Times’ article is very clear that the ongoing battle to make this research valid is relentless. This research can be the potential that holds for the future generation and scientists affirms; “stem cells may be used to replace or repair damaged cells, and have the potential to drastically change the treatment of conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and even paralysis.” (Harris, 2012) However, opponents of embryonic stem cell want the research to be restricted or prohibited entire as inhumane because most researches are done by creating embryonic stem cell from fertilized cells. When the approach is human cloning there is no difference, opponents to the research claim that it is immoral and unethical...
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...Running head: Does Media Violence Promote Aggressive Behavior Does Exposure to Media Violence Promote Aggressive Behavior? Valerie Bean Psychology 150-107 October 29, 2011 Abstract There have been many studies done on the effects of media violence exposure and aggressive behavior. First the term media violence needs to be examined. What form of media violence is perceived to be the most influential? There are television shows, movies, music, news shows and newspapers, video games and cartoons. What type of violence such as, murder, rape, bullying, or theft is the public more apt to associate with and be affected by? Should a look at how true violent crimes are reported by the media also be considered? Last we should also look at statistics of rising population and families that have more than one income to survive now compared to 60 years ago. The term “media violence” is defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as: Media – Plural of the word medium which is the means of communication, such as radio, television, newspaper, magazines, music etc. that reaches or influences people widely Violence – an exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse; injury by or as if by distortion infringement or profanation; an intense, turbulent or furious and often destructive action of force. Does Exposure to Media Violence Promote Aggressive Behavior? There are many forms of media and different ways they can influence behavior. Researchers, Politicians, Psychiatrists, and...
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...retention), or you may focus more specifically on an area of special interest or relevance to you. Focusing on an area is highly encouraged. Focusing on one area usually produces a higher quality article. The majority of studies should be recent (post 2008) and should contain enough detail to allow evaluation of the manner in which the use of analytics enabled the organizations to reach their goals. Eric Seigal's book as well as Davenport and Harris book are good sources for this assignment. You can also use your own research to select case studies with a common theme that may span outside of these two books. However, utilize peer-reviewed cases (for example, cases from a journal like INFORMS Transactions on Education) instead of self-published marketing cases. A minimum of 5 Cases should be discussed. Well established areas should include more than 5 articles. A summation of the case studies will display your understanding of the relationship between the theories presented in the readings and the real-life examples presented in the case studies. Questions to be addressed in the summation paper include (but are not limited to): - What was the ultimate value of the analytics for the organizations? - How was the appropriate analytic approach selected? - How was data collected, and how were data quality issues handled? - What type of analytic competitors were the organizations before, and after, their use of analytics? - Where did the organizations make improvements? The strategic...
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...Mike Harris Research Paper #2 COM101-002 Professor: Bush Walker November 8, 2013 Media Conglomerate Ownership in the U.S. The United States is being greatly affected by conglomerate ownership of media properties in today's industry. A conglomerate is formed when a large company merges with separate and diverse small firms. By definition a media conglomerate is a large company or corporation that has merged with a number of different media outlets such as TV, radio, newspapers and Internet. Big companies have the tendency to expand by diversifying their holdings among different media products, never fully dominating a particular media industry. A decreasing number of organizations gaining control over an increasing amount of mass media, which defines media consolidation, leads to an oligopoly in the marketplace. Large companies create an oligopoly when only a handful of them dominate the industry and face little economic competition from small independent firms.[1] In 1983, a total of fifty corporations dominated most of the media industry. Through a series of mergers and acquisitions, that number shrunk to twenty-nine by 1987. Twenty-three companies had control of the industry by 1990 and in 1997 that number was ten. Presently, media ownership has been concentrated in the hands of only six extremely powerful media conglomerates.[2] The six corporations that control media collectively in the United States today are Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, CBS Corporation...
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...Aggression and Violence You are what you watch. Easy to say, and not too difficult to imagine either. A little over a decade ago, two boys who later became household names in America, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold walked into Columbine High School in Colorado and went on a mass murdering spree where they killed 12 students, 1 teacher and injured 23 others before shooting themselves. While their motives behind doing so can not be ascertained, one possible contributing element which did surface was the influence of violent video games. At the risk of oversimplifying what is possibly a complex psychological mindfield, Harris and Klebold did enjoy playing a game called Doom, which is licensed by the American military for the purpose of training soldiers to kill effectively. Harris had customized his own version of this game and put it up on his website, which was later tracked by The Simon Wisenthal Center. This version of the game had two shooters with an unlimited supply of weapons and ammunition, and their targets lacked the ability to retaliate. A class project required them to make a video of themselves similar to the game, and in it, they dressed in trench coats, armed with weapons, and conduct the massacre of school athletes. Less than one year had gone by when Harris and Klebold played their videotape out, in real life, and became the protagonists of the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history (Anderson & Dill 772). There is nothing new about the...
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...Table of Contents Introduction 4 Objectives 6 Literature Review 7 Framework 9 Data Analysis 14 Qualitative Analysis 14 Qualitative Analysis 16 Research Methodology 17 Conclusion 20 Bibliography 21 APPENDIX – I APPENDIX – II APPENDIX – III APPENDIX – IV APPENDIX - V Introduction Predictive analytics has its origin from a famous saying: Past performance is the basic indicator of future results. It looks at historical cases and builds models which can then be applied to benefit present scenarios or predict future scenarios. Predictive Analytics is the best way for a business to predict customer responses in the future. It provides solutions for businesses facing main problems like ‘What segment of potential consumers will respond best to our message’ and ‘how can I stop my customers from leaving, and why am I losing them?’(Curtis, 2010). Predictive analytics is not just for providing a solution for a business problem but involves techniques mainly to improve the focus of company towards customers and customers towards company. The magnificence of predictive analytics is that a business characteristically perceives a win-win situation. In other words, a business not only benefits from higher returns but also gets to save on cost (Colin, 2009). Predictive analytics is becoming a competitive necessity and an important aspect of many types of business, particularly in this type of economy where an organization is trying to increase its efficiency and at...
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...Black Feminism Michelle Smith African American History Winter Quarter 2010 Purdue University Instructor: Professor Wilkens Introduction When the Black Feminist movement was developed, it was a revolution for black women. It gave them power, liberation, and a voice to overcome the emasculating efforts of white male power (Harrold, Hine, and Hine, 2009). When I first began this research, I discovered that Black Feminism is too broad of a topic to elaborate on as a whole. This paper defines the term “Black Feminism. It will explore two published articles that report on the theory and practice of how black feminism is making waves and what role of education in the development of the Black Feminist Thought from 1860 to 1920. This paper will examine when the National Black Feminist Organization was founded and lastly, how two outstanding women who made an impact in the Black Feminist Movement. According to Encyclo (n.d.) online encyclopedia the definition of black feminism is “A strand of feminist thought which highlights the multiple disadvantages of gender, class and race that shape the experiences of nonwhite women. Black feminists reject the idea of a single unified gender oppression that is experienced evenly by all women, and argue that early feminist analysis reflected the specific concerns of white, middle-class women.” In other words, black feminist argue that the liberation of black women entails freedom for all people since it would require the end of...
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...Journal of Accounting Research Vol, 29 No, 1 Spring 1991 Printedin U.S.A. Earnings as an Explanatory Variable for Returns PETER D. EASTON* AND TREVOR S. HARRISf 1. Introduction In this paper we investigate whether the level of earnings divided by price at the beginning of the stock return period is relevant for evaluating earnings/returns associations.^ The primary model motivating this research relies on the idea that book value (owners' equity) and market value are both "stock" variables indicating the wealth of the firm's equity holders. The related "flow" variables (after adjusting for dividends) are, respectively, earnings divided by price at the beginning of the return period {A/P~i) and market returns. It then follows that earnings divided by beginning of period price should be associated with stock returns. Although models based on a relation between market value and book value are used occasionally in the accounting research literature (see, for example, Landsman [1986], Harris and Ohlson [1987], and Barth * Macquarie University and University of Chicago; tColumbia University. The paper is a revised version of working papers entitled "An Empirical Evaluation of Accounting Income Numbers: Further Evidence" and "Evidence of Accounting Earnings as an Index of Change in Value." The authors would like to acknowledge comments from workshop participants at the following universities; Arizona, Auckland, California at Berkeley, California at Los Angeles, Columbia,...
Words: 4401 - Pages: 18
...Curriculum Source References The following references were used in the CFA Institute-produced publications Quantitative Methods for Investment Analysis, Analysis of Equity Investments: Valuation, and Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process. Ackerman, Carl, Richard McEnally, and David Ravenscraft. 1999. “The Performance of Hedge Funds: Risk, Return, and Incentives.” Journal of Finance. Vol. 54, No. 3: 833–874. ACLI Survey. 2003. The American Council of Life Insurers. Agarwal, Vikas and Narayan Naik. 2000. “Performance Evaluation of Hedge Funds with OptionBased and Buy-and-Hold Strategies.” Working Paper, London Business School. Ali, Paul Usman and Martin Gold. 2002. “An Appraisal of Socially Responsible Investments and Implications for Trustees and Other Investment Fiduciaries.” Working Paper, University of Melbourne. Almgren, Robert and Neil Chriss. 2000/2001. “Optimal Execution of Portfolio Transactions.” Journal of Risk. Vol. 3: 5–39. Altman, Edward I. 1968. “Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis and the Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy.” Journal of Finance. Vol. 23: 589–699. Altman, Edward I. and Vellore M. Kishore. 1996. “Almost Everything You Wanted to Know about Recoveries on Defaulted Bonds.” Financial Analysts Journal. Vol. 52, No. 6: 57−63. Altman, Edward I., R. Haldeman, and P. Narayanan. 1977. “Zeta Analysis: A New Model to Identify Bankruptcy Risk of Corporations.” Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 1: 29−54. Ambachtsheer, Keith, Ronald Capelle, and...
Words: 12603 - Pages: 51
...Gun Control Research Paper In 2018 there have been 30 mass shootings in the united states, with the most recent and second most deadly in florida at stoneman high school which claimed 17 victims and many more injured. Nicholas Cruz a 19 year old former student of the school walked into the highschool, after he pulled the fire alarm and reacted like a student at the school panicked and ran out the building. The gunman then started firing shots at students, Then entered the school and shot up 17 students. People need to have information on these statistics because there have been too many shootings in the recent years, and no body has taken action until the parkland shooting. As a student attending a college i believe there should be way more...
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...been developed for the purpose of restricting the import, production, shipment, possession, use and sale of the firearms. There are variations in the laws and policies of gun control around the globe. There are strict gun control policies in United Kingdom. On the other hand, the gun control policies in United States are modest. Many people claim that the gun control policies are very effective and there should be strict control on the implementation of these policies. On the other hand, a group of people thinks that the gun control policies are not so effective and there should be no strict policies on the firearms. Thus, the both sides provide their arguments on the issue of gun control. The main aim of this paper is to persuade against the policies of gun control. The paper is comprised of both the arguments in favor and against of the gun control policies. Discussion It is so easy to understand that without guns or rifles, killing of criminals would have been much more difficult to consummate, which is sometimes hard to explain how it is possible that guns are legal in the largest and most powerful democracy in the world. But it is undeniable that easy access to firearms greatly facilitates this sinister task (Amo, 1989). The criminals have committed one of the latest killings with firearms that shook Americans, 14 Dead Colombine students in 1999. With the use of firearms, criminals made the last great slaughter at a university, the 15 dead at the University of Texas...
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...1996) pp. 421-35 CORPORATE TAX COMPLIANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORTING CORPORATE TAX COMPLIANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORTING LILLIAN F. MILLS * Abstract - The tax law provides varying opportunities for tax planning, and firms have competing incentives to consider in planning a tax reporting strategy, including financial reporting effects. I present preliminary results that Internal Revenue Service audit adjustments increase in the excess of book income over taxable income. This is evidence that firms incur additional costs for reporting higher book income than taxable income. I also investigate the relationship between compliance costs and taxes paid. Existing descriptive research emphasizes the social cost burden of such compliance costs. Preliminary results indicate that firms that spend more on tax research and planning report lower tax expense. results that proposed Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit adjustments increase as the excess of book income over taxable income increases. This is evidence that firms incur additional costs for reporting higher financial statement income than taxable income. I also investigate how the level of conformity varies as the relative incentives for book income versus tax savings change. Tax regimes that require more conformity between book and tax accounting will likely induce higher tax payments than those firms whose incentives to maintain high book income are the greatest. In addition, government enforcement costs may be higher under...
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