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Essay Contest Cesar Chaver


Submitted By angelpnai
Words 362
Pages 2
Cesar Chavez Essay Contest 2011 Cesar Chávez, a great Mexican-American labor leader, who fought without violence for the rights of the farm laborers. He was one of the heroic figures of our time. Chavez changed the perspective of the legislators in improving the life of farm laborers. His core values made a big difference today in our society. Without his perseverance to make a better society, it could have been in a big calamity. One of his core values was the acceptance of all people. To have a success in social change, people should have an essential ingredient in organizing a diverse force and actualizing the democracy. Since my really caring, hilarious, and friendly counselor always trigger his students’ ability to earn As and Bs, join clubs, play sports, and volunteer. I came to a conclusion to follow all this norms and it’s worth the time. I have been an active member of variety of clubs at school and big organizations in my community. Volunteering 3 days a week, trying to help my peers with their concerns is a good feeling. Crawford High School is so diverse that it has over 40 languages spoken and most students that immigrated are from Somalia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and countries around the world. They were refugees who had no choice but to leave the country they loved and begin a new life in a strange new country. In addition, students need to feel welcomed and loved. I help my peers through asking them to go to this one organization I volunteer at, San Diego Asian Youth Organization. We provide forums with translators for their parents to understand more about California, education, jobs, and health. Many people barely realize the circumstances the immigrants had to face to get here in America. They treat them less worthy regarding to where they came from. They think they are low in education and don’t know anything. To cure all this concerns, many organizations in my community help all the needy families financially and academically. The organization I volunteer at provides activities, services, and opportunity to travel and to get to know more of the American culture. We show

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