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Essay On How Did The French And Spanish Support The Americans

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The French and Spanish support given to the American rebels during the war was significant and a major reason for overall victory for the Americans. France had a lot at stake when it chose to support the American rebels and interjected itself after the American victory in 1777 at Saratoga. The radical French assistance, demonstrated that the Americans did have a good chance to win their independence. The American ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin secured an alliance which garnered military supplies and financial support. France was keeping the British occupied in a sort of proxy war in the West Indies, it was a struggle for the control of the Caribbean. The effort by the French was sufficient enough to keep the British ground and naval assets from providing their full support to the conflict with …show more content…
The financial support was significantly provided in the design of fundraisers with populists and individual loans in the form contributions; the government of Spain provided loans to men such as John Jay, a prominent patriot. The King of Spain, Carlos III, got involved by signing a royal decree in 1780, in the decree he requested that all Spaniards who resided in the Americas provide a donation. These donations would be used to assist in decreasing the cost of war with the British, and assist the cause of the American rebels and the request did receive popular support and garnered a high degree of participation. Spain formally entered the war in 1779 and began planning to retake many of its former forts and ports in Florida. These forts and ports had been lost after the Seven Years’ War. Spain used the Louisiana Territory and its Caribbean possessions to begin the retaking of the forts and ports. They were successful in their endeavor to regain many of the previously lost

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