...explain the issue is Milgram’s agency theory of obedience. This theory could be used because the soldiers are trained to be agents of authority and believe they have a duty to protect America as agents of society thus as soldiers, they would be agents obeying the orders rather than autonomous individuals making their own decisions. The soldiers would not have been in an autonomous state, and would have therefore be more able to carry out the orders given to them by an authority figure. This may have been because the soldiers were under the impressions that they would not be held responsible for their actions hence they thought it was acceptable to torture the Iraqi detainees as well as degrading them in the process. The study that supports this theory is Milgram’s study of obedience. In Milgram’s experiment participants, who were the ‘teachers’, were wiling to electrocute other participants, who were the ‘learners’, if they provided incorrect answers to what the ‘teachers’ asked them, when being coaxed to do so by an authority figure. Therefore this suggests the soldiers would be prepared to obey...
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...In Figure 5, a higher number is better because as the number of attendees becomes closer to 1, the church loses more members. The emerging pattern of churches’ death rate by attendance size is that the rate of death decreases as a church grows larger in attendance size. Figure 6 – Attendees per Outflow Figure 6 demonstrates the effective reduction of membership per year. For example, churches with more than 550+ attendees lose one member to every 34 attendees. The best range is Group 1-32, as they lose an average one member per 42 attendees. Furthermore, the worst range is Group 425-549. In relation to outflows and inflows, Group 70-94 has the largest decrease in the conference at or 1% of the group’s total members. As they are, on average,...
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...------------------------------------------------- Moral Studies MPW 1153 Kenneth Care Home Students name : Tang Chii Haw 4316029 Eric Wong Ing Kling 4307127 Ng Taw Yuen 1.1 Background of the Kenneth Care Home Kenneth Care Home is a private ‘Old Folks Home’. It is founded for helping to take care the old people whose son or daughter busy with their work or didn’t have enough time with their parents. Besides that, it also helps to treat the old man who are sick or other. Kenneth Care Home was established in the year 2013. The founder of the Kenneth Care Home was the owner of it who are Dr. Kenneth Tan. There have 7 branches of the Kenneth Care Home in Kuchng. The Kenneth Care Home that we have visited was 6th branch of all of the branches. Currently, Kenneth Care Home is located at No. 325, Lorong Seladah 10, Jalan Seladah, OFF Jalan Song. It is near to the Cityone shopping mall. 1.2.1 Mission * To provide the high quality of care in a safe, home-like environment 1.2.2 Objectives - To be recognized as a home where residents want to live and staff choose to work. 1.2.3 Acknowledgement We would like to express our sincere gratitude and thanks to Mr.Lee Tian Aik for his guidance and his patience in assisting us to do our project community work at Kenneth Care Home. With his guidance, our project report will be more presentable after giving him to check the first draft of our report...
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... The real estate sectors play a significant role in solving the housing crisis in Dhaka city, so I have selected Amin Mohammad Group which is one of the leading real estate companies in our country. For completing my MBA degree Internship Report is one of the parts at the final semester of the Department of Business Administration, International Islamic University Chittagong. This is a study on ‘Customer Satisfaction on Land Owners of Amin Mohammad Group: A Study on Corporate Branch’. It was a chance for me to learn about the management and how to satisfying the customers. Give literatures relating to the topic of the study..... 1.2 Scope of the Study This Report will give us a clear picture about the customer satisfaction in General & Specially the activities Of Amin Mohammad Group. The Scope of the study is limited of organizational set up, functional & performance. The scopes of this study are: 1) Maintain a good relation between Employs & management. 2) Improving an effective work station design. 3) Effective marketing layout designing. 4) Efficient handling of employees. 5) Handling & setting the employees according to their work. 6) Maintaining the link in effective manner. 1.3 Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is to find out the consumer attitudes towards Amin Mohammad Group. Especially the objectives of the study are as follows: ➢ To identify the factors influencing consumer’s choices plots and/or...
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...Section 50 A Study on IIUM Students on the Issues of Group Workings Saiful Bahri ABSTRACT Under organizational behavior comes group behavior, how individual behave when working in group. This paper examines the posible errors that can be found in tasks done in group. The result showed that some of the errors are done on purpose due to laziness of IIUM students. Although, these students are aware of what causes the problems and what they should avoid to have a free-problem group work but they still manage to do them, either intentionally or unintentionally. Therefore, in reminding them, some ground rules and peer assessment should be adapted in each group. Keywords: free-rider, teamwork, miscommunication, and time management. INTRODUCTION Organizational behavior is the study of individuals and the behaviors they have within an organization and in a workplace setting. It is an interdisciplinary field that includes sociology, psychology, communication and management (Organizational Behavior Introduction, Catherwood Library). Group behavior is a part of the organizational behavior in which it falls under the interdiciplinary field of sociolagy, how individual work in small or large groups. Group behaviour differs from mass actions which refers to people behaving similarly on a more global scale while group behaviour refers usually to people in one place and having a coordinated behaviors. The members in a group should each be interdependence (depends on other member’s...
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...Groups() - A group is defined as two or more individuals - Play an important roles in the lives. - Interacting and Interdependent, - Who have come together to achieve particular objectives. [pic] (Figure Shows Example of Groups, (Prof. Roger N. Nagel, Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, 2006)) - Members similar or dissimilar.(Huczynski, Buchanan, 2001) -Groups can be either formal or informal means: Formal: The deliberate and systematic grouping of people in an organization. What does an organization do? The total no. of people working in an organization is divided into smaller groups (teams or sections or departments)and each group is responsible for fulfilling a task which would ultimately contribute to fulfilling the organization’s goal. This increases the efficiency of the organization. Example :KCB: If we take KCB as an example, we all know that we have a larger goal of training students for the engineering profession. But within this larger goal, we want students to be trained for computer engg, electrical, mech, etc. So this larger goal is divided into departments (example computer department), which is a formal group in this larger organization. So, all the departments together achieve the goal of efficiently training the students for engineering purpose. Informal: The natural and spontaneous grouping of people whenever they work together over a period of time. Whenever people interact and work together over...
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...BIOL212 Population Module Lab Report Lab Section: 002 Group #: 4 Names: Aaron Garcia, Bradley Gibson, Daniyal Siddiqui, Nashmia Sohail This group report is due after the Data Analysis Workshop (Lab 4). The report is graded a total of 80 points. Complete all of the following sections. Predictions 1. Develop two alternative predictions for each of the research questions addressed in this experiment. Provide graphical depictions of how you would expect the data to look if the prediction is supported. In your graphs, clearly indicate predicted results from each variety and label all axes. 6] Research Question #1 D Do Standard and Purple Hairy varieties of B. rapa have different salt tolerances? Alternative Predictions Graphical depiction Pr Prediction 1: We predict Standard and Purple Hairy varieties of B. rapa will have different salt tolerances. D Pr Prediction 2: We Predict Purple Hairy and Standard varieties of B.rapa will not have different salt tolerances....
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...C H A P T E R 43 Chapter Goals • • • • • • • • • Explain IP multicast addressing. Learn the basics of Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP). Explain how multicast in Layer 2 switching works. Define multicast distribution trees. Learn how multicast forwarding works. Explain the basics of protocol-independent multicast (PIM). Define multiprotocol BGP. Learn how Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) works. Explain reliable multicast: PGM. Internet Protocol Multicast Background Internet Protocol (IP) multicast is a bandwidth-conserving technology that reduces traffic by simultaneously delivering a single stream of information to thousands of corporate recipients and homes. Applications that take advantage of multicast include videoconferencing, corporate communications, distance learning, and distribution of software, stock quotes, and news. IP Multicast delivers source traffic to multiple receivers without adding any additional burden on the source or the receivers while using the least network bandwidth of any competing technology. Multicast packets are replicated in the network by Cisco routers enabled with Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) and other supporting multicast protocols resulting in the most efficient delivery of data to multiple receivers possible. All alternatives require the source to send more than one copy of the data. Some even require the source to send an individual copy to each receiver. If there are thousands of receivers, even low-bandwidth...
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...| | | | |Group 1 |4 4 5 6 4 | | | | |Group 2 |2 4 4 3 4 | | | | |Group 3 |6 4 4 5 6 | One of the first things you needed to do was figure out how to enter the data. Remember, on the SPSS data spreadsheet, rows contain cases, and columns contain variables. So, how many variables to we have. Certainly Score is a variable. Are there any other variables? Some careful thinking (also spending some time working through the various tutorials available) should have lead you to a realization that we need a group identifying variable, Group, say. So, the first thing I do, after starting SPSS, is to go to the Variable View tab (at the bottom of the SPSS Data Editor) and enter my two variable names (see Figure 1 below). |[pic] | |Figure 1 | Next, I switch to the Data View tab and enter the data for each variable (Figure 2). Everyone in group 1 gets a 1 under Group, those in group 2, get a 2 under group, and so on. Under score, I enter the scores corresponding to each individual entered under Group. See the next screen shot. |[pic] | |Figure 2 ...
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...2056 TA S TAT E B A N K O F I N D I A RECRUITMENT OF PROBATIONARY OFFICERS IN STATE BANK OF INDIA (DATE OF WRITTEN EXAM : 28.04.2013) INFORMATION HANDOUT Central Recruitment and Promotion Dept., Corporate Centre, Tulsiani Chambers, 1st Floor, ( West Wing), 212, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point - Mumbai 400 021. INTRODUCTION This Booklet gives you detailed information about the objective type Competitive examination for recruitment of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India. This post was advertised in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar issue dated 9-15 February, 2013 and on the Bank’s website www.statebankofindia.com and www.sbi.co.in. The terms and conditions, period of probation, emoluments etc. were given in the advertisement. You should ensure that you are eligible in respect of age, educational qualification, nationality as stipulated in the advertisement. Details of tests are given ahead in the booklet. 1. 2. 3. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Particulars to be Noted : Please note carefully your Roll Number, Registration Number, date, time and venue for the examination given in the call letter. Punctuality in Attendance : Candidates should be present at the examination hall at the time given in the call letter. Candidates arriving late will not be permitted to enter the Examination Hall. Call letter to be Surrendered : Affix firmly a copy of your recent passport size photograph in the space provided for it in the call letter and bring it with you alongwith...
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...An Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction on Land Owners of Amin Mohammad Group: a Study on Corporate Branch. [pic] Nazmus Shakib Topu ID No: BBA- 060160217 Major in Marketing Department of Business Administration Date of Submission: 03 June, 2010 [pic] An Internship Report on Customer Satisfaction on Land Owners of Amin Mohammad Group: a Study on Corporate Branch. Supervised By: Jannatul Mawa Nupur Senior Lecturer in Marketing Department of Business Administration Northern University Bangladesh Prepared By: Nazmus Shakib Topu ID NO: BBA- 060160217 Major in Marketing Bachelor of Business Administration Northern University Bangladesh Date of Submission: 03 June, 2010 [pic] Student Declaration I, Nazmus Shakib Topu, hereby declare that the presented report of internship titled Customer Satisfaction on Land Owners of Amin Mohammad Group: a Study on Corporate Branch is uniquely prepared by me after completion of three months work in Amin Mohammad Group. My original work is submitted to Northern University Bangladesh, and no part of the report has been submitted for any other degree, or fellowship & the work has not been published in any journal or magazine. ...
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...Questions 1. The data from the experiment Dr. Trudeau describes is shown below in Figure 1. Graphs like Figure 1 are called survival curves. Write a narration of the figure describing the results of the experiment. Explain why the rabbits are emaciated in groups 1 and 2. (Please note: What Dr. Trudeau called Experiments 1, 2, and 3 are more like what modern scientists would call treatment groups 1, 2, and 3, and that terminology is used in Figure 1.) 2. Calculate the survival rate for each group in figure 1. Use the following formula: Percent survival = (surviving rabbits / # beginning rabbits) * 100 For example, if a group had began with 10 rabbits and only 3 survived, the percent survival would be 3/10 * 100 or 30%. Which group has the highest survival rate? Which group had the lowest? Group 1= 1/5*100= 20% Lowest Group 2= 5/5*100= 100% Highest Group 3= 3/5*100= 80% 3. Use your results to write an overall conclusion to the Rabbit Island Experiment. Also develop an answer to each of Dr. Trudeau’s questions. Dr. Trudeau’s experiment shows that he was right about having bad living conditions can worsen the sickness of tuberculosis. At that time they didn’t know that tuberculosis could be control or even stop by having a healthy lifestyle. For example; exercising, resting, eating healthy and being outdoors. 4. Do Dr. Trudeau’s results support the germ theory of infection? Why or why not? 5. What do the data suggest might be good environmental conditions...
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...celebrity that is popular for that age group; she is wearing glamorous, sparkly dresses, she’s dancing nonstop and having fun, and they try to make the audience “join the movement.” Figure 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 Figure 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 The advertisement starts out right away with the popular music artist Taylor Swift as the only person in the entire commercial. The company makes a big emphasis on this and even puts her name in the commercial underneath the company name, seen in Figure 1, as if to highlight the fact that she’s in the commercial and wearing their product, even though it’s very clear who it is to the majority of the population. Cover Girl chose Taylor Swift to be the star of their commercial for a few reasons. They are targeting teenage girls, and Taylor is in that age range herself. She’s also extremely successful in her career and is an attractive young woman that a lot of girls wish they could look like or just be. By using Taylor Swift when she has all these qualities, it sends out a message to the watchers that if you use their product, you’ll be able to be like Taylor Swift. Figure 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 Figure 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMt6TFO0zn4 Another way this commercial really targets women is not only by having a celebrity in it, but by having that celebrity dress in glamorous clothes. In Figure 2 and Figure 3 one can see the two outfits Taylor wore...
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...certain effects such as atrophy, and in a younger model it can cause failure of accessory glands and ducts to develop for reproduction purposes (8). This study was carried out using male Sprague Dawley rats, to evaluate the effects of erectile function after two procedures were performed: castration or sham operation. Castration is a procedure in which the testicles are surgically removed. An incision is made in the scrotum, and then tunica vaginalis. The testicles are isolates and removed from the vasculature,...
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...Dart Group Plc Dart Group Plc A Financial Analysis Student ID – A4042738 Student Name – Chitra Naraindas Relwani Module Code - FRA Intake - 10 Programme - MSc Finance Assignment Type - Individual Assignment Page 1 of 27 Chitra Naraindas Relwani – A4042738 Dart Group Plc Table of Content Title Company Overview – Descriptive overview Strategies DuPont Analysis Comparison Ratio Analysis 6 Page number 2 Company Valuation and 8 LBO Resisting Takeovers Encouraging Sale Forecasting Negative Equity Reference Appendix 1-4 11 15 18 20 22 25 Page 2 of 27 Chitra Naraindas Relwani – A4042738 Dart Group Plc Company Overview Dart Group Plc is a publically traded company listed on AIM rather than the main stock exchange list due to its small size and potential to grow. It is categorised into the Travel and Leisure sector and Airline subsector. As described in the company’s website, Dart Group started in 1971 as Carpenter’s Air Services Ltd. and Carpenter’s Transport Ltd. supplying flowers to the United Kingdom mainland from Guernsey. Through organic growth as well as acquisitions, the company grew, changing its name to Dart Group in 1991. In 1988 the company listed on the Unlisted Securities Market (USM), which was an easier route to the capital market for small or new companies as explained in the London Stock Exchange website. In 2002 the company announced the launch of its low-cost airline division – Jet2.com and in 2007 Jet2 Holidays was launched...
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