...$1,000 College Scholarship Essay-Entry Application Sponsored By The Credit Union Foundation of MD & DC And Your Credit Union Complete this form on a computer in Microsoft Word™ (.doc) format only Type your information in the gray areas below Hand-written, scanned, or applications in any format other than .doc format cannot be accepted Applicant’s Name Phone Number Email Address City State Zip Name of Maryland or District of Columbia-based credit union of which you are a member: (All applicants must be a member of a MD or DC-based credit union; parental membership does not qualify applicant.) College/university you will or currently attend: Unsure ❑ Complete your essay of 750 words or less on the space provided on the next page. Do not mention your name or the name of your credit union in your essay. ❑ Save a copy of this completed application including essay in Microsoft Word™ format only. ❑ Use your name (Last name_First name.doc) as its title & email the file as an attachment to: scholarship@cufound.org Our judges will be evaluating your essay on content, spelling & grammar, and originality. You will receive an email confirmation that your application was received. If you do not receive a confirmation within one week of submitting your application, please contact the Foundation at scholarship@cufound.org. • Deadline for submitting your completed...
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...Early Forms of Punishments Over several centuries, the punishments imposed on felons has developed in a positive way. Nowadays, harmful punishments on criminals are prohibited except for the death penalty. Back then, crimes were punishable by death and by other torturous methods. Branding, whipping, and the use the pillory were some of many methods used to penalize a convict. Branding was enacted on criminals who were convicted of murder, theft, or other crimes. They would be burned on the thumb with a specific letter depending on what crime they committed such as “T” for theft. During a short period of time, offenders were branded on the cheek. They would then be unemployed due to the location of the mark so the branding on the thumb was...
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...Coach carter has always left a ever lasting impression on me because of the hard work and dedication displayed by coach Ken Carter. In 1999, Carter became a coach in his old high school located in Richmond, CA. The high school is surrounded by poverty and violence from gangs in surrounding areas. Little did Carter know he became a coach for a basketball team that was very de-motivated, and lacking the grades required to get into College/University. Carter wanted the maximum commitment from his team, he decided to create a contract that states that the boys will have to do things that they were never used to. The contract entails that the boys will have to show respectful behavior, dress in a professional manner, and obtain sufficient grades in order to stay apart of the team. He realized that his team was failing to meet the requirements of the contract in regards to grades and takes immediate action and cancels all team activities and locks the court until the grades prove otherwise from all members of the team. Carter was determined to better the future of every single boy on that team as long as they showed dedication to improve. He wants the boys to not only be the best in basketball but also the best in their future by making sure they do everything he asks of them listed in the contract. The amount of passion and dedication Carter displayed, has made this movie the best sports...
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...Campsall Here's how to write your best essay ever... Whatever the essay you have been asked to write, the key to making it as effective as it can be is to write it as a wellstructured and well-supported argument. You will find that an ‘argument’ essay is easier to plan, more fulfilling to write and for your teacher (or the examiner)... a pleasure to mark (and that’s no bad thing!!). It’s important to get one thing out of the way at the outset: an essay question has no ‘right’ answer. You can breathe easy on that one. It’s just not like that. This is English and we leave those kinds of ‘right answers’ to the mathematicians and scientists. An English essay is not an ‘answer’ in that way at all, rather, it’s an informed opinion; but, like all opinions, it’ll require explanation, argument and support. It requires you to argue your case. What’s the first thing you do when you set about starting an essay? Many people start by searching through the text on which their essay is based in the hope of finding suitable quotations to help ‘answer’ the essay question. Well, there’s no getting away from this basic process, but there are ways to make it altogether more efficient, useful and most importantly, more likely to earn a higher grade. More on this later. The Argument Essay The secret of a good essay? Write it as an argument for what you believe! What is there to argue about? Plenty! You’ll be arguing to support your point of view on the essay question - one that you’ve boldly stated...
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...are invited to submit an essay about the recent effects and future promises of science in our society. Write about particular discoveries, events, or persons from science in current events or present a more general account of the changes and developments. Each essay must be accompanied by a statement of acknowledged validity by a teacher in the field of the sciences, technology, engineering or mathematics. Students must submit their essays and entry forms electronically on or before the contest deadline of September 30th, 2013. Students who have family members affiliated with the Journal, or serving as contest judges are not eligible to participate. 2013 ISEC Prompt: Scientific dilemmas today occur on a global stage and require international cooperation. Please choose one pressing scientific issue and explain: the problem as it exists today, the point it can reach before action must be taken, some potential courses of action to combat the problem, and the global implications of solving or avoiding the issue. Topic suggestions include, but are not limited to: alternative energy sources, global climate change, increased rate of species extinction, and development of extreme weather conditions. Note that judges look favorably on unique topics. No literary form other than an essay will be accepted. Each essay must reflect the contestant’s own writing and original thinking. No graphs, images, or illustrations should be included in the essay Awards: The author...
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...Essay Der Essay (seltener das Essay; Plural: Essays), auch: Essai, ist eine geistreiche Abhandlung, in der wissenschaftliche, kulturelle oder gesellschaftliche Phänomene betrachtet werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die persönliche Auseinandersetzung des Autors mit seinem jeweiligen Thema. Die Kriterien wissenschaftlicher Methodik können dabei vernachlässigt werden; der Autor hat also relativ große Freiheiten. Ähnliche Textarten, teilweise auch synonym verwendet, sind Traktat, Aufsatz und (veraltet) Causerie. Verwandte journalistischen Darstellungsformen sind die Glosse, die Kolumne, der journalistische Kommentar und der Leitartikel. Im Blick auf den Geistreichtum eines guten Essays kann man den Essay als den „großen Bruder“ des Aphorismus auffassen. Der Essay als literarische Form oder Gattung geht zurück auf den französischen Autor Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592). Montaigne entwickelte den Essay aus den Adagia des Erasmus von Rotterdam. Was bei diesem noch eine Sammlung von Sprüchen, Aphorismen und Weisheiten ist, versieht Montaigne nun mit Kommentaren und Kritik. Dabei stellt er, aus einer skeptischen Grundhaltung heraus, seine Erfahrungen und Abwägungen dem scholastischen Absolutheitsanspruch entgegen. Montaigne tritt als ein Fragender auf, der nach Antwort(en) sucht (und sie letztlich nicht findet). Ein guter Essay wirft neue Fragen auf und/oder umreißt ein neues Problem. Erkenntnisse und Forderungen werden oft nur so weit ausgeführt, dass der Leser sie selbst assoziieren...
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...Write an 1,050- to 1,400-word essay on technology and social change, covering the following: Provide an introduction that defines both technology and social change and discusses how they are related. Discuss the impact of the personal computer, cellular phones, and the internet on society. Using the three major sociological perspectives, describe the equilibrium model, the digital divide and cultural lag in relation to these technologies and social change. Include how technology has influenced social epidemiology, health and the environment. Explore a recent or emerging form of technology and discuss its potential benefits or consequences for society. Provide a conclusion that summarizes key points. Cite at least three academic, peer-reviewed sources and two popular magazines. Format the paper consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment to the Assignments tab.Write an 1,050- to 1,400-word essay on technology and social change, covering the following: Provide an introduction that defines both technology and social change and discusses how they are related. Discuss the impact of the personal computer, cellular phones, and the internet on society. Using the three major sociological perspectives, describe the equilibrium model, the digital divide and cultural lag in relation to these technologies and social change. Include how technology has influenced social epidemiology, health and the environment. Explore a recent or emerging form of technology and discuss...
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...* About Us * Samples * FAQ * Our Prices * Order now * Writers * Contact Us We write: * Essays * Research Papers * Coursework * Thesis * Dissertations * Term Papers * UK Essays ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Count of pages: Number of words: Choose your academic level: Term: Discount Code (optional): Discount: 0% Price: $0 Bottom of Form The page includes: Essay Paper on Economics Essay Paper on Economics Social polarization grows as the poor become worse off, but as the wealthy become better off. One of the reasons for that is the shocking fact that the poor often pay more taxes, relatively, than do the rich. In Britain, for example, “the tax burden of the top fifth of earners has fallen from 37 percent to 35 percent in the last twenty years. In contrast, the tax burden of the bottom fifth has risen from 31 percent to 38 percent.” The other reason for social inequality nationally is imperfect income distribution. Thus, whereas 23.5 percent of all American workers received only poverty level wages in 1973, this had risen to 28.6 percent by 1997. Looked at another way, real wages for relatively low-paid workers fell by 22 percent between 1973 and 1995, and 10 percent for middle-range workers. Low-paid jobs grew by 22 percent in New York City between 1993 and 2000—four...
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...Year 12 AS Literature Coursework Planning Sheet Prose Essay: Tess Of The D’Ubervilles by Thomas Hardy. Essay Titles: 1. Explore how Hardy uses Form, Structure and Language to present Alec D’Uberville as the predatory villain of the novel. Weighting of Marks: AO1: 12/30 AO2: 15/30 AO4: 3/30 Notice that AO3 (comparison and different interpretations) is not given any marks in this essay, unlike the Drama Essay. In this essay, you are marked mainly for the style and structure of your argument, the use of terminology, and foremost, your ability to analyse Hardy’s use of Form, Structure and Language in shaping meaning. In looking at Alec’s characterisation, there needs to be a clear focus on how Hardy crafts his writing to manipulate the readers’ feelings and thoughts concerning Alec. An attention to close textual detail, analysing use of dialogue, description, narration, and settings will be needed. You also need to engage with how Hardy has used Form (the conventions of particular types of novel) and Structure, showing your awareness of the Chapters and Phases of the novel, signposting your writing clearly and showing understanding of how Hardy structures events to shift and change or develop our understanding of Alec’s character. Context is only a small aspect, but should be embedded in your response, with comments linking to specific details in the text. PLANNING: If you want to organise a good party, planning is important. If you want to put on...
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... | | |Course name |e.g. Concepts and Methods | |Essay Deadline | | |Submission Date | | |Are you dyslexic? | | Essay or Assignment Title Type in box below Guidelines on using this essay template Q. What assignments have to be submitted online? A. Almost all the assignments you do in the History Department will be submitted online via the VLE. We do not accept paper copies of essays. Q. What wordprocessor format should I use for assignments? A. Only two formats are acceptable: Word (.doc, docx) and RTF (.rtf). Word format is preferred. Q. Is there a template I should use when writing History essays? A. Yes, you can find it in here in the History Department Virtual Office on the VLE in the section entitled 'Essay Template'. Q. What happens if I don't use the template? A. Your work will receive a mark of 0. Q. How should I name my file when I upload it?...
Words: 1613 - Pages: 7
... 1. Write English Essay - Free Essay Writing Samples Online Adwww.curriki.org/writing-essays 1. Get Samples for Teachers & Students * Support Child Education * Register With Us * Open Educational Resource ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form Search Results 1. www.scribendi.com a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. 2. anything resembling such a composition: a picture essay. Essay | Define Essay at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/essay More about Essay Feedback Essay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/?title=Essay Essays are generally scholarly pieces of writing giving the author's own argument, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story. Michel de Montaigne - Five paragraph essay - Application essay - Introduction Writing Tips: Essay Builder - WritingDEN www2.actden.com/writ_Den/tips/essay/index.htm Explores the parts and provides step-by-step directions for writing essays. Essay | Define Essay at Dictionary.com dictionary.reference.com/browse/essay a short literary composition on a particular theme or subject, usually in prose and generally analytic, speculative, or interpretative. 2. anything resembling such a composition: a picture essay. Images for essayReport images More images for essay Essay Structure | - Harvard...
Words: 1466 - Pages: 6
...er Essay (seltener das Essay; Plural: Essays), auch: Essai, ist eine geistreiche Abhandlung, in der wissenschaftliche, kulturelle oder gesellschaftliche Phänomene betrachtet werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die persönliche Auseinandersetzung des Autors mit seinem jeweiligen Thema. Die Kriterien wissenschaftlicher Methodik können dabei vernachlässigt werden; der Schreiber hat also relativ große Freiheiten. Ähnliche Textarten, teilweise auch synonym verwendet, sind Traktat, Aufsatz und (veraltet) Causerie. Verwandte journalistische Darstellungsformen sind die Glosse, die Kolumne, der journalistische Kommentar und der Leitartikel. Im Blick auf den Geistreichtum eines guten Essays kann man den Essay als den „großen Bruder“ des Aphorismus auffassen. Inhaltsverzeichnis [Verbergen] 1 Etymologie 2 Entstehung 3 Form 4 Siehe auch 5 Literatur 6 Weblinks 7 Einzelnachweise Etymologie[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Der französische Begriff essai stammt wie der italienische saggio und der spanische ensayo von dem selten belegten spätlateinischen Substantiv exagium („das Wägen“, „das Gewicht“) ab, das insbesondere „die Schrotproben, welche die Kaiser des 5. Jahrh. sich von jedem neuen Münzschlag vorlegen ließen, 1/6 einer Unze, = 1 Solidus“[1] bezeichnet und von dem häufig belegten Verb exigere (u. a. „prüfen“, „untersuchen“, „beurteilen“, „abwiegen“, „erwägen“) abgeleitet ist. Entstehung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Michel de Montaigne Francis Bacon Der Essay als...
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...COM 156 Complete Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments Get Tutorial by Clicking on the link below or Copy Paste Link in Your Browser https://hwguiders.com/downloads/com-156-entire-course-week-1-9-agrade/ For More Courses and Exams use this form ( http://hwguiders.com/contact-us/ ) Feel Free to Search your Class through Our Product Categories or From Our Search Bar (http://hwguiders.com/ ) COM 156 Entire Course COM 156 Complete Course Material all Weeks DQS and All Assignments COM 156 Wk 1 All Discussion Questions Review the information provided on pp. 51–53. Explain the initial steps of writing an essay. Identify how your audience, purpose, and content will influence your approach The purpose of an essay, as explained on p. 47, will affect all aspects of the paper. In this class, the final paper will be a persuasive essay. Throughout the class, you will complete assignments that directly or indirectly help you complete the final paper. Identify the main purpose of a persuasive essay and the elements necessary for it to be effective. Review the video titled Writing Process. Read the Short Form Axia Writing Style Handbook. What are the two most helpful suggestions in each? If you were to propose one additional suggestion to include in each what would it be? Explain the time management strategies you will use when writing a successful academic paper. What techniques discussed in your US/101 course may help you manage your time when writing a paper...
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...1. Narrative essays usually contain four variants of dramatic conflict they are: person to person, person to society, person to environment, and person to god. They show who the conflict is between and the role of the conflict in a story. 2. At the conclusion of a narrative story there is usually something else very important which makes the story worth reading, which is the revelation. An example of that is: in a story about a married couple that has marital problems at the end of the story one of the spouses reviles that they are having an affair and who the affair is with. 3. Descriptive essays usually move from point to point through space. This is called a spatial walkthrough. These are useful when describing an event that occurred, to relate an experience, express your feelings, or entertain your reader. 4. Above all, “show the reader,” is what a famous writer said about description. Writers use sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch to enhance detail in the body of a descriptive essay. 5. Everything in the world is part of a process. Process essays are instructional and descriptive. An essay in which you teach somebody how to do something is called a how to do it essay. 6. If your intention is to illustrate the process, that essay is called a how it is done essay. 7. Comparison and contrast essays work comparative points in two ways. They are block and alternate forms. Block form is the most useful to me. I prefer it because I can write everything...
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...STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS TYPES OF ESSAYS In this chapter we describe different forms and styles of essay writing. These forms and styles are used by a range of authors, including university students and professional essayists. To characterize the peculiar features of the admission essay we would like to make stylistic analyses of an article. App. 1] The beginning of an essay, paragraph 1, is essential to making a good impression. We have elevated the level of diction here and improved the pacing to construct a more fluid beginning, including this sentence: "The injury itself was tendonitis, an elusive malady, not easy to pin down like a simple broken bone." Also, we have introduced a metaphor that will help the reader understand the seriousness of the injury, characterizing the pain as "a knife in my mind, sinking deeper the more I struggled." This will make it that much more impressive when you overcome the arm injury through sheer perseverance later in the essay. In the paragraph 2, a number of overly short sentences here have been combined into longer, more sophisticated phrasings. One example is: "I thought about how many famous soccer players are equally skilled with both feet, and wondered: could I learn to throw left-handed?" These changes help with both word count and readability issues. We have also eliminated or limited repetition by replacing the overused "frustrated" a variety of more illustrative phrasings. Paragraph...
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