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Essay On Lord Of The Flies Book Report

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I think this story is a fear and power kind of book, because I think the author did an excellent job on the setting. It made me feel as if I was actually there on the island surrounded by the school boys and Ralph. It made me feel as if I was there when Jack killed the pig and brought it to the others to eat either to survive. . What they did an excellent job on was when in the beginning Ralph and Piggy first met and Piggy was hiding in the bushes. But what I didn’t like about that part was when Piggy just stayed in the bushes and didn’t come out for a while. However, I think that the author could have put more details in the other characters and not just the main ones such as Ralph, Piggy, and Jack. They are just the main …show more content…
I also think the author really needed to put in more detail in the boys in all black with the cross around their left breast, all we really know is that they are stuck there too looking for a way out and for food. Also the author needs to put more detail in where the kids were going before they got shot down to the island. The part that I didn’t like is when the boys kept the fire on all night and day so someone could rescue them because you can’t see the red fire in the daylight. I think they should of put the fire out during the day and have it on during the night so that way they don’t make that huge fire burning down all the trees and killing most of the boys there. Also another part that I didn’t like what the author had wrote was when Piggy was killed by one of the school boys that obviously didn’t like him at all. What they did an excellent job on was when in the beginning Ralph and Piggy first met and Piggy was hiding in the bushes. But what I didn’t like about that part was when Piggy just stayed in the bushes and didn’t come out for a while. Also another part that I didn’t like what the author had wrote was when Piggy was killed by one of the school

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