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Essay On Snorkeling

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The best snorkeling in Florida
Florida state is located at the Southeast end of the USA. The state is an extremely popular tourist destination beloved for nice sunny weather all year round and dozens of great beaches.
Florida snorkeling offers serene clean blue waters and lots of interesting things to explore nearby the shore. Big variety of sponges, corals, and sea fans are home to schools of rainbow tropical fish, crabs, rays and shells. Florida is an excellent place to encounter dolphins and manatees. Florida coral reef begins from around Miami and runs South along the Florida Keys.
The Best Places To Snorkel In Florida
Panama City Beach welcomes visitors with silky white quartz sand and clear emerald green waters. This Gulf beach is an incredible place to combine family rest and snorkeling. The rocky jetty near St. Andrews State Park provides easy and comfortable snorkeling. The jetty may …show more content…
Rock jetties are habitat for diverse marine life including quite big fish. This is the spot to meet dolphins and manatees. The current is strong so beginners and kids should not snorkel along the rocky edge by exploring the sheltered lagoon. A walk through Sebastian Inlet State Park, one of Florida’s top-rated parks, will be a great bonus to beach rest and snorkeling.
The following interesting Florida snorkeling spot is Bathtub Reef located in the similarly-named park on Hutchinson Island’s South coast nearby Stuart. The reef is popular as it is made by the tubeworms and its rocks look like honeycomb. Water is well protected from waves by Bathtub Reef hence the site is good for snorkeling with kids.
Red Reef Park public beach placed in Boca Raton provides a well-equipped facilities, however, an admission fee is applied. The rock reef lies just nearby the shoreline and offers a lovely snorkeling at high tide. The Red Reef is good for snorkeling with kids as the deep is up to 6 feet

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