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Essay On Clueless Americans

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Clueless Americans
American citizens have the responsibility of electing power within in the country. This varies from town mayor to the president of the United States. Ironically, Americans are given so much freedom to decide, but Americans know very little about politics. This is a problem because citizens are often unhappy with authoritative figures, but they do not even understand what is going on to know which candidates to elect. Matthew Robinson, the author of the Clued article “Party On, Dudes!” discusses how “ignorance is the curse of the information age” and how Americans know more about television than a single thing that goes on in Congress. Furthermore, Robinson focused on polls and how they are influenced, shaped, and dominated by voter ignorance. Media also plays a role in voter opinion because of the main focus points and and people’s attraction to media (Robinson, Clues). With that being said Americans know very little about politics, which brings up problems with polls, media, and the electoral college. Robinson describes what Americans know about politics as discouraging. For example, the constitution serves as the supreme law of the land that was …show more content…
What Americans know has gotten worse over the decades although there are new ways of viewing information. This is because Americans can see what they want to see and ignore what they do not. Americans are very opinionated which causes preexisting views to override the best for the country. The media and polls drive the opinions of Americans to where one’s opinion becomes based on a short segment rather than the overall purpose. If Americans do not change the ways, the citizens will never end up being able to make a decision they really find best for the United States. Moreover, how will citizens be able to elect a president if they cannot even name who is

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