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Essay On Asthma Attack

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Asthma Attack Prevention, Adult

While you may not be able to control the fact that you have asthma, you can take actions to prevent episodes of asthma (asthma attacks). These actions include:

Creating a written plan for managing and treating your asthma attacks (asthma action plan).

Monitoring your asthma.

Avoiding things that can irritate your airways or make your asthma symptoms worse (asthma triggers).

Taking your medicines as directed.

Acting quickly if you have signs or symptoms of an asthma attack.


Have a Plan

Work with your health care provider to create an asthma action plan. This plan should include:

A list of your asthma triggers and how to avoid them. …show more content…
Many asthma attacks can be prevented by carefully following your medicine schedule. Taking your medicines correctly is especially important when you cannot avoid certain asthma triggers. Do not stop taking your medicine or take less medicine just because you seem to be doing well.

Act Quickly

If an asthma attack does happen, acting quickly can decrease how severe it is and how long it lasts. Take these steps:

Pay attention to your symptoms. If you are coughing, wheezing, or having difficulty breathing, do not wait to see if your symptoms go away on their own. Follow your asthma action plan.

If you have followed your asthma action plan and your symptoms are not improving, call your health care provider or seek immediate medical care at the nearest hospital.

It is important to note how often you need to use your fast-acting rescue inhaler. If you are using your rescue inhaler more often, it may mean that your asthma is not under control. Adjusting your asthma treatment plan may help you to prevent future asthma attacks and help you to gain better control of your condition.

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