Business Project 1) Further justification of reason for selecting particular industry(automotive industry).Justification can be on the basis of value chain links, externalities, why is it important ,distribution of sales.(use the book of Peter to justify why automotive industry). 2) Why specifically Toyota(it might be case that Toyota is unique, it has particular types of competitive advantages, discuss the emergence of Toyota as a key global player).Basically to say the main reason of this topic is find out what is actually happening in this industry,why is it point of interest.
3) Methodology: I want to find out what will make this company successful in this market ?
Need to look for successful examples in this particular market especially in automotive industry, what autom. Company. invested in those markets,look which one is successful.(case study analysis of the companies that have already invested in those markets,look at the fact that has an influence on investment process and link with OLI,take each company and say OLI configuration for different companies(saying OLI conf.for P@G look like ….Unilever look like …..).Once I’ve done with this I can say in general that ownership characteristic that a company carries in order to be successful should be like …location characteristics of the country are these and these are internalization advantages and this is why it end ups with FDI rather than anything else. In general I take couple of successful companies that have invested in those particular location.
It doesn’t have to be necessarily all from automotive industry, generally I need to discuss how they transfer those to the automotive industry.
I’m creating profile of success in those markets, and I can take Toyota and say how many of those things Toyota can achieve. Look for O advantages and say L advantages for the company are these and look at the market and say these markets are providing L advantages and also what internalization advantages it can provide(8 min 22 sec.)and basically here I can answer the question if Toyota can succeed in this market or if there is a potential market in one of the Post-soviet states.
From methodological perspective I need to create a tool for selecting companies as benchmarks. F.ex: successful companies in terms of market share or growth rate, profitability rate in those markets these are the factors I’m using to select my successful examples, or another example I might have select companies that have recently invested in those markets(can be over the last five years).I have these 4 characteristics and I’ll look companies that potentially belongs to manufacturing sector not necessarily services.In General :Profitability ,Growth ,Recent Investment in Manufacturing sector might be my key four criteria. I look at the investment into those markets from different MNE’s and say about different companies,A,B,C which fullfill those criteria and I’m going into depth and analysing the way that invested.I’m using the OLI because that gives me quite a coherent framework of organisation using the O.L.I advantages all together.
I’ll do analysis on each one of them and put them all together and say in general what we have seen is these ownership characteristics matching with these location characteristic and matching with these internalisation characteristics.
Then I look at Toyota AND say how can it achieve all these three advantages and from that I’ll make recommendations.
(10.30 later check).
General Step 1: Justification of the subject.
Why do I want automotive industry, why do I want Toyota as organisation.
Step 2: Literature review on OLI tool which is important.
Theres a special issue with OLI that need to be checked with reading list from MNE.(International Journal economics of business) check the criticism.
We use that OLI Eclectic paradigm because its tool that allows us to investigate particular investments and look at the combination of OLI.
Step 3. Methodology is a creation of a benchmark for the selection of companies and then I’m gonna have two empirical bids, benchmarking bid 1) Actual creation of the profile by looking at four or five successful organisation into some some of those markets. 2) Application of that to Toyota.
Intro 600-700 words. 1000-1500 w.
Methodology another 1000 w.
1500 for the first bid which is benchmarking
1500 dicussion of Toyota
600-700 Conclusion.
Check EPSCO on the reports in that particular region. Reports on overall automotive industry, on particular companies that might be successful in those information. Use that all that qualitative information in discussion to come up with that report.
Redraft introduction 16.00
Put the structure together in discussion.
Write a very short paragraph on what is expected from that particular section and send it back to him, to make sure I know what it should contain.