...such a teacher will be less distracted in their classes and will be anxious to what is being taught. He will be associated with more positive emotions and his learning will be comprehension centered and will be ready to put more effort in his studies. He will gain better grades in class and there is only very less chance for a drop out. Only those teachers who are motivated will be able to motivate their students. Within disciplines of psychology motivation is an important aspect in both teaching as well as in learning. Hence motivation is to be considered from the perspective of both teacher and student. Definition The word motivation comes from a Latin word meaning movement (Steers, Mowday and Shapiro 2004, 379 as cited in degree essays, 2011). Motivation can be defined as the state or internal condition that directs the behavior of a person. It is the process determining the action of a person or the fact on the basis of which a person chooses to act and not to act in another way. According to (Pintrich and Schunk. 1996 ) motivation is directly related to achievement made by a person. An individual if motivated will try to achieve success and will try hard to finish the task assigned to him. But one who is not motivated will behave in some other way or will not try hard and hence the out come will be different. Effectiveness of motivation in teaching/learning process According to Skinner (1985) a person gets motivated from his previous experiences, which rewarded...
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...language dictionary for international students Please answer all questions in this exam. Answers to the multiple choice questions need to be filled in on the scantron sheets (remember to use pencil to fill in the circles) and also circled on the exam itself. Answers to the short answer questions should go in the exam booklet provided. All three components (scantron sheets, exam booklets, paper copy of exam) should be turned in at the conclusion of the exam. This exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions, 10 true/false questions and 2 short answer essay questions – you must answer ALL questions. The exam consist of 9 pages (including cover sheet) Name: ___________________________________________________________ Student #: ___________________________________ Question | Grade | 25 multiple choice questions(2 points each) | /50 | 10 true/false questions(1 point each) | /10 | Essay question #1 | /20 | Essay question #2 | /20 | Total: | /100 | Note that all page numbers refer to the 8th edition of John and Saks SECTION 1: Multiple choice questions (25 questions x 2 points each = 50 points total) Answer all multiple-choice questions. Circle the ONE best answer to the question, and fill it in on your scantron sheet. Make sure you indicate only one letter. If you change your mind, ensure it is clear which alternative is your answer. Place this question sheet and your scantron sheet inside your blue book when you turn in your exam. 1. Which of the...
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...The main aim of the essay is to analyse resources that delineate and criticism on key flexibility in the organisation behaviour that relates to employee productivity and motivation. The essay will study the fundamentals of employee motivation, to accomplish consequential productivity in a workplace. This essay is based on one aspect which is motivation in this case of organisational behaviour. The essay will demonstrate the relevance and significance of motivational aspect of organisational behaviour within the workplace. Lastly, the essay will provide recommendations for organisational effectiveness with concerns to motivation by applying the understanding of hypothetical theory. There are various theories about motivation that will be debated below. Though, it is not possible to identify a precise theory that delivers a single universal realism. Motivation is a compound perception influenced by many individual and situational variables. The basic procedure of motivational procedure is what takes to inspire people to work. According to Hellriegel & Slocum (2007) When deal with there are four different approaches they are as follows meeting the basic need of the employee, designing jobs that motivate people, rewards available when meet the expectation of the organisation and lastly treating people equitably. So, before we analyse the process of motivation it necessary to understand the definition of motivation. Motivation “is a process which starts or improves organisational...
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...Rewards and incentives in company have benefits for both employees and employers. When performance and productivity was recognized, employees have increased high morale, job gratification and involvement in business function. However, the best ways to motivate employees is a controversial and complex issue. Incentive and rewards can be both Financial and Nonmonetary. A number of researcher has reported that the key to organization people to show their high efficiency is to provide employee an incentive or rewards. An examination of the research reveals a variety of perspective. Some researcher argue that financial incentive and rewards increase employee motivation and engagement more than use nonmonetary programs. Whilst, others researcher suggest that nonmonetary incentive and reward can lead higher performance. It is argued that nonmonetary are more effective on employee performance. The distinction between reward and incentive will not add to the above thesis and will therefore not be discuss in this essay. In the workplace employees need some motivation incentives to improve their performance and productivity. However, motivation is complex and people are not all motivated in the same way because people have different desire, different attention and different background so they also have different individual motivational. There are those who are motivated intrinsically, which means bring motivated by internal inspiration or individual feeling depend on person. When...
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...Introduction This descriptive essay will be on the topic of exercise addiction and will discuss both the positive affects and the negatives. When considering these two aspects, it is important to know that the negative aspect is much more than the positive. This essay will also be discussing what actually is exercise addiction and the effects it has on the individual who suffers from it. The essay will then conclude with how an exercise scientist can help the individual suffering from exercise dependence. What are some of the positives of exercise? Exercising regularly can create some really positive health benefits to the individual. Positive Health reasons for exercise, according to the American Medical Association (1999, P.394), are benefits...
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... | |How to best reward employees? | | | | | |Yuling Zhang(19041245) | |2010/4/17 | |Understanding and Managing Organisations | Contents Contents 2 Introduction: 3 Total Reward and theories: 4 Intrinsic rewards more important: 5 The impacts of extrinsic rewards on intrinsic motivation: 6 Cognitive evaluation theory (CET) in motivational approach: 6 Self-perception theory in attributional approach 7 Behavioural approach: 7 Performance management, high performance working and reward strategy: 8 Other noteworthy points when rewarding: 9 Case study: 10 Conclusion: 11 Reference: 12 How to best reward the employees? Introduction: Given that people is...
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...Motivation Introduction This essay is about defining Motivation and how it affects employees. Also an explanation of the main the types are to be given. A research on popular Theorist was done to support the definition and types. The researcher recognized what impact motivation has on the workplace and seek to discuss the importance. Theory Motivation is a psychological feature that arouses an individual to act towards a desired goal and elicits controls and sustains certain goal directed behaviors. It can be considered a driving force, a psychological one that compels or reinforces an action towards a desired goal. In other words, a person may have certain needs or wants, and this causes them to do certain things (behavior), which satisfy those needs (satisfaction). Motivation theories can be classified broadly into two different perspectives: Content and Process theories. Content Theories deal with “what” motivates people and it is concerned with individual needs and goals. Process Theories deal with the “process” of motivation and is concerned with “how” motivation occurs.(Ozgurzan, 2013). For this paper the researcher would focus Content Theories. Developing out from the Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET- Deci 1975) it was stated motivation can be divided into two types: extrinsic (external) motivation and intrinsic (internal) motivation . Extrinsic and intrinsic motivations are two opposing ways to motivate people. Extrinsic motivation deals with motivations...
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...which is original and distinctive to other work to which can be compared (Runco, 2004). It affects many varying domains that play a substantial role in society e.g. business, innovation, arts, sciences and education (Simonton, 1997). The concept of creativity was not fully recognised until the practical developments of man aided with the economy and also the standard of living –for example the invention of the steam engine and the telephone (Sternberg and Kaufman, 2010). However, it wasn’t until the late 18th century that ‘imagination’ was accepted independently as the leading factor in creativity (Engell, 1981). Many psychologists believe that the imagination is limited due to both internal and external factors that I shall outline in my essay. Cognitive processes and knowledge are fundamental factors when attempting to comprehend creativity. It is generally agreed that obtainable knowledge greatly contributes to creativity, and the quality of creative thoughts are affected by a person’s knowledge and the way in which the aspects of this knowledge is processed (Munford and Gustafson, 1988). Some psychologists believe that there is a threshold level that above an IQ of approximately 120, there is a strong association between IQ and creativity, but above that level this hypothesis is not supported (MacKinnon, 1961). A low IQ suggests that a person would struggle with creativity – regarding both the generation of ideas but also the assessment as to whether the ideas are good...
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...Introduction Reward management in companies are essential benefactors for employers, employee satisfaction and company best practice. Rewards can be spread over a spectrum varying in each company. In this essay I will attempt to conclude and justify the true meaning and evaluation of Reward Management. With regards to ‘Reward Intelligence’ and the use of ‘Strategic Rewards’ both come from the core of the company. From a Human Resources professional view point, key factors surrounding the ‘Ultimate Reward Package’ can include bottom line profit along with what type company holds the employment. The general corporate values of the company and on going ‘employer and employee expectations and over all relationship. The term ‘reward’ generally covers a wide range from financial packages made to the employees to pensions, annual paid leave and further cash incentives such as bonuses. These financial packages (reward package / benefits) would be classed as Extrinsic rewards. Rewards can also include small incentives such as for example; leaving work early every Wednesday to attend an appointment as you are in early most days for work. This could be classed as a small incentive and become the norm for some employees. Although this sort of incentive would not be written in a contract of employment it can be classed as a ‘Psychological Contract’ thus defining ‘the perceptions of the two parties, employee and employer, of what their mutual obligations are towards each other' (“CIPD...
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...satisfying, participatory, and challenging? Is work reform possible? I believe the answer is yes to both questions, however to achieve those goals there has to be collaboration from all parties involved. This essay will depict the parties that are involved in the process, their roles and responsibilities, and the reasons why Canadian labour is in need of reform. First of all, let’s look at the reasons why our current labour market is in need of reform. To do this we must look at the reasons exemplified from both sides of the equation; the employer side and the employee side. Employees have two important desires; to possess both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards can be easily identified such as, “adequate pay, opportunities for advancement, and access to training”. Intrinsic rewards are the psychological rewards such as “autonomy, challenge, and control”. (pg. 132 commentary) Workers want to know they have some control over the amount of work performed daily; they want to be able to complete it without feeling like someone is watching their every move; and they want to know that their workplace is safe from both physical and mental harm. The employer’s motives for work reform are more predictable. One could almost label them as extrinsic because their goals are concerned with money. They wish to reduce operating costs, increase productivity and efficiency and obtain flexibility from their staff. If these results are achieved overall their...
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...University of Phoenix Material Thesis Statement and Informal Outline Worksheet In this course, you will write a 700- to 1,400-word Personal Responsibility Essay, due in Week Five, which includes the following: • Definition of personal responsibility and what it means to you. • Explain the relationship between personal responsibility and college success. • Include a preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in your education. This week, using the Center for Writing Excellence resources, provide the thesis statement and informal outline for your Personal Responsibility Essay assignment, due in Week Five. Thesis Statement: Personal responsibility is a key factor in taking charge in my college career. It is the ability to constructively manage the consequences for my own actions, and understanding how to correct or make imperative changes in my life. As responsible person I will have to openly recognize sacrifices that will have to be made in order to meet my obligations to be a successful student. By having self-discipline, staying organized and setting personal goals I can achieve college success. Informal Outline: I. Intro II. What personal responsibility means to me a. Consequences of actions b. Self-discipline c. Staying organized d. Personal goals III. Tools for self-discipline a. Time management skills 1. Weekly schedule b. To-do-list ...
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...Motivational Essay Motivational Plan Grand Canyon University: EDA-575 April 2, 2014 Developing a Motivational Plan Researchers have stated that effective motivation of individuals in a organization can help the organization to achieve it's goals and lead to the individual's satisfaction within the organization (Razik & Swanson, 2010). In the field of educational leadership there is not only the motivation of the staff to consider but also the motivation of the students enrolled within the organization. Motivation of the staff focuses on job satisfaction where motivation of the student is more focused on their motivation to learn, but with both of these groups share a common motivation to achieve their individual goals. Rowell and Eunsook (2013.) stated that motivation is a complex psychological phenomenon, where there is not just one definition or successful theory on motivation. A school should examine many different theories of motivation to determine which ones will work best to motivate not only the student body but also the teachers to excel and achieve their goals. Motivational Theories In the field of psychology and human relations they have theorized many different ways in which people are motivated. One such idea named McGregor's Theory Y postulates that, “when managers treat their subordinates as creative, committed, competent people, both the manager and the subordinate will reap the rewards” ( Razik & Swanson, 2010, p. 107). Most...
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...Effort, Reward & Dissatisfaction MGT1000 - Organisational Behaviour Essay 1 There are certain choices in life that dictate all future pathways and opportunities, that will shape a life of bliss or misery; job choice is one such decision. The thought processes and factors considered in such a process are complex and varied; however there have been studies that attempt to explain and quantify this decision process. This essay will apply two of these models, namely Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory to the decision process of Michael Stirling and the choice he must make between a Deputy Principal position at his current school, or leaving to take up the prestigious position of principal at the International School of Melbourne. Through application of these theories, focusing primarily on motivation and job satisfaction variables, it will be clear that Sandra, Michael’s wife, opinion that the ISM position is a better fit for Michael is a reasonable statement. Although the role of Deputy Principal Head of IT is a closer match for Michaels expertise and passion, it will be proposed that this role will have to overcome greater factors of potential dissatisfaction and that the Principal postion contains motivators that will sustain for a longer period. This analysis will provide an insight into the internal thought processes and relationship to the discussed theories which will be summarized into a conclusive judgement. ‘Motivation can broadly be...
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...Employee reward system refers to programs set up by a company to reward performance and motivate employees on individual and / or group levels. They are considered separate from salary but may be monetary in nature or otherwise have a cost to the company. A reward system consists of financial rewards (fixed and variable pay) and employee benefits, which together comprise total remuneration. The system also incorporates non financial rewards (recognition, praise, achievement, responsibility and personal growth) and, in many cases, performance management processes. Employees are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, to be effective, the reward system must recognize both sources of motivation. All reward system is based on the assumptions of attracting, retaining and motivating people. Financial rewards are an important component of the reward system, but there are other factors that motivate employees and influence the levels of performance. An increase in reducing payroll costs would demotivated the employees thus the organizational objectives would not be achieved due to less work force. Due to the reduction of payroll costs some employers will be forced to use their profitable units to cover loses of uneconomical units. The reward practices and policies are linked through an employees’ point of view where the reward management should take into account of the aspirations, expectations and needs of employees as stakeholders in the organization. Considerations...
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...aspects which relate to an individual’s behaviour in a workplace environment. This essay will explore three critical components of organizational behaviour and organizational psychology: Motivation and job satisfaction, Perception and Recruitment and Selection. These three components of organization behaviour and organizational psychology exploit an in depth understanding on how employees and employers interact, and additionally all three components give an insight on the workings of organizations. Through-out this essay, a theory will be stated with professional criticism – both of which would be correlated to a real life example of an organization, for this instance, it will be Samsung. Motivation: the forces within a person that affects his or her direction, intensity and persistence of voluntary behaviour. (Spicer and Lee, 2014). There are two different types of motivators, intrinsic motivators and extrinsic motivators. Intrinsic motivators stem internally from an individual’s desire to achieve something and it is usually self-applied. In the workplace, untainted interest in a project or positive recognition from a manager are examples of intrinsic motivators. In contrast to this, extrinsic motivators stem externally from an individual’s desire to achieve something and is generally applied by someone higher up in the organizations hierarchy. Examples of extrinsic motivators are tangible rewards such as pay, bonus and promotion. (Spicer and Lee, 2014). Ryan and Deci state, ‘no...
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