...Kenya is about 582'646 square kilometers in size (wikipedia.org). It is a country in Eastern Africa on the Indian Ocean coast between Somalia and Tanzania. Its geographic coordinates are: 1°00′N 38°00′E. About 1.9% of its total area is covered by water. (Wikipedia.org) Different Locations dictates the climate of Kenya in that variations range between cool during the day, to always warm/hot. Kenyan coast has high temperatures throughout the year. It has tropical type of rainfall. Temperatures alternate from cool to hot daily. (wikipedia.org) In the interior of Kenya, climate becomes more arid. An arid climate has almost no any rainfall, and there is a big difference in temperature between day and night. In many regions, the daytime temperature...
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...Kenya is a beautiful country in East Africa and one of the most famous tourist destinations on the African continent which indeed has arguably some of the most of the beautiful sandy beaches in Africa. Millions of tourists from all over the world land in the country annually to sample attractions such as mountain climbing, beautiful scenery, pristine sandy beaches, historical and prehistoric sites, wildlife to golfing; this country offers everything for everyone. Below is a short step by step guide on the most important details you need to know before visiting magical Kenya. Peak/High Season: January to February and July to October. Mid-Season: October to December. Low Season: March to May. The Best Time of The Year to Travel to Kenya. The best time to visit Kenya for a beach holiday or safari is during the dry season which lasts from the month of July to October. At this particular time, the skies are clear, there is no rainfall and the sunshine is abundant. At the Kenyan coast, humidity can be high all year round at around 80 to 85% although this would mostly favor people escaping the harsh winters in Europe and North America....
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 4 No. 1; January 2014 Kenya’s Social Development Proposals and Challenges: Review of Kenya Vision 2030 First Medium-Term Plan, 2008-2012 Ezekiel Mbitha Mwenzwa Department of Social Sciences Karatina University P. O. Box 1951, Karatina, Kenya. Joseph Akuma Misati Department of Sociology Maasai Mara University P. O. Box 861 20500, Narok, Kenya. Abstract Kenya faces several development challenges including poverty, disease, unemployment, negative civic engagement among others. The development bottlenecks worsened following the introduction of the IMF/World Bank-propelled Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) of the late 1970s and early 1980s. While the SAPs had envisaged benefits, they largely became part of the problem rather than the solution to development in Kenya. Accompanying these were negative civic engagements, particularly, ethnic conflict and political maladministration especially after the re-introduction of multiparty politics in the early 1990s. These drawbacks notwithstanding, development planning went on culminating in the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERSWEC) 2003-2007 in 2002 and its successor, the Kenya Vision 2030 in 2007. While the former was implemented, the latter is on course with the First Five Year Medium-Term Plan running from 2008 to 2012 recently concluded. The blueprint is driven by three pillars, namely; The economic, social and...
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...TOPIC: ANALYSIS OF EQUITY SHARE CAPITAL AS A SOURCE OF FINANCE IN AN ORGANISATION RESEARCH PAPERS The 2 research papers under study are 1. The effect of CEO ownership and shareholder rights on cost of equity share capital. 2. What motivates seasoned equity offerings? Evidence from the use of issue proceeds. COST OF EQUITY CAPITAL AND ITS EFFECTS TO THE MANAGEMENT Introduction This paper investigates the cost of equity capital and its effects to the management which intends to hinder shareholders right. The purpose of which is to investigate whether managerial ownership affects the associations between the shareholders rights and the cost of equity capital. There are two variables in the article which can be clearly identified. The variables are; 1) The shareholders rights and 2) The cost of the equity capital. 1) THE SHAREHOLDERS Shareholders should have the right to discipline the managers, who are the employees of the organization, in the case of the mismanagement or the improper use of the funds. The shareholders have right to demand for the success of the organization through competing aggressively in order to gain profitability. The shareholders have right to elect and remove the management from the office and also to access or evaluate the books of accounts of the organization. 2) COST OF EQUITY CAPITAL Rate of return of equity Current market price and the nominal value of equity capital CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK THE AGENCY PROBLEMS: THE MANAGEMENT...
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...Public Policy and Administration Research ISSN 2224-5731(Paper) ISSN 2225-0972(Online) Vol.3, No.6, 2013 www.iiste.org Influence of Performance Contract on Public Service Delivery in Kenya: Study of Registration of Persons Kericho District 1. Thomas Gekonde School of Law Mount Kenya University, P.O Box 2591, Eldoret-Kenya Tel: +254 721 206 387, Email: t.gekonde@yahoo.com 2. Dr Pamela Ochieng, Associate Dean Mount Kenya University School of Post Graduate Studies, P.O. Box 2591, Eldoret, Kenya. Tel: + 254 722 577 037, Email: pamco23@yahoo.com 3. Professor Elim Lokapel Principal Mount Kenya University, P O. Box 2591, Eldoret, Kenya Tel: + 254 728-885-012, Email: elokapel@yahoo.com Abstract The study sought to investigate on the influence of performance contract on public service delivery in Kenya with specific reference to the department of registration of person in Kericho District using 2011 – 2012 public service delivery period as the base line. The study adopted a descriptive research design on a sample size of 222 respondents who were identified and selected through purposive and random convenient sampling techniques from a target population of 2040 respondents. Data collection was done by use of questionnaires as well as observation schedules. Collected data was sorted, cleaned, coded and analyzed by the aid of statistical package of social scientist programme (SPSS). Study findings were contently analyzed and presented in form of tables and...
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...8104: BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS Assignment #1: Concept Paper Presented by Paul Njaaga - 015118 Bryan Egessa - 09524 Moses Kihumba – 061619 Lemuel Mangla - 090716 Submitted: 2nd -October -2015 Research Topic The role that information systems can play in tackling security challenges in Kenya: Focus on digitizing the police occurrence books. Problem Statement Insecurity is amongst the top problems facing Kenya 50 years after independence. The widespread insecurity in developing countries can be attributed to poverty, corruption, unemployment and a big population of youths who are easily influenced by idealism and extremism (Koper, Christopher, et al, 2009). According to Goldman (2015) “The security challenges within Kenya are evident to Kenyans. There is need to pre-empt terror attacks, end localized violence, avert insurgencies and reduce crime.” Tackling the security problems in Kenya is going to take concerted efforts from varied sources and significant focus has been put in police reforms. The National Police Service Commission (NPSC) which was established under Article 246 of the constitution of Kenya, as part of several measures to ensure police reforms was tasked with among others duties, “Development and review of administrative procedures required for effective Police Reforms”, and “Ensure that the Service is efficient and effective” (The Constitution of Kenya, 2010). This paper will seek to propose the introduction of digital occurrence...
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...FACTORS AFFECTING PERFORMANCE OF COMMERCIAL BANKS IN KENYA BY MAURICE MUIRURI KAARIUKI A RESEARCH PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, DEGREE OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY. JULY, 2014 DECLARATION Declaration by the Researcher This research is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in any other University. No part of this study may be reproduced without prior authority of the author and/or Kenyatta University. Signature……………………………………………………… Date………………………. Maurice Muiruri Kariuki Declaration by the Supervisor This research proposal has been submitted for examination with my approval as the university supervisor. Signature……………………………………………………… Date………………………. Name (PhD.) School of Business ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I take this opportunity to express my gratitude and regards to Professor name (PhD.) for his guidance. I am indebted to all the persons and institutions that offered support, encouragement and prayers to me during the entire research. Lastly, I thank almighty, my parents, brother, sisters and friends for their constant encouragement without which this assignment would not be possible. ABSTRACT The study seeks to investigate the factors affecting performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The Background of the study reveals that there has been continued globalization and economic cooperation among the...
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...Draft Proposal on Impact Assessment of Urban Agriculture Research and Development in Nairobi By William Omoto Department of Research Development Nairobi Kenya 1. INTRODUCTION Background Kenya’s leading development challenges today include alleviation of poverty and environmental management in the context of rapid population growth and urbanization. Kenya’s population was 28.6 million people in 1999 and is expected to reach 43 million in the year 2020. According to the government statistics, the national level of absolute poverty increased from 44% in 1992 to 56% in 2002 (GoK 2002). Nairobi has registered the highest rate of urbanization (4.5%) with a population of 2.2m in 2000 projected to reach 3.2m in the year 2010. About 50% of people in Nairobi live below the absolute poverty line of Ksh. 2 648. As the urbanization trend continues, urban environments are deteriorating. Most of the urban poor are concentrated in the informal settlements where there are no infrastructure and services to address environmental problems and are engaged in urban agriculture. One of the biggest policy challenges today is the inclusion of environmental policy into urban policy. UPA can be an integral part of a set of policies for sustainable urban environmental management. Urban AF can play an especially vital role in waste management by transforming waste into food and fuel. Waste management approaches in place include waste collecting, sorting, treatment and recycling...
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...INTRODUCTION Background Information The importance of agriculture in Kenya cannot be over-emphasized since it forms the backbone of the country’s economy. Agriculture contributes directly 26 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and another 25 per cent indirectly. It supplies the manufacturing sector with raw materials, generates tax revenue that helps to support the rest of the economy and accounts for 65 per cent of Kenya’s total exports. It also employs over 40 per cent of the total population, and, over 70 per cent of the rural population depends on agriculture for their livelihood. The agriculture sector plays an important role in Kenya’s economy (Government of Kenya, 2009), and has been identified as a key driver to achieve the...
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...Actualizing Free Primary Education in Kenya for Sustainable Development by Mbatha Mathooko, Ph.D. pmathooko@yahoo.com Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya Abstract The right to education is one of the basic human rights stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948. In Kenya, this right has recently been livened through the launch of the Free Primary Education program (hence FPE) by the newly elected NARC government. The FPE program is faced with major challenges that range from lack of facilities, few teachers, over-age children, street children, no books, lack of finances and socio-cultural impediments such as HIV-AIDs. The FPE has been received with mixed feelings from different sections of the society. While some have expressed feelings of discontentment, failure, betrayal among others, many low income members of the population view it as a God sent opportunity. While a lot of concern has been raised, little has been advanced concerning the propagation of the actual learning itself. This paper seeks to underscore some of the pertinent issues concerning actual instruction in the FPE program. A glaring gap, which poses a major challenge to the success of the FPE, exists in terms of the language of instruction. The existing language policy disregards mother tongues as tools of disseminating knowledge and does very little to promote them. The paper suggests the training of teachers to equip them with skills in mother tongue instruction...
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...MOI UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BANKING AND FINANCE MBF 815: TERM PAPER TOPIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT AND CAPITAL FLIGHT IN KENYA (1970-2008) BY WILSON ODHIAMBO MU/MBF/015/12 GRACE NJOROGE MU/MBF/012/12 ALICE MAINA MU/MBF/041/12 LECTURER DR. NYAMONGO This research paper is submitted in partial fulfilment of the award of masters degree of Banking and Finance, Moi University OUTLINE 1. ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………..3 2. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………4 i) BACKGROUND OF STUDY…………………………………………………..4 3. PROBLEM STATEMENT..………………………………………………..…………...5 4. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY…...…………………………………………….………..…..6 5. HYPOTHESIS TESTED……………………………………………………………….6 6. LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………7 7. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…………..…………………………………………..8 8. EMPERICAL RESULTS……………………………………………………………....9 9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS….………………..………………...12 10. BIBLOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………….…….13 11. APPENDIX…………………………………………………………………….……..14 ABSTRACT In this paper we investigate the role of Foreign Direct Investment on Capital Flight. We use data from the World Bank on African Development indicators; Kenya 1970:2008. We use econometric technique in our analysis. Our literature survey reveal that key factors that explain capital flight are; net foreign direct investment, current account deficit, change in official reserve, and external debt. We expect our...
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...being in unemployment. Poverty is losing a child to illness brought about by unclean water. Poverty is powerlessness, lack of representation and freedom.” (World Bank, as cited in Lang 2007, p.31). More than three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day which is approximately half the world’s population. In 2005, the developing world had about 72 million children of primary school age not enrolled in school; of this 72 million, 57 percent of them were girls. Each year, 2.2 million children die because they lack immunisation (Globalissues.org, 2013). This essay will discuss the fundamental determinants of poverty with the two main contenders being geography and institution. It would also discuss the proximate determinants of poverty in Kenya. What causes poverty is an important question when trying to explain poverty, but it is not one which can easily be answered. These causes can be grouped into ‘proximate’, ‘intermediate’ and ‘fundamental’ causes of poverty. The proximate cause is the ‘nearest cause’ in the chain of causation, ABCDE. The fundamental cause is what sets the chain of causation in motion. The fundamental cause of E is A, and B, C and D are intermediate causes (Rycroft 2009, p.232). In order to design a policy to reduce poverty, identifying the fundamental causes of poverty is essential. When explaining the fundamental determinant of poverty, the two main contenders that cause a difference in the prosperity of countries are geography and institutions (Acemoglu...
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...PROJECT MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION TO RESEARCH TERM PAPER A report on the impact of Economic Stimulus Programme in Western Region Assignment Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Award of a Master of Science Degree in Project Management (MSc. Project Management) Olympia Muhanga Musonye Admission Number HD317-C004-2419/2013 23rd June 2013. 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 backgrounds The history of government implementation of economic stimulus to receive the economy goes back to the mid – 1930s, following the Great Depression, when Franklin D. Roosevelt of the US attempted to alleviate unemployment and national financial and business failures. During this time, many banks collapsed and consumer confidence became low (Lasse B. 2009). The Kenya Economic Stimulus Program (ESP) was initiated by the Government of Kenya to boost economic growth and lead the Kenyan economy out of a recession situation brought about by economic meltdown. The Kenyan ESP was introduced in the 2009/2010 Budget speech in parliament by the finance minister. Its main aim was to jumpstart the Kenyan economy towards long term growth and development, after the 2007/2008 post election violence that affected the Kenyan economy, prolonged drought, a rally in oil and food prices and the effects of the 2008/09 global economic crisis (Gok, 2009). The Kenyan development can only be sustainable if it is pursued based on principles of equity, good governance, environmental sustainability, and the provision...
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...INTRODUCTION The following paper will serve the purpose of analysing the policy response to HIV and AIDS in Kenya as a case study in East Africa. Kenya has the main organisation which facilitates and controls various HIV and aids policy strategic response which is the national aids control council (NACC). It is the mandate of the Kenya Ministry of Health (MoH) to deliver quality, affordable health care to all citizens of Kenya. Various strategic documents have outlined plans towards achieving this goal, including the Second National Health Sector Strategic Plan (NHSSP II, 2005-2010) and the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP, 2005-2010).They are various other documents which include the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2006 Sexual Offences Act, 2006 Children’s Act, 2001 Medical Laboratory Act, 1999 Science and Technology Act, 1980 Public Health Act (Cap 242) HIV prevalence in Kenya is estimated based on the Demographic and Health Survey (2003 and 2008/9), AIDS Indicator Surveys (KAIS 2007 and 2012) and Antenatal Clinic (ANC) sentinel surveillance. A trend analysis starting from 1990 shows that prevalence in the general population reached a peak of 10.5% in 1995‐96, after which it declined by about 40% to reach approximately 6.7% in 2003. Since then, the prevalence has remained relatively stable. The decline of the prevalence from 1995 to 2003 is partly attributed to high AIDS related mortality while the stabilisation of the epidemic in the last 10 years is...
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...SID 1223384 A PROPOSAL TO EVALUATE THE IMPACT THAT FOREIGN AID HAS HAD ON DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA RESEARCH STUDIES MOD001774 SHIRLEY JONES SID 1223384 FACULTY OF HEALTH, SOCIAL CARE AND EDUCATION 2012/13 1 SID 1223384 ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of foreign aid on development in Kenya. The study will investigate the effect that foreign aid has had on development, appraising its benefits as well as exposing its shortcomings. Judging from the level of aid that the developing world receives and the economic development that takes place in third world countries, there appears to be an inverse relationship between aid and development. With this continuing debate, my interest of study has been to find out foreign aid’s impact to development in Kenya as it is dependent of aid but poverty still seems impossibility in the country for many decades. Therefore, the study will seek to expose these pitfalls of foreign assistance to a nation’s growth and development, using the Kenyan example to illustrate this relationship. The prevailing research methodology shall be of a qualitative positivist nature. Debates still exist around foreign aid dependency and economic development in the “Third World” countries as despite the input from developed countries there hasn’t been much change witnessed in the developing nations which are still drowning in poverty since 1960’s. The study will highlight on the demerit of excess foreign aid has development whereby...
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