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Essay On Large Class

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After collecting the results of the interview, researchers analyze teachers' responses. All teachers responses showed that they teach or have taught overcrowded classes in some point of their teaching career. It also revealed that teachers are not comfortable in teaching large number of learners in class because it hampers teaching English language.
Based on the first question, the variance in teachers' opinions is due to the fact that every teacher has his own perception about the number that makes large classes. Defining a large class depends to great extent on how the teacher perceives a large class. It means that the perception of large class is subjective and can depend on a number of variables according to teachers. According to Todd (2006), the definition of large class from the point of view of teachers depends on three variables including the subject taught, the largest size they taught and the content being taught. In addition to other variables such as the age of learners, their motivation and the room where lessons are taught. Therefore, it is argued that teachers have various perceptions of large classes. Nevertheless, in the current, we can assume that the ideal class size that is visible with peoples’ work is 25 students per class.
Concerning on the teachers' responses for the second question, the research inferred that all teachers are familiar with teaching overcrowded classes in university. All the participants agree that the number of learners they teach is beyond the normal standard and is considered a large class. It also infers that teachers who …show more content…
Despite the difficulty of managing large classes, Harmer (2001) said that “...even when chairs and desks cannot be moved, there are ways of doing this: first rows turns to second rows, third rows to face fourth rows and so on ”

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