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Essay On Oppression And Resistance

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The event I chose to attend was a panel discussion that was held at York. This panel included three authors, whom were activists for different movements surrounding Black lives. The discussion was very informative for me personally because some of the things they said, had resonated very strongly with me due to the powerful words they used. In the beginning they discussed how as activists, one of the jobs is to always think critically. This is very important because you never know the motive behind someone’s actions as well as without critical thinking, history may repeat itself. Another aspect they discussed was that this issue was an intergenerational issue. The problems surrounding Black lives have been part of many generations, therefore …show more content…
It was incredible watching the faces around me as the panellists spoke, it included faces of wonder and learning, as well as, faces of pride. This event links to many topics in the course, some include oppression, resistance, and intersectionality. This event links to the concept of oppression because they discussed the historical aspect of oppression towards the Black community, both through systems such as the government including education, in addiction too oppression caused by racism and stereotyping which caused harm to many people. The resistance aspect is where this event really shined; they spoke about standing up for yourself, for seeing the value of critical reflection, as well as how we need to hold each other accountable. The resistance aspect of this panel is where I could tell everyone really focused on. The energy in the room was unexplainable, I had brought my partner to the event with me and he sat there with eyes wide open. It really resonated with him, and he told me that he learned a lot from this event. This panel spoke about the ongoing exploitation of the Black community and as I sat there, trying to think critically while also paying attention to what they were speaking about, all I could imagine was the bias of the media on topics surrounding Black

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