...Group Policy in a Mixed Client OS Environment Unit 8 Assignment 1 ITT Technical Institute Floyd Washington Jr. May 16, 2015 Group policy is a tool used for customizing, controlling, and securing Windows operating systems. It was introduced in Windows 2000 as part of the IntelliMirror technologies. Group policy can be applied at the local computer level or to OU’s, domains, or sites in an Active Directory environment. Group policy was supported by Windows XP Professional, but not XP Home Editions. Group Policy in Vista adds many settings which gives administrators more control over users and computers. In this essay I will discuss five of the newer features that was not in the older versions of windows. * The first policy that I will discuss is the Control Removable Media policy. Devices like thumb drives, flash memory card readers, and external USB hard disks made it easy for users to transfer data between two computers. Although convenient, the ease that removable media created brought about the rise in industry espionage. User could easily copy and share company secrets with competitors by copying the information on to a removable device and uploading it to another computer. Software was made available to block access to USB ports on sensitive terminals. * The second policy that I will discuss is the Control power management settings. Power management on a single computer can save energy and money. Enforcing a power management strategy can save a company...
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...Essay Outline A3 Jackie Introduction 1. Background “Greenwashing” is what companies or organizations do when they spend more time claiming to be “green” through advertising and marketing than actually implementing business practices that minimizes environmental impacts ( Berkeley Media Studies Group, 2008). In recent decades, due to the increasing pressure from the government and public regarding the environmental issues, a growing number of companies are using “greenwashing” strategies to boost their sales (Berkeley Media Studies Group, 2008) and carmakers are no exception. With gas prices on everyone’s mind as well as individuals’ concern about environment, people are looking for clean and fuel-efficient cars to go easy on the environment and their wallets. As a result, some car manufacturers launched hybrid cars with biopower engines which gained popularity soon and labeled themselves as environmentally friendly companies. 2. Identification of problem Saab, one of world-renowned car manufactures, innovatively launched a new style of car, Saab 9-5 in 2007 which used biopower engine. This writer selects Saab for the essay. Saab’s environmental claims are that “The Saab 9-5 2.0t BioPower is not only kind to the environment; it also produces more power and performance than its gasoline equivalent” (Coman, 2006). 3. Thesis Statement This essay will explain why “greenwashing” has become a growing problem, examine two environmental claims made by Saab and demonstrate that...
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...After several downturns of the gas-fuelled automobiles market some caused by the 2009 financial crisis in US and the instability of the oil price, the automobile industry has been looking forward to develop new energy powered vehicles. This is the case of the British automaker Aston Martin, in recent days, has announced the deal with the Chinese firm LeTV to develop electric cars and bring them to the market by 2018. Through this initiative, both firms are vying against Tesla luxury car segment where is the forerunner of the new-energy vehicles marker. In this essay, the Porter Five Forces framework will be analysed on the electric vehicle market. The emerging market of Electric Vehicles, in the start-up stage of the industry lifecycle, is capturing the attention of automakers prompting a strong rivalry between incumbents namely Nissan, General Motors, and allowing the entrance to new comers such as Tesla that is now heading the market with a clear differentiated position in the industry. The attractiveness of the electric vehicle market has been catching the attention of the already positioned luxury automakers, for example, Daimler's Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen's, Porsche and Audi, but also new comers such as Tesla, this last one, with a strong automobile positioned as current market leader on electric vehicles. To tackle Tesla’s strategy, Aston Martin recently signed a deal with a Chinese tech company LeCo (formerly LeTV) to develop an all-electric car, model RapidE, to...
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...much we are really depend on it for our survival in life. Electricity has been revolutionizing our our way of living since its inception. Now, when it comes to transportation by using electricity and magnetism, which is the focus of my essay, there is an exponential room to grow. In the near future, electricity and magnetism is going to revolutionize our transportation system radically. The most important issues facing our world in the future in regard to transportation is reducing the amount of emission caused by an ever increasing usage of transportation and our dependence on it. Not only emission is going to be the focal point of problems caused by transportation but also reducing the number of vehicles driven by people will be at the heart of our future struggles too. As historians and energy scientists noted dully, as societies advance more and more, they are going to use more concentrated forms of energy, for example, instead of gasoline they are going to use rocket fuel. In regard to transportation, cars are leading the way when it comes to electric use. In not so distant future, I expect cars to use more than half of their energy consumption from electricity. Right now, electric cars for propulsion, they use the energy stored in a battery. Just like anything in the world, there are many pros and cons when it comes to electric cars, for example even if electric cars produce no exhaust but they also require long...
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...development of wireless endoscopy are he as an electo-optical engineer and was working on developing the “eye” of guided missile to its target. His friend at boston gave him information about technology used for viewing the interior lining of the digestive system which had lots of limitations, specially with viewing the small intestine. This small intestine causes serious disorders and only in United States approximately 19 million people suffer from disorders. Existing technology like X-ray and endo-scopes were unable to identify or investigate about small intestine. So the only option left was surgery and which was very crucial if the physician does not know which part of the small intestine is affected. So his friend encourages him to come up with better technology. Due to technology revolution after decade small video cameras which uses image sensors like CCDS (Charge coupled devices) has been developed. With his knowledge from developing the eye of guided missile he tried to make small missile like device which could travel through the intestine without a life line leading to the outside of the body and transmit images wirelessly to a receiver outside of the body. He has also done small experiment on chicken with his developed camera and as he succeeds he got more encouragement but he found battery of that camera get exhausted in few minutes. So he developed a prototype CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductors) which only consume a fraction of power then CCD and applied for...
Words: 417 - Pages: 2
...and persistent memory. The changes taken place in computer technology since the time of invention and extension, conversion, revelation, subversion, diversion, emersion, and aspersion related to computers. Genesis Charles Babbage invents modern computer with a general purpose to carry out logical and arithmetic operations automatically. In the beginning stage computer has no operating system operated on hardware basis later on stages operating system has been invented to increase the functionality of computers. Growing of applications and hardware programs lead to situation as a necessity to create operating system. Extension Computers are the part of living in today’s modern world; Computer technology has been changing very rapidly because of the competition as well as the requirement of consumers. Some of the popular organizations are Apple, Dell, Sony, Lenovo, which are the market leaders and each company has different standards. Apple computers are the most popular and has good brand image because of the speed, reliability and for a very good battery backup. Dell and Lenovo computers have both expensive and less expensive computers with considerable quality and good brand image in the market. Conversion Conversion of computers was taken place by the invention of laptops in the year 1979 by William Moggridge. Laptops are the modern versions of computers, which can be carried in hand and with an in built battery backup of specific time which can be increased on the basis...
Words: 660 - Pages: 3
...With the development of technology, pollution stroke all over the world pushing engineers to outcome themselves and find a solution that pleases both the consumer and the environment thinking about the future of our planet. In 1900 the first gas-electric hybrid car came to life and was driven at the first National Automobile Show in New York City, United States and surprisingly this car model was favored as patrons’ first choice. Unlike it was known the model came to life in 1900 but the idea was born in the early 20th century for reasons that are different than those famous in the 21st century. Feeling cars were too noisy and smelly Jacob Lohner from Vienna created the first hybrid car in coalition with the Austrian engineer, Ferdinand Porsche...
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... Free Analysis Essay Sample: Replacing School Textbooks With Laptops | Academic Help. Online Academic Writing Help A CA DEMIC HELP. ONLINE A CA DEMIC WRITING HELP > SA MPLE ESSA YS, RESEA RCH PA PERS, REVIEWS, A PPLICA TION A ND BUSINESS PA PERS > FREE SA MPLE ESSA YS A ND ESSA Y EXA MPLES > A NA LYSIS ESSA Y SA MPLES > A NA LYSIS ESSA Y SA MPLE Analysis Essay Sample Replacing School Textbooks With Laptops The question of replacing students’ textbooks with individual laptops, or other similar gadgets, in an increasingly popular conception. Still, this is connected to a myriad of issues and peculiarities to be considered, and some scientists believe that technological advancement makes such conundrums inevitable (Cavanaugh, 2006). As modern lifestyles become more efficient and more complicated, people seek ways to apply technology to mundane activities in order to simplify these tasks. According to Professor Brian Nejmeh (2012), the acquisition of knowledge needs to be in tandem with current technological trends. One of the spheres having the rifest debates about implementing technologies is education. Among several radical proposals concerning this question was a blanket ban on textbooks in favor of laptops, which resulted in controversy reaching its peak. The general cost of buying a laptop and maintaining it is higher as compared to school textbooks. The digital text combination, inherent in laptops, is still a relatively new and expensive technology (Cavanaugh, 2006)...
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...hybrid automobiles have begun to take a more prominent role in the automobile industry. “Historically, many in the automobile and oil industries have fought progress on electric cars. It's the same story we've seen before with seat belts and catalytic converters: The automakers leave the technology on the shelf until policymakers require them to do what is in the best interests of the American people.” (Anair & Shahan, 20011). Policy will dictate how the industry will be impacted over the next five years. Lawmakers are constantly changing the rules and regulations that automakers have to produce cars by. In the following essay we will use a macro trend analysis to determine the path of the hybrid vehicle. Issues Legislation has evolved over recent years requiring automakers to adhere to a minimum fuel economy standard. As gas prices continue to rise, people have started to trend toward more energy efficient means of transportation. Hybrid vehicles have an electric motor along with rechargeable batteries and have an increased efficiency of up to 50 percent. There is an onboard computer that switches between gas and electric power. The hybrid car runs on the energy of the battery when it is cruising, using less energy. When it needs additional power, the fuel engine is used for energy purposes. The market for hybrids can be analyzed by looking at the macro-environmental trends (macro trends). According to Mullins and Walker (2010), “the macro-environment...
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...Environmental Safe In recent decades scientists have considered the use of solar energy as an application of alternative energy sources. For many years solar energy is considered an outstanding worldwide energy source. Solar energy and solar power are two different terms. Solar power is converting sunlight into electricity. “The potential of solar energy with technologies and the reductions in climate changes could provide most of the worlds energy by 2060 according to IEA report in 2011.” Solar energy is an excellent source of alternative energy because it is renewable, it is economical, and it is environmental safe. This essay describes several features that categorize solar energy as an excellent source of energy and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy. Solar energy derives its power from the sun radiation striking the earth. Not all sunlight reaches the earth surface. Yet that which is received is more than the human species need to sustain life. The energy of the sun radiation that is deposit in our region of North America is sufficient. Solar energy is a renewable energy source as well. With technology, the cost to install solar panels outweighs the cost of producing coals, oil and gas. The amount of solar radiation- sunlight deposited on the surface of the earth is enough power for the whole world. [2] Solar energy is sustainable. Can we ever over-consume? Harnessing solar energy generally does not cause pollution. The small amount of emissions from...
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...“If you build it they will come” fails for turtle crossings By Sarah Zelinski | 1 | It’s really too bad that turtles can’t read. | 2 | If they did, it would make saving them so much easier. When people create an ecopassage1 so the reptiles can safely cross a road by going underneath or over it, they could let the animals know with little signs saying “Don’t become roadkill! Safe crossing, left 20 meters.” | 3 | Instead, we have to rely on fencing to keep the turtles and snakes off roads, which is a good idea because 98 percent or more of turtles are killed in their first attempt at a road crossing. But the reliance on fences may be a problem, a new study shows. When there aren’t effective fences to keep the reptiles out, they don’t use the ecopassages, James Baxter-Gilbert of Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, and colleagues report March 25 in PLOS ONE. | 4 | The study looked at the effectiveness of a series of ecopassages built along a 13-kilometer stretch of Highway 69/40 near Burwash, Ontario, near Lake Huron, a region with high reptile biodiversity. The passages ran beneath the highway and were paired with fencing along the road. The researchers looked at reptile activity along the roadway before and after the project was constructed, and also used another stretch of highway, near the Magnetawan First Nation, as a comparison. | 5 | They surveyed the roadside and put up cameras in the ecopassages to see what kind...
Words: 1993 - Pages: 8
...3/17/2011 Efficiency of Hybrid cars Have you been to the gas station lately? Have you been shocked with the high fuel prices? When the price went beyond $40 or higher you must have thought for a second to trade in your SUV for a car with a better gas mileage, or you even might have thought about global warming. The car industry has found a technology that has an answer for these questions. The answer is the hybrid car. Most of the big car manufacturers have a hybrid model on the market. You might have heard about some or even seen some driving down the street already. Hybrid cars work differently than other cars, they are made differently than other cars, they perform differently than other cars and they are more efficient than other cars. How does a hybrid car work? What is it that a hybrid car is so much more efficient than a normal car, and is it really better for the environment because the gas mileage is so much better? In this essay I want to explain how this amazing technology called hybrid car works. What makes a car a hybrid car? Every vehicle is a hybrid when it uses two or more energy sources. In fact, a lot of people have owned or still own a hybrid. For example, an electronic bike is a hybrid because it combines the power of an engine with the force that comes from people using the pedals. Hybrid vehicles are everywhere around us. A lot of diesel locomotives pulling trains are diesel-electric hybrids. In cities like Seattle, they use diesel-electric busses...
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...ESSAY ON IMPACT OF C/T ON PERSONAL BUSINESS LIFE Conclusion Communications Impacts In the past the manual and verbal method of communication was the norm on all aspects of our lives. Communications mediums have changed beyond recognition with the advancement of Technology. In this essay I will provide an overview of three forms of Technology: Mobile Phone, the Internet, the E-Mail. I will also explain current development in C/T and discuss the role of legislation on the industry. Mobile Technology: Mobile Technology is the technology used for cellular communication. They come into use in 1990’s. When first introduced, it way a luxury item, today it is viewed as an essential to our existence. Old mobile technology consisted of a large handset, battery and signal difficulties and was very expensive. Since the start of this millennium a standard mobile device has gone. Today mobile are slim line, cheaper and can perform of many functions: Personal Mobile use: * To call * To Text * Camera functions * Games * Alarm * Email * Internet * Calendar * App Store Business use: * To communications with staff, customers/business partners Advantages of Mobile Technology: * 24/7/365 contact * Accessible at all time * Variety of services available via any mobile * Mobile Marketing reaches new and existing customers * Sending out special offers and tracking responses. * GPS in phone can help to...
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...Generating solutions using futuring Module 3 October 20, 2015 Futuring is essentially the idea of imagining yourself in a particular situation where you are in the future. In this small essay, I will be picturing myself in four different scenarios placed in different timelines in the future. First, I will picture myself in 2020, four years and two months from now, making a telephone call. The second hypothetical scene, I will picture myself in 2025 doing a homework assignment. The third scenario, I will place myself in 2050 eating a meal with my family. The forth scenario, I will picture myself almost 100 years from now in 2125 doing a homework assignment. With these scenarios I will use the technique, futuring, to image myself in the future and explain each setting. Now, what would happen if I, at the age I am now, was in the year 2020? What would happen if I were to make a phone call in 2020? Phones then have become foldable. You can place them in your pockets with very little cases with cracked phones from their convenient folding ability. Though, only five years from now, folding with some major phone upgrades are the only prevalent ideas with phones. The problem is that with these foldable phones, battery life has become a very heavy issue with foldable phones because the battery cannot exceed past the foldable dimensions of each phone. So what would happen in 2025, ten years from now in the future while doing homework? I honestly do not believe that in 10 years...
Words: 633 - Pages: 3
...UNIVERSITY OF DALAT FACULITY OF FOREIG LANGUAGES WRITING 4 THE COMPARISON/OR CONTRAST ESSAY Topic: Write an essay comparing-contrasting two products. You may choose two cars, two cameras, two stereo systems, two motorcycles, two mobiles, ect. OUTLINE I. Introduction Thesis statement: Between Samsung Galaxy S5 and Apple’s iPhone 5S are different in three significant characteristics as size, features and price. II. Developmental paragraphs A. Samsung Galaxy S5 1. Size 2. Features 3. Price B. Apple’s Iphone 5S 1. Size 2. Features 3. Price III. Conclusion ESSAY Today, mobile phones are a necessary media for everyone. Mobile phone technology is growing and more diverse. The utilities that mobile phones give people as communication with family, friends, and business affairs much quicker and easier. Samsung and Apple are the two phone maker’s rank the first in the world and Galaxy S5 and iPhone 5S is the product of the two companies are currently the most popular. These two phones are the best smart phones on the market and are leading the way for phones with great designs and exceptional features. However, between Samsung Galaxy S5 and Apple’s iPhone 5S are different in three significant characteristics as size, features and price. Samsung Galaxy S5 is Smartphone made from the Samsung Company. The phone is slightly bigger than its predecessor due to a larger screen. Screen size is 5.25in, 080 resolutions, the screen is bright and soft-touch...
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