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Essay On The Anonymous Civil War

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The Infamous Civil War Many accidents, injuries, and casualties occurred during The Killer Angels Civil War. This vicious battle of the Union Army and Confederate Army ended in 51,000 sold1iers. They were either wounded, killed, or missing. The most bloodiest war, The Civil War was taken place in Gettysburg, since this was the most significant war with many deaths and wounded soldiers they had open hospitals nearby and many ways to help treat these wounds. Compared to today many of the soldiers that were wounded in The Civil would have lived because they did not have the tools we have to today and disinfection medicines. In the Civil War most people would get infected, for using the same tools that other surgeons used to amputate soldiers …show more content…
Chamberlain said he did not feel pain nor know that he was shot, Chamberlain had even checked for a hole in his shoe and did not find one. On page 224 he starts noticing that he was losing lots of blood. Chamberlain found out because he started feeling light headed and weak. Chamberlain had to stop the bleeding so he placed pressure onto his foot with cloth. Buster Kilrain was another soldier wounded in the Civil War. Buster Kilrain was shot under the armpit on page 218. Buster Kilrain felt lots of blood loss and was weak, to help stop the blood loss Kilrain placed stuffed a white cloth into the hole. Kilrain had to keep pressure on his wound to stop blood loss. After Kilrain was taken to a Surgeon the Surgeon would then cut open Kilrains armpit and remove the bullet from his armpit. After removing the bullet surgeons would place band-aids to support healing the shot. On page 37 another historical wound occurred during the Civil War. Hood was shot on the hand. To help heal Hood’s wound Surgeons would amputate Hood’s arm. To amputate Surgeons used large sharp saws,knives, and scissors. Saws were used to remove large body parts. Amputating knives were used to cut into soft tissues during amputations. Scissors were used for cutting certain tissue with a more careful purpose and cutting bandage materials. All

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